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Hobie Hartkins

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Posts posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. I'll take the soapbox for a minute since MaryAnne's not looking. I already vented my spleen in the last Newsletter with an editorial about the whole NASCAR snub of the General Lee. But I wanna respond to C.D. here about the NAACP a little more.

    First, a lot of things the NAACP does, are positive. But they have a mission against he rebel flag. It was the NAACP that put enough pressure against the State of Georgia, some umpteen years ago, that Georgia altered their state flag to appease them.

    That powerful victory set a precedent that continues today.The NAACP will never cease it's attack on the rebel flag. In fact I remember some scuttlebutt years ago about a John and Tom concert that was cancelled because the NAACP called up the city and said they'd boycott the town or something if there was a General Lee on that theater stage. My memory on this is sketchy, but I wrote the homepage article about it for HNet years ago, so you'd think I'd remember. I can't recall if the NAACP thing was disproven or if they refused to comment or what.

    Anyway. I have a rebel flag as an avatar here on HazzardNet. Someday, I may be personally be challenged by some zealot who's on a seek-and-destroy mission against the rebel flag. HazzardNet itself, as a whole, may someday find itself on the defensive about the display of the rebel flag in our logos and banners.

    But I understand why it upsets some people, so if any such confrontation arises, we'll handle it diplomatically.

    And if The Dukes of Hazzard comes under attack as a whole, we will not remain silent. How could we? Because we'd be next at HazzardNet; as would the Confederate General Lee fan club or any other group or website that inferred anything politically incorrect, such as the display of yon rebel flag, or the preservation of orange clunker cars adorned with said flag, or the promotion of a tv show that refuses, after all these years, to fade away into memory, and take the rebel flag with it.

    Yeehaa, my friends.

    The people who bow down to the National American Communist Party ( It was started by a WHITE communist W.E.B. Dubois) show how weak they are. The word racist even means Race- genotypical description of your physique, and ist-belonging to or being a member of a certain group or party! See? Everybody's a RACE IST! Don't play their game! This is all B.S.! John Schneider once said that the Confederate flag didn't mean then what it does now....meaning when they first started the show. That's ridiculous! The flag is close to 150 yrs. old and it means NOW what it meant THEN!!

  2. I like the part in this episode where Bo and Luke stop at the road block, and Enos goes to talk to them. Rosco says "Enos, what in Billy Blue Heck are you doin'?"

    I was wondering, in this episode, "Shoulders" is played by Med Flory...has he ever done anything else? I can't find him anywhere! I guess maybe that one episode was his ' "15 minutes"!

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