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Everything posted by HossC

  1. Every time I listen to the Jean Ritchie song 'The L & N Don't Stop Here Anymore' (I have versions by Johnny Cash and Michelle Shocked) I think of the Dukes because of this verse: I was born and raised at the mouth of the Hazard Holler Where the coal cars rolled and rumbled past my door But now they stand in a rusty row of all empties Because the L & N don't stop here anymore It was written many years before DoH, and I assume refers the Hazard, Kentucky as she grew up in a house in the Cumberland Mountains. That doesn't stop me imagining the Dukes growing up with coal cars rumbling by when I hear it.
  2. I checked out 'serious' on thesaurus.com: Main Entry: serious Part of Speech: adjective Definition: crucial, weighty Synonyms: arduous, dangerous, deep, difficult, far-reaching, fateful, fell, formidable, grave, grievous, grim, hard, heavy, important, laborious, major, meaning business, meaningful, menacing, momentous, no joke, no laughing matter, of consequence, operose, out for blood, playing hard ball, pressing, severe, significant, smoking, sobering, strenuous, strictly business, threatening, tough, ugly, unamusing, unhumorous, urgent, worrying I think formidable, major or maybe even severe Dukes fan sound more like you Roger:).
  3. Here's four of the ones already mentioned - I'm sure there's more out there. Maybe this thread needs moving to the Sorrell/Boss forum - what do you think admin?
  4. Here you go Roger - just click the link below: http://www.hazzardnet.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7867
  5. Rick appeared in the double-length season 6 opener of MASH (Fade Out, Fade In) in 1977. He played a character called Capt. Schaeffer who told Klinger (Jamie Farr) that he was a lawyer, and could help him get the Section 8 (discharge from the United States military for reason of being mentally unfit for service) he so wanted. I won't spoil the plot by posting the outcome:). He is also credited on IMDb as appearing in season 7, but this hour long show (Our Finest Hour) was mainly made up of clips from previous shows, and hence he did not receive a screen credit for this one. Here's a couple of pics:
  6. @Roger Back on MASH - as well as Sorrell Booke appearing twice in the first season (see picture in the Sorrell/Boss section), Rick Hurst also appeared twice, once in season 6, and once in season 7. I'll have a look through his section later and post some pics if no-one else has.
  7. They're all supposed to be Dukes questions, but I know what you mean;). Did you do both or just the first?. #4 is now done, but I'm stuggling a bit with #5 - I usually find if I sleep on it, it gets easier in the morning. To Roger and anyone else playing - if you're stuck, let me know - I'm not putting the solutions up yet, but I'm quite happy giving extra clues to help you finish.
  8. I think Uncle Jesse would like the doctors in MASH. They might enjoy the company of the nurses, but then Bo and Luke like the ladies. Aside from that they brew their own alcohol (gin not 'shine), have a strong view of right and wrong and fight injustice and discrimination when they see it. They also have strong family bonds, whether it be Hawkeye with his father, or BJ with his wife and daughter etc. etc.. Initially when I read your post I thought you meant Gerry Anderson's 60s series Stingray (the same guy that did Joe 90 and Thunderbirds etc.). Then I checked IMDb and assume you mean the 80s Stephen J. Cannell show which I don't remember making it to the UK (we had a lot of American shows in the 80s). I watched Dallas avidly for one of the middle seasons, then strangely igonored it afterwards. Saw some of Charlie's Angels. The A-team is another show I think I watched all of, although I only have season 2 on DVD, and I wasn't keen on the last season when they were working for the government. Believe it or not the A-Team movie only opens here this Friday (only 2 months after you!) - did you get a chance to see it?. I'm hoping to watch it this weekend sometime.
  9. I do watch them in order - it wouldn't feel right otherwise. The only exception I make is watching bits of episodes to double-check trivia. This is only my second time through my DVDs (7 seasons + reunion films), and I only started this time because they were showing the 2005 film on TV a couple of months back. I've seen it once before, but this time I got ten minutes into it before deciding enough was enough and dug out season 1. At the time I had only just finished watching my 11 season box set of MASH for the second time.
  10. Hi there VintageDuke. I'm kinda new here myself, but it's good to see someone (like me) who gets straight into the swing and starts posting right away. I don't think we had the Mego figures in the UK, so thanks for the pics. I think the only DoH stuff I had back then was 2 or 3 model car cases for the 1:64 vehicles - chances are they're probably still in my parents' attic:). Keep up the good work.
  11. I'm watching season 5 now, and was going to put my 2 cents in, but it looks like it's all been said. I have to say I'm on the side of Roger (et al) - Coy and Vance did what they had to do. I'm about half way through their run, and after I'd got used to them, and they'd settled in, I found no problem enjoying their episodes (same happens each time I watch season 5). Now don't get me wrong - I'm still looking forward to Bo and Luke's return, but the ones I'm watching are alright. They are part of the show, love 'em or loathe 'em, they always will be. What I will say is what a well mannered, polite debate this has been. Coy and Vance really polarise opinion like nothing else on DoH, and I didn't see a cross word or insult traded - well done everyone, it's good to see people on the internet who can accept that someone else can hold an opposing viewpoint without resorting to swearing and personal jibes. Don't know how many of you have seen it, but I found this video of Coy failing to get into the General (apparently during an audition) on YouTube.
  12. Hi Cookies, nice to have another member on the Emerald Isle. I'm south of the border in Kilkenny.
  13. Thanks for your continued support Roger. I have contacted MaryAnne about posting the crosswords in an easy-to-print format (not that that's going to help you:(), and plans are under way - watch this space. What do you think I should do about solutions?. Should I post a solution grid here or in it's own thread, or should people post their solutions within this thread?. I don't want to spoil your week, but there's another crossword ready to post, and a 4th that's about 98% done. I'll probably leave posting until at least the weekend to give people a chance to do the first 2. They have been very enjoyable to put together scouring HazzardNet, Wikipedia, IMDB etc. to find possible words to include, then watching though episodes to double check them.
  14. HossC

