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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. *Bo eyes his uncle and takes a deep breath, realizing he needs to keep his emotions and his thoughts to himself.* "I'm going. I didn't change my mind now nor will I change it once we get there. I apologize for not being as excited about this here trip of your's as you are," he pauses to sigh heavily while looking out the window, watching the familiar scenery flash by his window, wondering if he'll be able to see it again. Only for him to slowly realize all that Jesse had said. A few days in the swamp? The thought sends chills up his back, not only because of this supposed monster but who knew what else was in the swamp. Going to the swamp was beyond his comfort zone and not having any control over what is happening or going to happen only makes it worse. At least with Luke he was able to drive most of the time to give him some control, some comfort in Luke's plan of whatever it was they were doing. "I guess I'm just use to how Luke does things, I guess. Plus I have to admit, going to the swamp wasn't on the top of my priority list; especially to chase something I know nothing about." he finishes his thoughts while looking out the window before he turns to boldly face Jesse, "I'm going. End of story."*
  2. Achy Breaky Heart - Billy Ray Cyrus
  3. Well the race has just gotten over and after Monday, the points will be reset. Though, I have to admit, I didn't watch the whole race. I was caught going back and forth from the Dukes to the race. Gordon had a rough race and with him a lap down for some of the race, I found myself going back to the Dukes. Of what I did see, there wasn't much caution and didn't see all the excitement that was predicted with it being the last race of the regular season. Gordon finished twelveth, which is better than I thought he would finish. Denny Hamlin won the race to gain ten extra points and will start first in the chase, in front of Jimmie Johnson. Here is the top ten finishes of Richmond: 1. Denny Hamlin 2. Kyle Busch 3. Jimmie Johnson 4. Joey Lagono 5. Marcos Ambrose 6. Clint Bowyer 7. Juan Pablo Montoya 8. AJ Allmindinger 9. Kevin Harvick 10. Carl Edwards
  4. How could you forget the Dukes, Lori? LOL. I didn't forget...even if I did get episode mixed up. Ironically, I was able to recite or know what was going to be said beforehand for the first season or so. I say ironically, because it has been a long while since I really watched the episodes. Some things you don't forget.
  5. Waylon is an awesome balladeer and has some funny lines...the CMT Duke marathon proves that. Ine one of the first episodes, Waylon says: Boss and Rosco are as close as thick of thieves, that's because they are thieves. In "The Rustlers" : Rosco has seemed to get out of bed on the wrong side of the bed late, that's because Rosco has no good side of the bed. (Something like that.)
  6. In Courtesy of the Red White and Blue - Toby Keith
  7. Don't know what episode it is...it is the one that is on CMT right now. The one with Boss and Jesse racing shine (water) against each other. Boss and Enos are standing next to Boss' car in a field when Rosco shows up, Rosco to Enos: Who's guarding the prisoners? Enos: Sheriff, there is no prisoners. Rosco: Then go get some! Rosco has a lot of great lines. Found it ironic in "One Armed Bandits" last night that at the end when all the kids come running out of the orphanage, that Rosco went for his gun!
  8. Another comercial I saw today that was cute was a cat litter commercial..maybe Tidy Cat. Something like that. But it shows a hound dog walking around and seeing these flyers on trees looking for a good hound dog to look for their cat box. Finally it shows the dog following an orange cat into the house and sniffing around looking for the cat box for the cat. I'm assuming the commercial is trying to state if you use that type of cat litter that you will not be able to smell it, but I don't know about you, but I would kinda worry if Daisy, my cat, could not find her cat box. HA HA.
