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Meadowmufn last won the day on June 28

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About Meadowmufn

  • Birthday 12/25/1973

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  • Biography
    As Rosco would say, I'm the Head Concho around here.
  • Location
    In Hot Pursuit!
  • Interests
    Keeping this place working.
  • Occupation
    HazzardNet Admin/Supreme Superior Commander

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  1. Pretty sure they're only here to surreptitiously spam. They had a teeny tiny link in their latest post, so I dropped the ban hammer.
  2. That's the exact line that always gets a lump in my throat and my eyes tear up.
  3. ...for the county. Wichita Lineman makes me sad. One of my dad's early jobs was as a lineman for PacBell. It hits even harder now that he's in a nursing home after his stroke. I hear you singing in the wire I can hear you through the whine And the Wichita lineman Is still on the line
  4. Happy 4th, Hazzard Style! Enjoy working today, Hoss.
  5. Rosco plowing through the fruit stand during "can't stay in their lane" makes me laugh every single time. ๐Ÿคฃ
  6. That "Yeehaw!" in the beginning was just a happy accident in timing. The rest were pretty much planned. That was so much fun to do, but I'm tired. I was up til about 2:30am working on it. ๐Ÿ˜†
  7. I updated the forum software today. If you find any weirdness, post about it in this topic so I can check it out.
  8. I made a thing. ๐Ÿ˜
  9. GUY, as in Waldron, creator of the show.
  10. Deck the halls with boughs of holly...
  11. I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas. We had BBQ this year and it was delicious. Plus, we got to spend it with family this year, first time in 2 years.
  12. Thanks, everyone! I had a good birthday, despite some rough times my family has been going through. Looking forward to the new year.
  13. We had snow here at the Mufn homestead a few weeks back, but looks like we won't have snow for Christmas. Might have some a few days later though. Wishing you all a happy, healthy Christmas and New Year.
  14. Hoss and Boss are right, accuracy on quotes is important. Skipper, I also agree with Hoss regarding the number and frequency of posts. It dilutes the important discussions to just post every thought that comes into your head and this is not the place for that. If you continue to spam off-topic posts, I will have to limit the number of posts you can make daily.
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