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Hobie Hartkins

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Posts posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. 15 hours ago, RogerDuke said:

    So Hobie, prioritize those 3. What's the number one reason you watch BH? 

    Hathaway the Hottie and Granny! :) 


    I saw one the other night, where Jed wished Mr. Drysdale a Happy Groundhog Day and Ms. Hathaway said...." But Chief....Ground Hog's Day is in February!" Drysdale said, " Ms. Hathaway, when a man like Jed Clampett has $ 85 million dollars in your bank and he says it's Ground Hog's Day......IT'S GROUND HOG'S DAY!!  LOL! :) 

  2. 15 hours ago, RogerDuke said:

    The same thing happens at the Moonshine 400. I've finished ahead of Hobie the last 3 years now and he's starting to get irritated so there could be trouble next race. I'm better than him at MarioKart too. He always finishes 12 and I finish 11th. 

    That's only because I usually run out of shine half way through the race! LOL!! :) 

  3. On 3/19/2023 at 8:45 PM, RogerDuke said:

    You can't fool me Hobie. There are 3 reasons you watch Beverly Hillbillies. 1) Ellie May lays out beside the cement pond in her one piece bathing suit 2) You think Miss Hathaway a hottie 3) You hope Granny will slip up and reveal her recipe to her rheumatiz medicine. 

    Fellow Hazzardites.......!! I have been NAILED!! :) 


  4. How about one of my favorites? It's from Hazzard Horror , when somebody stole Boss' silver and Rosco looked at the door and said, " There's no sign of forced entry. That may mean it's an inside job."  Then boss says


     " You mean somebody's wheedled their way into my confidence, by pretending to be loyal, trustworthy and honest and now they've dropped the mask and done me dirt??!!

    Ha! Ha! I LOVE it!!  :) 

    p.s.  I'm watching it now and eating pizza! It's not Friday night but nothing to do tomorrow so.....3 out of 4*  ain't bad! :) 


    1. DOH

    2. pizza

    3. nothing to do tomorrow

    4. Friday night! 

  5. 5 hours ago, RogerDuke said:

    Hobie has never heard of a flea circus? I can't be friends with you anymore Hobie. You are way too cultured and  sophisticated for me. 

    That's good one! LOL! When I wanted to be more cultured, I started studying The Beverly Hillbillies!  :) 

  6. 1 hour ago, HossC said:

    The Dukes

    And replied to his own post! Unless the thread needs kick-starting after a long period of inactivity, can we please take turns?

    Also, Skipper, please post something we have a chance of replying to. "Jerry Dandridge (Fright Night) and Regine Dandridge (Fright Night II)" does not fit into the easy to reply to category. I'd have to google those names even to know who they are. Keep it simple!

    American Family!

  7. 5 hours ago, RogerDuke said:

    Hobie went from waltz to vampire? 

    Okay, we'll just go with Skipper's response and I'll say.....

    TOM and JERRY 

    I don't know what happened!!!! ( I must've left my mind out there on Uncle Jesse's back 40!! :) ) 

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