  9. Baby's got he Blue Jeans on - Mel McDaniel I don't generally check out the other songs when I don't know them.
  10. Well as seeing as Limo One is on now, I got to thinking of my post...I can't believe I messed up episodes. One earlier I was talking about was Swamp Molly. Don't know how I could mix those ones up. Sorry about the mistake
  11. Happy birthday TexasDaisy! I was thinkin' today was your special day. Hope you are out celebrating it to the fullest! Hope you have a great day! Haven't seen you around in awhile, hope life is treating you and your family well. Bet the kids are back in school. :)

  12. Here is the top ten starting lineup for tonight's race at Richmond: 1. Carl Edwards 2. Juan Pablo Montoy 3. AJ Allmindinger 4. Clint Bowyer 5. David Reutimann 6. Joey Lagano 7. Paul Menard 8. Brad Keselowski 9. Dale Earnhardt Jr. 10. Kasey Kahne Sadly for my fantasy team, the best qualifying driver I have on my team is Paul Menard in seventh and Dale Jr in nineth. Am exciting to see Jr have such a great qualifying run (even if I don't get any starting points for my team.) I am hoping he can keep it up through the whole race tonight and get a top ten finish...think he needs momentum and self confidence to run on the next ten race to help him improve. Again the race will be on ABC tonight at 7:30 ET...6:30 Central time which is my time. (I know the Dukes will be on at that time too. Life is full of hard decisions it seems. As for me, I guess I'll be giving up the Dukes to watch the race. Afterall, I can watch them on my DVD's, I miss the race, who knows what I'd miss. ) Am looking forward to an exciting race...every driver has a different agenda for tonight's race. With the top ten already locked into the chase, sure most of them are going for broke to win the race for extra points for the chase. The ones on the bubble and looking for the elventh and twelveth spot will probably work at points racing to get the best finish they can get...or to have a better finish than the other bubble drivers. And the rest, I'd imagine would probably be going for the win maybe doing a little experimenting for next year. Who knows what they'll be going for...we'll have to wait and see for tonight to see what everyone does, what will happen and who all will be in the case. Not to be overly dramatic or anything. . . Make sure to look at the rest of the NASCAR threads, as I said before, I do tend to update them all at once if I do have more than one thread to write on.
  13. Well this isn't exactly NASCAR news as the thread title describes, but didn't know where else to put this and didn't see fit of making a new thread out for it, so decided to put this little info here. On September 14th at 8:00 PM ET/PT CMT will be airing CMT Cribs, which episode will be about NASCAR King/legend Richard Petty! Richard will show his house as well as his racing mueseum as well as his garage. Richard Petty drove the number 43 STP car to win 200 races and won seven championships in his racing career. He now is a car owner for Kasey Kahne, AJ Allmindinger, and Elliot Sadler. (Kahne and Sadler will be leaving at the end of this year, but Australian Marcos Ambrose will be driving Kahne's number 9 car next year. AJ drives Petty's famous number 43 car.) Being a Duke fan before being a NASCAR fan that I am today, Richard was one of the first drivers I knew due to the Dukes "Repo Men" where the Duke boys bought a wrecked Richard Petty race car from crooked car dealer, Ace Parker. (The Richard Petty car was used in a commercial, Luke had said and wasn't his normal 43, but the number 71. Which I thought was different when I saw it last night.) I am hoping to record it to watch it later on when I have the time. I never got the chance to see Richard Petty drive or race since I didn't get into NASCAR until '97 or '98. Think Richard Petty's last race was at Atlanta (that had been the last race of the season at the time) beleive it was in '93. Some little info...Richard Petty's last race, was Jeff Gordon's first race. Kinda like passing down the torch if you ask me. Gordon will never get to 200 wins (Don't see anyone getting there in the near future) and maybe not seven championships...but he does have four championships (would be at least six championships if they had stuck to the old point system and didn't go to the chase format they have now (since '04)) and has 82 wins which I think is sixth or fifth in the standings for the most wins. Then again, my opion is way biased since Gordon is my all time favorite driver . Just thought I'd share the info to any other Richard Petty fans out there. May not have watched him race, but wish I had. He had an amazing career and helped NASCAR be what it is today if you ask me. Plus the Duke boys liked him, so he musta been pretty awesome. Him and Cale Yoroboro who had been on the show a couple of times...he had a pretty awesome career as well, then again, I didn't get to watch him race either. . .
