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Hobie Hartkins

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Everything posted by Hobie Hartkins

  1. Hey, you guys would've gotten a big kick out of this! This guy , some Yankee or something, from California, who was from who knows where, who now lives in Nashville and is on a talk show locally, commented on one of the races, when someone mentioned Kevin Harvick. He said he had no idea who Kevin Harvick was and then he later said he wished he' never said anything, because so many people called him and got down on him for not knowing who Harvick was!! LOL!!! I thought it was funny!! ( I bet he knows now!! )
  2. I thought they were ok but were a real let down. After all the fancy packaging, I expected something better!
  3. Rent, is when you pay every month, to live somewhere but you don't own it, EVER! Mortgage, is when you pay every month and then after years of paying your mortgage every month, you're paid up and don't pay anymore! You OWN it!
  4. Mortgage ( A Mortgage is written on paper!)....the Dukes alway tried to get their mortgage paid on time!) * I was going to say paper mache, paper in my tree.....but I'm not sure what it was, that boss said, in the Christmas episode where those guys robbed him and he was trying to convince them that his stuff wasn't worth anything! He said, " It doesn't mean nothing, it's just...paper mache....paper in my tree???".....sounds crazy, but listen to it and it sounds like that's what he's saying! Listen to it and tell me what you think it sounds like.....
  5. I feel the same way PJ! I think now that Jimmy Best is gone...it's over! They had a reunion movie when Sorrell died, another when Denver died, but I don't see another one coming now!!
  6. Money...Boss Hogg's favorite subject!
  7. Right on Roger! I feel the same way about those commercials...I like seeing Bo n luke, but they would NEVER trade the General for another car! Remember this line?......" It wouldn't seem right not having a General in the family".......when Luke was hypnotized into believing the General was a piece of junk?
  8. AMEN!!! This is a BIG +1!!! ( They made one reunion movie after Boss died....made another one after Uncle Jesse died.......nah....surely not!)
  9. Right now...they're showing 2 back to back starting at 9 a.m. central time
  10. 16th....STILL.....better than she's been doing!
  11. I still can't believe Danica got 7th place ....WOW!! That's probably her best finish!
  12. You don't run in to that kind of talent in actors, much today! He and sorrell were a vanishing breed!
  13. I even heard one of them ( can't remember John or Tom, or where I saw it!) say that they had the look but the only real actors were Jimmy, Sorrell and Denver and that they learned a lot about acting from them!
  14. Boss Hogg! ( He was the biggest man in Hazzard!...lol!! )
  15. That was good but sad. I can't explain why but his death grabs me more than Sorrell's or Denver's.......
  16. Ok...here ya go folks....this is a simple run down of the entire situation but there's more to it than this, but this will give you the basic truth. When the U.S. was founded, merchants from Europe, bought slaves from black slave holders in Africa. ( Yes, they enslaved their own people!) They got them very cheap and sold them on average for $1500! That's not in today's money, that's back then!! You had to be very rich to own slaves! As the slave trade progressed in this country ( U.S.A.), poor whites were having to compete with slave labor. When produce and animals were brought to market, the rich whites could sell more cheaper, than the poor whites, because of their cheap slave labor! ( Kind of like a mom and pop store vs. Walmart!) This resulted in resentment from the poor whites, trying to make a living. The people in both the North and the South, who opposed slavery, formed ant-slavery societies, which produced propaganda and had rallies, etc. to denounce slavery. I have the exact figures, somewhere, but off hand, there were like 132 anti-slavery societies in the south and about 90 some odd in the North! How could that be, if everybody in the south wanted slavery? People in the South hated slavery more than people in the North! This is because there were more slaves in the south, because the whites in the North couldn't get much work out of them, because of the cold! They were first generation Africans, right off the boat! When the whites couldn't get work out of the Africans, they spent so much money on, they put them on rafts and sent them down south and sold them to the southerners, because the climate in the South is like that in Africa, hot and humid. Hence the term, " They sold me down the river", meaning someone betrayed you. The south, was more of an agricultural land and the north had the developing industry, during the Industrial Revolution, where there was the development of the mass production line in factories, the structured workweek, and many mechanical inventions were made during this time. The Federal government took up taxes from all its citizens, just like today. Then they handed out the money to the states for bridges, roads, schools etc. The south was not receiving its fair share of the money that they were sending to the Federal government. The Federals were claiming the south was rural and country and didn't need as much of the money as the north, so they refused to give the south their fair share. This was around 1832 or so. This set up the cold war between the North and the South. This feud kept going until finally Lincoln stationed troops in the South and of course the south wasn't going to stand for that and....there ya go! The War Betweeen The States!! This is the politically INcorrect version. If you follow the fairy tales, then you know the evil south wanted slaves and the righteous north didn't and tried to save the poor slaves. However, less than 2% of the pop. could even afford slaves and the whites in the south hated slavery, because it threatened their livelyhood, so it wouldn't make sense to fight to the death for something you were against! In war,the victor writes the history and the Yankees won and they were in the wrong, so they covered their rear, by making up stuff that most people believe to this day, but common sense will show anyone that it just couldn't be the way they claimed it was! I hope this helped! God Bless!
  17. Loser....Boss always lost out to the Dukes!
  18. Most definitely! if you ask me Sorrell and Jimmy made the show, which is strange, because the first two you think of are Bo and Luke!
  19. That sounds just like something Jimmy would say and do....he was that kind of man! Looking out for others just came natural for him! Muffin, I'm sure you're exactly right!!
  20. Wow! That's neat! I never realized that, but you're right!! That's wild! Thanks for bringing that up!!
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