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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Well I have to ask it...what you think of the race? Stewart won for you...though I think if Gordon had another few laps he woulda won it. Bummer! LOL. I was really pulling for Gordon, but it was better than what I thought it was going to be for him when he kept going backward through the first half or so of the race. Steve Letarte must have fixed his car a lot more to his liking. I would definately take a second place finish and am very happy with it, though am kinda disappoitned that it didn't push him up any farther in points...still a hundred and t hree points behind Martin.California is next which Johnson is really good at, hopefully

  2. Congratulations BL on being the fan of the month! You deserve it!
  3. OK I will post one more thought and then I will let you alone for today. LOL. I hope I am not bombarding you too much with allt his posting or boring you. Once I start, I can't stop!

    I was thinking the other day about the races in the chase and came to the conclussion that they are missing a track that I think deserves to be in the chase. Bristol! What you think?

    I will have to look at your writing...I bet you are better t han what you think ;). Mine aren't all that good either most likely. Just something I enjoy doing.

    HOpe you enjoy the race on Sunday. Hopefully Edwards will have a good race for you!

  4. Charlie is awesome...and Larry is Larry. LOL. I do like Larry now, I really do miss him when he is not on the show. I like Colby...I loved in the episode a couple of weeks ago when they were staking out Cal-Sci for Charlie on one of his hunches. Colby and David where doubting charlie and thinking they were wasting their time when who they were looking for arrived and Colby said, "Why do we waste time doubting Charlie?" It cracked me up.

    Their characters are great. Wasn't a big Amita fan as well, but I have grown to like her and do admit her and Charlie make a good pair. :) I think David is awesome as well. He is quiet and has this sense of calmness about him and yet is strong and has authority all at the same time.

    Am bummed out that I missed the episode tonight, though I did tape it so hopefully I can watch it tomorrow night.

  5. Woo hoo! Converting you to Gordon...there is hope for you afterall. ;) Just joking, though wouldn't be too bad if you would turn to Gordon (that way I wouldn't feel too bad for talking about him all the time LOL). Eh, no matter how great it would be for you to turn to Gordon, Edwards needs your support as well.

    Yeah it is great that he has the hospital and that he too has his foundation that he works to earn money for and all that.

  6. A few years ago, Kyle Petty came to a town near me in his motorcycle (can't think of what he called it) but it was to support that. I guess it was him and several drivers that toured around the country on motorcycles. I got to go, but really didn't see anything. A bunch of people drove in on motorcycles wearing helmets so you couldn't see who was who and if they didn't have helmets (Though I am sure they did) they didn't look at us. Though I think Petty did take his helmet off and looked around - but they could have done something else earlier because in the mall where it was at, it gave an earlier time than what the radio had said. So who knows. But they were throwing souviners out to the crowd - I got a bandana and then bought a shirt to help support it. It was neat, but was wishing to see who they were and all that. (I want to say that Kenny Shrader was there, but am unsure. I know he travels with Kyle sometimes...then again, I could be wrong about that too.)

  7. I will have to go look at the picture to see if it is Gordon :D. I didn't see it the first time. I would love to see mroe pictures. Thank-you for posting them.

    I do like to see the drivers or anyone in the position to do charities and all that. I know several of the drivers do have foundations and all that. I really like the Victory Junction Gang for what it is for and how it got started and why. Did you hear the story behind that?

  8. I doubt that is much comfort, but that is about all I can think of what is going on.They all have their years where nothing goes wrong then the years where everythign seems to go wroong. Hopefully things will start to settle out for Edwards.

    Then look at poor Jr. I don't know what his deal is that is going so wrong. All his teammates are having a good year as is Stewart and Newman who have Hendrick engines. Hopefully they can get something figured out. I think he has improved though since Eury Jr left...or maybe it is just me.

    Talking about Hendrick, at the end of that article...of the first page, they had room for members to comment and there were several that said that Hendrick cheats or his drivers cheats. One singled Johnson out. ERRRR. How can they say they cheat? With all the officials and testing and all that, I don't see where and how any of the drivers cheat and then get away with it.

