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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Hoss C - Great question. You are remembering correctly. He was and is sponsored by the Army. (I had to go look it up to make sure he was still sponsored by them! LOL) But he is. Each driver has tons of sponsors, but have one or two that is the primary sponsor that holds the biggest logo on the car and is the one most known for that car (Like Army for Newman, or Dupont for Gordon (sadly, Dupont is dropping Gordon as his primary sponsor so he is currently in the search for another primary sponsor Dupont has been with him his entire career!), or Lowe's for JJ). But some drivers do have other sponsors that are bigger than the others (Like Gordon has both Pepsi and National Guard that he occasionally has a car for - though starting next year National Guard is going to be focused upon Jr.) So, I didn't see Newman's car, but I am sure it is a lesser sponsor than Army, but does sponsor him pretty heavily for him to have a car of it. I know Tornadoes sponsors him and he has a car or two for them. If that makes sense. Ryan Newman has a Dukes connection...he lives down the road from James Best and Best helps support Newman's charity or foundation which is to support animal shelters for dogs and cats. Yeah the fight for second place was great between Kyle Busch and Jimmie Johnson. I was pulling for Jimmie to pass Busch, but he just couldn't quite do it. Too bad to, don't think JJ would have complained about finishing second as Kyle Busch did. My opinion, of course.
  2. I guess I am more comfortable keeping my series writing in first POV...my comfort zone I guess you can call it. And my solo stories in third point of view. Odd isn't it. Though my solo or single stories don't normally have any of my created characters, just the show characters. You have pretty much said how I felt so I will most likely keep it as it is, just have to figure out how to do the bad guys and Boss. Like right now, I got chapter one started for Boss, but it is in third person...and I like how it is right now. Don't think I could get it in first person and have it be the same, I'd have to start all over...wouldn't be the end of the world I guess. LOL

    Thank-you for your help. I guess I just worry about no one reading my story and not liking it because it is in first POV and all. I appreciate all of your advice. As of now, I think I am going to take your advice and keep it the same. Perhaps change the bad guys...I don't know. LOL. Thanks again!

  3. Wow you got Garrett pegged pretty well! LOL. He is completely two sided...he wants the attention, but when he gets it, he's upset about it. He is never satisfied.

    Garrett would enjoy a visit from Lori...though he'd never verbally admit it of course. He'd have to ditch his attitude and ego in order to do that and for some reason he don't seem willing to ditch any of them.

    Glad Lori is behaving herself. Sounds like she likes her new atmosphere...her new job and role in her muse-life. Which is good...even if it isn't in Hazzard county. ;)

  4. *Bo finishes his coffee and sets his cup down only to question his own stubborn pride that had denied Jesse's offer to help with his aching body. Stiffly standing up just to move around, Bo slowly states, "If it'll help you, you better take it." Bo pauses as he eyes the tent and shakes his head and looks back at Jesse, "I'm not going to be resting any more, so we might as well as pack up."*
  5. Thanks Roger, I'd appreciate being kept up on the show. I don't watch the show, but am interested in how Chase does...especially now that I betted for him. Thanks...hope you good luck too.
  6. *Bo forces a smile at his uncle's last statement while getting upset at himself for his statement of going home and taking pain medicine before going to bed in his own bed. Bo slowly shakes his head, not wanting to offend his uncle, but stubbornly states, "Thanks Jesse, but I'm fine."*
  7. I'd say it's official, but if you really want a spit hand shake. . . *Spits in hand* (Easy mistake. I assumed that is what had happened.)
  8. NASCAR (Y'all had to see that one comin' )
  9. That's nice of you to watch it to hang out with your wife. That's cool that there is someone close by that is on it for you to follow and watch. *Shakes hand* Agreed...you go for your doctor girl and I'll for for my NASCAR guy. I'm betting the NASCAR guy will win it...after all he goes through each weekend, Survivor will be a piece of cake for him. As for your Kendricks remark...I can't believe you of all people would get your own favorite driver's team wrong. Afterall JJ does drive for Hendrick Motorsports (though Jeff Gordon owns half of JJ's car! ) But I guess, you're forgiven. Just this time though!
  10. *Bo gives his uncle a surprised and startled look at his questions before he sets his cup of coffee down and quickly stands up to greatly regret doing so as he fights off a heavy wayve of dizziness. As the world comes to a halt around him, Bo asks with his voice full of emotions, "Give up? Just like that you wanna pack up and go home? What in the world would that accomplish?" Bo pauses as he attempts to inhale deeply to control his emotions which is always hard for him to do. "I'll tell you what it'd accomplish. Nothing. We'd have came out here for nothing. I nearly got myself killed by that beast and you just want to walk away? We just quit and go home now, all this would be for nothing." He points at himself. "Don't get me wrong, Jesse, I'd love to get outta this place and go back home. Go home and take a nice hot shower, take some pain pills, and go to sleep in my own bed. Your idea of quitting, is appealing and tempting. But since when have you so easily quit when people's lives are at stake? I could have been killed. I was lucky that you showed up when you had. . ." He lets his voice trail off momentarily. "But next time? Next time who ever it is, may not be so lucky. Next time it could be Andrew, Molly, or Alice or any other crazy swamp person to surprise him or get in his way or upset him in some way. If that happens after we give up, then their death is on our shoulders for walking away." Bo shakes his head and inhales deeply. "Despite what I want, I don't think giving up and going home is an option. Not until that beast is put to rest or captured or whatever you have planned to take care of the beast to get him out of harm's way." Bo goes quiet and slowly makes his way back to his log to sit back down. Looking at Jesse he states, "It's Halloween? Ain't life ironic."*
  11. Well Roger, I looked it up online (Google is so great!) and watched a little video of him talking. Well he didn't say which team he worked for so I went back to Google and didn't get an exact answer, but he is a jackman for Hendrick...which is the team that Gordon and Johnson race for! Heard a fan say he is on Hendrick's developmental or something like that team. But someone went to Jayski.com which is full of NASCAR stats and info and came up with that he had to work for Mark Martin (number five car) since they listed everyone else's jackman, and not Martin's. So it's not conclusive by any means, but it's a start. Never watched or followed Survivor, but I REALLY hope that Chase Rice will win the whole thing! (He's on leave from NASCAR to do the show...) Excited that it is someone from NASCAR, even more excited to hear it is a jackman who works for a Rick Hendrick team. Thanks Roger for the info! Without you, I'd never have known that! (What ya know, there is something in NASCAR I didn't know about! )
  12. Thanks Roger! At least I know something about something. Never thought I'd ever get hooked into watching and knowing about NASCAR. Thirteen years ago, I'd never believe you if you told me I'd even think of sitting down and watching an entire race: not alone to be a fan of the sport. Thanks to Bo and Luke for showing me that there is more to the sport than just a bunch of men chasing each other around in circles! Now I'm hooked! LOL Roger...was thinking the same thing. Chase would be a great race name. Wonder if his parents are into racing as well. I'll have to look it up. It said Kendricks Motorsports? Don't recall that name. Are you sure it said Kendricks and not Hendrick Motorsports? Just wondering...As I said, I'll have to go look it up. Thanks for the info.
  13. Tonight I wanna cry - Keith Urban (He does a great job portraying great emotion with this song. Especially in concert.)
  14. "Skin" Rascal Flatts (Sorry only one word...only song I can come up with. . .)
  15. *GASP* You missed not only one but two races? How could you...LOL. No worries. I even missed most of last week's race. Life does tend to move on whether there is a race on or not and tends to get in the way from time to time. :) Hope whatever it was that you were doing was nice and relaxing. Just had to make sure I didn't upset you in any way.