    My Cousin Vinny

    I always enjoy watching this film - it's one of those films that I have on DVD, but still watch when it comes on TV. First there's the cast - Joe Pesci, Marisa Tomei, Ralph (Karate Kid) Macchio, and the final film appearance of Fred Gwynne. Then there's the '64 Buick Skylark convertible and Vinny's Series 62 Caddy. Finally the defense case relies heavily on lots of technical car stuff. There's definitely something sexy about a woman quoting car stats (not that I find it hard thinking of Marisa Tomei as attractive:)). 'Top Gear' in the UK had Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz on as guests this week, and Jeremy Clarkson (the host) made Cameron talk about carburetors.
  15. Hi Earl, don't worry about mixing us up - I've only been around a couple of weeks myself. Unfortunately you did make me jealous with your car list - aside from the General I love Mustangs, especially the 60s fastbacks. I don't know the Mercury (if you hadn't noticed, I'm on the other side of 'the pond'), but I'll check it out.
  16. Chalk up 3 new converts to Smokey and the Bandit. I've just shown it to 3 twentysomethings (some born 10 years after it came out - boy does that make me feel old), and they all loved it. We do a cultural exchange - they show me modern horror stuff, and I bring 'round great car/truck/road movies - I think I'm winning. We did Convoy 2 weeks ago, Every Which Way But Loose last week and SATB this week, will probably do Any Which Way You Can, Gone in 60 Seconds (1974) or SATB 2 next week. @bush tucker man (from nearly 5 years ago, but I know he's still about). There is now a replica of Snowman's rig - pics and story here: http://smokeyandthebanditmodels.com/Snowman_s_Truck.php For those of you still wondering about John Schneider's part in SATB I posted some screen grabs in another thread - they're attachments, so you'll have to be logged in to see them. http://www.hazzardnet.com/forums/showthread.php?p=187341#post187341 Now, if only Sally Field would ask me to take my hat off ...
  17. Hi Earl, welcome to HazzardNet. May I fall straight into cliche and ask 'how's karma treating you?' - sorry couldn't resist:). On a more serious level, and at the risk of making myself jealous, what muscle cars do you have?
  18. @coronet440 I don't know what your stone carving skills are like, but it looks as though you have room for one of these on your ranch:). (Taken from the end credits of 'The Dukes Story: Building the Legend', one of the DVD extras on season 4).
  19. Happy Birthday Jimmie. It's was great to find that you are a member of this forum, and I hope you still find the time visit these pages. Another Q & A session would be wonderful.
  20. That's probably the easiest way - you could just scroll up and down while filling out the grid in your trusty (paper) notebook - the grid you need is 25 squares wide x 19 squares high. It would be great to make it interactive, but I don't think likely/possible in a forum (unless the moderators know differently). Should I publish the answers in this thread, or a separate thread so you don't see them accidentally? How soon do you want answers?
  21. I think we got the new series later than you guys - it was shown sometime last summer if I remember correctly. I watched several episodes and thought they relied too much on the special effects. Like other posts here I didn't like KITT changing to a pickup and back - color changes are OK. I haven't seen the original for a while, but I seem to recall KITT becoming a full convertible without much explanation as well as the strange changes in Pursuit Mode - I never got those changes either. In standard form I thought the new black Mustang was pretty cool though. By the way, it looks like there's going to be a new KR film in 2012, although I can't find any info at the moment.
  22. Nice car - I haven't got a Coronet in my model collection: http://www.hazzardnet.com/forums/showthread.php?p=187335#post187335 I think they only do '67, '69 and '70 in 1:18. Sadly the models are as close as I'm likely to get to owning a car like this due to finances and living in Ireland.

  23. You just separate out the colors, cut out each one separately, then overlay them (I spent 10 years in the sign business). Nowadays it would probably be printed. I like what you've done with your place. If there are any Hazzard signs you want copied, and your friend still has his cutter, PM me with a screen grab and I'll see what I can do.
  24. I found this in the same book as I got the early pic of Sorrell. I think it's the only time I've seen Denver without any facial hair. The caption claims it to be from 1958, although IMDB gives the film (Good Day For A Hanging) as 1959. Apparently he plays Deputy Ed Moore.
  25. It's probably 2 years too late, but here's my version of the Boars Nest sign. I did it because I was thinking of getting it printed on a T-shirt. The artwork is all in outline, so it could easily be cut in vinyl, or scaled large for printing. You'll see I used it for my avatar. PM me if it's any use.
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