  9. I don't know what is up with Edwards...last year he had nine wins and so far he has gone winless and hasn't really done anything. Though he must have done something to be in the top twelve. I guess they all have their ups and downs in their seasons. Look at Gordon. In '07 he came into the chase over 400 points over everyone else and had six wins with a fifth place average finish of the season only to come in second due to Johnson having more wins...but we won't go there ;)...and then look at his '08 where he went winless and came in seventh in points. This year he only has only one win so far but has had consistent finishes and has been more competitive. Gordon had horrible back problems that he said slowed him down last year, so maybe there is something going on with Edwards that he isn't saying. (Gordon didnt' say anything about his back, until this year when he went to get it treated - at least of what I heard.)

  10. Sorry I read that and instantly thought of sharing it with you. Gotta love his sense of humor. I love Johnson but part of me doesn't want him to get his fourth title this year because that would tie him with Gordon and part of me doesn't want to see him pass Gordon. Very selfish of me since I do love Johnson and all. But Gordon will always be my favorite no matter what.

    Gordon is having a good season and am excited for him! I hope he can at least move up in points...I feel like his points position doesn't really show how good his season has been. He needs at least another win or two before the season is through (I think at least) I want to see him at least compete for the title and not from where he is now. Now I am almost fearing that he is too far out to really get there, but he still has eight races to go to catch up. *Fingers crossed*

  11. OK I am at NASCAR.com right now and reading an article on Jimmie Johnson and they are wondering if it is possible for him to catch up with Richard Petty and Earnhardt Sr for seven titles. It is an interesting article thus far (Jimmie don't think he can do it) but they asked him about Dover, I guess him and Martin got warned that their car was too close to being "tolerance" limits in several levels. Someone asked him where he got the car last week (don't know exactly who asked it - perhaps Bruton Smith for they were quoting him right before it) and I love Jimmie's reply. It cracked me up.

    Here it is:"I try not to pay attention to what goes on too much," Johnson said Wednesday. "I'm not that smart. I just go in circles and try to come back to the same place."

  12. OK I guess I just lied. I like Dog Whisperer...don't know if you'd call that a reality TV show though. Cesar goes around and helps troubled dogs. He is awesome with dogs and isn't afraid to say it how it is. LOL.

  13. YAY another NUMB3RS fan! :D I love Numb3rs and look forward to Friday nights to watch it. I love Charlie. I think he is my favorite though I hate math. LOL. I also like Don...and David and Colby. Alan is great too as is Larry. At first I didn't care too much for Larry. He was just odd, but now I do like him.

    I didn't write that fic, but I think I had seen it or read part of it. I am in the process of writing a Numb3rs fic that is on fanfic.net. I haven't posted to it for a long time so it is probably shoved back.

    Do you write stories? Just was curious.

    Your shows sounds interesting. I never really seen them, but have heard of them. Not a big reality tv show fan, but they are interesting to see the people and their characteristics and all.

  14. Hopefully Kansas will follow ChicagoLand Speedway for you. I was wondering if the track was close to you. That would be awesome for you. I saw that article you were talking about, but didn't have time to read it...don't think I'd like a 35 driver team. I like my four driver team. With 35 drivers there is bound to be a driver that I don't care for so much and then I'd feel like I should go for him since he is part of Gordon's team...which I went through when Kyle Busch was still at Hendrick. Didn't care for him, but yet he was still at Hendrick and all...But that would be interesting. LOL. Actually Hendrick is almost a six player team with their association with Stewart-Haas and all.

  15. I am excited for Kansas. I am really hoping for a win, if not then at least a top five. Gordon finsihed sixth which is pretty good, but soudned very frustrated with sixth since he had at least a second place car and the fact that it shoved him twenty points mroe behind Martin. ERRRR. At least it is a track he is good at. I am just excited to see him competitve again. Last year wasn't a horrible season for him...finishing seventh in points...but I feel like he is way more competitive this year than last. I need him to have a good race...LOL....or should I say, he needs a good race. LOL. Johnson won so I should be happy with that with Dover, but still felt bad for Gordon. Oh well...onto Kansas now!:D