  14. *Bo eyes Jesse with a bit of irritation. What he mean he didn't think he was coming along? Did he actually think Bo could sit back and watch Jesse do this all by himself? Bo sighs heavily to swallow back his annoyance at being left out in the dark. In his mind, Jesse knew fair and well that he was coming along, he had said so several times yesterday and Jesse didn't say one word about any plan. At least with Luke, Luke would let his ideas or plans be known to him so at least he could give his two cents worth if he had an idea or so to contribute to it. Not that he had really given all that contribution to Luke's plans. Luke's plans were significant enough to get the job done and most of Bo's thoughts, ideas seemed very inadequate compared to Luke's. But still, Luke would talk to him and tell him what he was thinking. Well, that's the difference between Jesse and Luke and it was up to Bo to let it slide and get over it. After all, Jesse was his uncle and he had the first and final say to about everything. *Bo shortly nods at Jesse as he slowly climbs into the passenger seat of the truck, hating the fact that yet agian he was not being allowed to drive. Slamming the door shut, he turns to Jesse and calmly states, "Don't matter to me what you decide to do. Tell me or not. I'm just use to Luke communicating what we're doing before we go ahead and do it. That's all. Heck just tell me what to do and as long as it is within reason, I'll do it," Bo goes silent for a moment before stating, "Well, I'm in. Let's go and get it over with."*
  15. Dang you are loyal! LOL. I love the Dukes, but after "Repo Men" was over ( I think eleven PM central time) I turned the TV off and got ready for bed. And I got to sleep in this morning! Though was disappointed that Limo One was on when I got out of the shower, but by then it was half way over and I was on my way to bed. Should never have turned the TV on, but couldn't resist myself. I love Repo Men, but I think I like Limo One a little better! Was also disappointed that the Dukes weren't on this morning when I got up. Thought they were playing them straight through the weekend I guess. They don't come back on until one this afternoon my time. Don't know if I'll be able to get an ep in or two before church and the race tonight. Hopefully I'll be able to catch another episode or two or three before the weekend is over! It is great to see other Duke fans that love the show as much as I do! Never thought anyone would love the show more than I do...guess you are the exception since I gave up on them...just figured I do have all seven season on DVD plus most episodes on VHS as well so I can watch "High Octane" "Limo One is Missing" and all the other episodes whenever I find the time to watch them! Not that I generally do since it has been a couple of weeks since I last watched an episode on the DVD... Anyway, hope you have tomorrow off to sleep in and catch up on some of those zzzs you missed last night. HOpe you enjoy your night with teh Dukes tonight! I am just glad to see them back on TV (even if I don't have cable at my place) so that it can attract all the attention it deserves! YEE HAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Wow...you do remember me! LOL. It was great hearing from you. Sounds like you've been having a good time. I do remember Buddy Jewell and his story. Haven't heard of him in a looonnnggg time though. Glad you are enjoying college, I hope it continues to go that good for you! What are you studying or taking up? Nothing new here...did you know the Dukes are on this weekend? LOL :D It was great hearing from you!

