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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. MIZZ tisdale!
  2. I THINK he was but ....can't remember. I'll try to remember to mention it if/when I come across it!
  3. I think the name of the Duke's GOAT was Rodney!
  4. I really ddn't think I was ....but....WOW!! Maybe I'll try again!
  5. crank case
  6. U2 Cousin Roger!
  7. Like I've said, I've got the cartoons on a DVD and I haven't been able to get all the way through one of them! They are boring and basically carbon copies of each other!!
  8. I was just thinking....if you look at my family on both sides....I bet I've got 50-60 cousins!!
  9. U2 cousin!!
  10. Flat 6 !!
  11. DENVER pyle
  12. Bandit ( Bo )
  13. GAS!!
  14. nature!
  15. you too cousin!!
  16. TDOH was Xtra fun and a place most people would want to live! I'm about to go live there in a few minutes myself!
  17. aisatsu!  Konbenwa!

  18. double
  19. Do you remember mr. VENABLE and his daughter?
  20. Well he needs to remember how bad my Dolphins are....EVERY year!
  21. It IS amazing isn't it? I don't have the talent or patience for stuff like that, so I'm always impressed when I see things like this!
  22. Hey, where's Garrett been. I hope he's ok!
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