  16. That accident (Joey's) was horrible and it gave me chills to watch it. I felt bad for his dad when I saw him running. It showed emotion. I didn't think of Edwards accident when I saw it, but now that you mentioned it, it was a lot like it. I kept thinking of Gordon's accidents - though he didn't flip like that. Gordon's accident last year, I want to say in Las Vegas when he hit the concrete wall and sent his car parts up the track. He was in his car for a while after that. And then again his accident in Watkins Glen with Hornish Jr. All that safety devices in the car is awesome is all I have to say. After seeing alla them accidents it makes you wonder how they can walk away as if nothing happened...Especially when those accidends are WAY worse than Earnhardt Sr's accident that had killed him. (Though Earnhardt didn't wear the hans device which was optional at the time)

  17. Thank-you soooo much for your responsces! I enjoyed reading them...I also likie your picture that you have on your page now! Go Carl! LOL. I like the other pictures you have in your album! THank-you for sharing...you even have Gordon in a picture! :D LOL. Sorry to keep talking about Gordon...tell me when you have enough. LOL. And trust me, you are NEVER boring so keep on talking!

    It would be neat to see if it is Gordon's design what it would look like and all. It'd be awesome to see them race there. IF they would. He does have a foundation and he also has a children's hospital that is in a hospital - I think - if that makes sense.

    I had a problem with that too with posting and not wanting to put that much words or what not in a post, so I understand.

  18. Well I just posted a few days ago of how I liked the book, but hadn't finished it as of then. Well I finished it today - would have finished it sooner if I had more time to read than only when helping put the kids down for nap at work. Anyways, I thought I'd add onto how I felt about the book now that I am entirely done with the book. It was a great book and I would request other Duke fans or fans of James Best to read the book. I am not big on reading biographies and all that, I normally read mystery/crime novels, but it was an easy and fun read. As I said earlier, I know a lot more about James Best than I had before I read the book - which is a good thing. It did a great job at showing the ups and downs in his life and what persistance and hard work had helped him accomplish in his life. He sure is a man of lots of talents! I enjoyed reading the stories he told, the MANY pictures that are in the book, and the poems that he had written and included in the book. James Best - Thank-you for taking your time and hard work that it took to write the book and to tell your story! I really enjoyed reading it and learning about you and all that you have done and lived through in your life. Thank-you for sharing your poems and pictures as well. It was great.
  19. I am fine. And yeah I got to play with that yesterday - the pictures for the groups. Hopefully not too many people are upset with mine. I wanted a NASCAR type picture, but all my cars are Gordon and then the one of Johnsons. I guess I could have took a picture of my Richard Petty Driving Experience car...I know not everyone isn't a Gordon/Johnson fan (though I can't imagine why not ;) ) so hopefully they aren't offended or discouraged about the group by it. If all that makes sense.

  20. YAY she remembers me! LOL. Hope school is going well. Glad they are keeping you busy - it keeps you out of trouble! HA HA HA.

  21. Lagono's accident was scary to watch even after you knew he was OK. The kid is only nineteen years old, I can't imagine how his parent's must have felt. THey showed his dad running to the incare center to him. Luckily they have all the safety equipment they have in the car...and God was sure on his side which was a huge bonus for him!

  22. TexasDaisy - the next race is this upcoming Sunday at one ET on ABC. ;) That is the pre-race show. The race doesn't usually start until an hour or so. I normally turn it on one my time (Central) which leaves me twenty minutes or so listening to them. THe races switch channels through the season and the first few months it is on FOX and when it is on there, I will listen to their pre-race show (I like their announcers better than these - these are good, but I like Darrell Waltrip and Jeff Hammond) But for now and the rest of the season it will be on ABC.

  23. Know how that goes about wishing to undo something or do something different in the past. Especially with younger siblings.

    I'm here if you have any questions or if I can think of anything. The only thing right now that I can think of is that they throw cautions for an accidents or debris on the track - meaning they don't race and follow a pace car. If the accident is bad enough (Like Lagono's yesterday) they throw a red flag meaning they halt the race. Green flag means go or race or that pit road is open, yellow is caution, red is to stop. White flag means only one lap to go and the checkered flag (white and black) means the end of the race.

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