  17. *Bo looks up from packing his own small bag of goods with the sound of the ****-a-doodle-doo and sighs heavily before zipping the bag and throwing it over his shoulder. He takes a long look around the room he shares with Luke as if taking it all in for the last time. Finally he dares to take a step forward and another step forward to walk out of his room and through the shadowy living room to find Jesse sitting on the wood pile through the closed window. Bo is quick to notice the tint of sadness, dread, and worry in his wise uncle's eyes only to reinstall his own doubts and questions within him. Nodding at himself, he steps away from the window to walk through the kitchen, taking it all in once more as the strong fresh smell of eggs and bacon that continues to linger in the thick air from breakfast. The breakfast he forced himself to eat while fighting off his nausea that had hit him with the fear his nightmares had given him. He forced himself to eat knowing it may be the last meal he may have in a long time, if not his final meal if something did happen in the swamp. If he's going to die, he might as well as die with a full stomache. Plus, if he didn't eat, it would only rise questions and worries from his uncle and Bo knew he didn't need anything else to be worrying about today. So hungry or not, he ate a plate full of food as to avoid raising Jesse's attention and worry towards him. *Inhaling deeply he makes his way to the front door to throw it open and quickly walk down the porch steps with his small duffle bag on his shoulder. Reaching the truck, he eyes the farm as if knowing he was seeing it for the last time with hopes of returning by nightfall. Swallowing hardly he turns to Jesse and says, "Whenever you are ready to hit the road, Uncle Jesse, I'm ready." He pauses to watch a patrol car slowly driving by their drive way on the dirt road and watches it disappear, quietly wondering if it was Enos or Rosco that was driving it and wondering why they were out patrolling so early. Shrugging it off, he turns to Jesse and asks, "Not to question your authority or to try to talk you out of it, but are you sure you want to do this? Is going to the swamp with no plan to fall back on such a great idea? I mean, Luke always had an idea before we went to do things like this. Whatever you want to do, I'm behind you all the way. I'm just saying. . ." He lets his sentence drop before he walks over to the truck to throw his bag on the floor before his eyes land upon The General Lee and a wave of emotions hit him like a brick. He'd feel much better if he were able to drive The General, at least he'd have a sense of safety in his beloved race car. 'Oh well at least if something were to happen to them while they were in the swamp, Luke'd have The General to drive.' The thought abruptly hits him before he is quick to realize that if something were to happen in the swamp as the thought had assumed, that would mean he would never see Luke or Daisy again. Never able to give them a final good-bye. Worse yet, his final words to Luke before they left the farm were words of intense anger over the fight they had. And without the chance of telling Luke he was sorry or any other attempt to tell Luke what he thought or felt of him, that would leave Luke remembering him by the words he had spoken to him. The thought sends chills racing up and down his spine and he quickly looks away from The General and up at Uncle Jesse.*
  18. That's the Good Stuff - Kenny Chesney
  19. Between the River and Me - Tim McGraw This interesting to see everyone's taste in music.
  20. Happy birthday, Luke! Hope it was a great one!
  21. The next race will be at Richmond International Raceway (RIR) on Saturday night at 7:30 ET on ABC (not ESPN). RIR is an oval track that is .75 mile - we're going short track racing! LOL. Dale Jarrett holds the fast Sprint Cup race there...suppose it was for the fastes lap - 9/06/97 he went 109.047 while Jeff Gordon drove the fastest qualifying lap going 126.499 in 1999. (Also for Sprint Cup Series...though think both of them at the time was Whinston Cup.) The race at Richmond this Saturday will be the last race of the regular season before the chase starts. We will know definately who is in and who is out after the race...though as stated elsewhere, the top ten have been locked in. Leaving only eleventh and twelveth to be up for grabs if Biffle and Bowyer have bad races. Which also means both Mark Martin and Dale Earnhardt Jr will be out of the race. To me it is just odd how seasons for drivers changes so dramatically. Last year all of the RCR cars did not make it into the chase and had dismal years. Now all three (Kevin Harvick, Jeff Burton, and Clint Bowyer) are in the chase, not only that, Keven Harvick is leading the points (for now.) Whereas Mark Martin was competeing for the championship last year to finish several points behind Johnson for second. As for Jr...he's had a frustrating year this year...again. That part hasn't changed from last year or the year before, but if you look at the points, he has shown some improvement. If I remember rightly, he finished the year 25th last year. Then again he is 19th right now...hopefully he can use these next eleven races to work with his team and his car and experiement for next year. According to what I've been hearing, Lance McGrew will continue to be his crew chief next year. Junior is a very talented driver and has the best equipment under him that is out there, so sooner or later something has to click and he'll be back to his winning format he had been in several years ago.
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