  16. *Bo abruptly awakes, startled and confused over the vivid dream that had plagued his sleep and for a long moment he stares through the dim light that slowly makes it's way into the tent. After a brief moment, realization sinks in that it had only been a bad dream and that he is back in the tent; only for surprise to settle depely within him. Surprise that he had actually fallen asleep despite his aches and pains and the constant fear of the beast; which had probably led to his nightmare. Sighing heavily in relief, Bo sits up and slowly puts on his boots and another wave of dizziness only momentarily hits him and he is once again reminded of his throbbing head and back. Ignoring the pain, he continues to put on his boots and his shirt while noticing the absense of his uncle. Stiffly crawling over to the entrance of the tent, he slowly pulls open the flap to see his uncle sitting on a log with cup in his hands and staring out over the swamp as if lost in thought. Bo blinks back the brightness of the morning as he makes his way out into the swampland and his body instantly yells and complains at him through his leg, back, and head; to remind him of how stupid he was to wonder off. "It could have been much worse if Jesse hadn't come when he had. . ." the thought replays itself in his tired mind only to lead his thoughts over all that could have happened. "Morning, Uncle Jesse," Bo nods at his uncle as he makes his way to the fire, his stomach beginning to join in complaining with his aching body, "how are you this morning?"*
  17. Hi Hoss...how's it going? Haven't seen you in the NASCAR thread for awhile now. Hope I didn't scare you away or bored you away. Either way would be bad. Hope you are having a good day. :)

  18. "Deep in the Heart of Texas" - George Strait
  19. Well Roger, I am glad that in all of your 35 years of driving that you haven't had your brakes go out. Talk about scary! Kasey Kahne didn't sound too happy about them going out twice in two weeks either...according to Yahoo!'S NASCAR page's article I read yesterday, he exploded at his crew over the CB when it happened. I know they all get upset and emotions are running high, but I am sure Kenny Francis (Kahne's crew chief in the number 9 car) and the rest of the crew didn't do it on purpose and was just as frustrated as Kasey was. Though to give Kasey credit, he has had a lot come at him the past few years. Ray Everanham was his car owner until Everanham got out of the business of owning cars, then it went to another guy...can't recall his name, last name is Gillette though. He went bankrupt and that is when the owner went into Richard Petty Motorsports to be part owner of the team along with Richard. So Kasey has had all that to worry about, then last year he made the chase with a couple of wins and the RPM revolved around him. Now this year he is 21st in points with no wins and has all sorts of issues from getting caught in accidents to car issues. This year has not been Kasey's year at all. So I understand where the frustration comes from...they all get frustrated and I think the crew gets to deal with the heat of it all. I don't know if I vented on this at all, but Kasey's deal with Red Bull racing makes little sense in one sense. Most ways it does. It fills the empty spot of the year while he waits for his car to open up at HMS; so it is great for him. But what doesn't make sense is Red Bull's rules and acceptance. Kenny Francis has been Kasey's crew chief since Kasey started out. So obviously Kenny is a guy that Kasey likes and trusts and respects. But according to Red Bull racing earlier this year when this deal went through, that they don't accept interim crew cheifs. My question is why not? If they can accept Kasey for only a year while he waits for his car to open up, why not his trusted crew chief? To me that doesn't make any sense at all. . . Guess I don't have anything to complain about since it isn't Gordon, Johnson, or Jr (my top three drivers) but I do like Kasey and do feel bad for the bad season he has had this year. Hopefully he can finish the last five races of the season with strong solid finishes to give him a boost for next year! If I remember right...I could be wrong, because it has been awhile since they talked about it, but Kahne and Francis will be rejoined in 2012 when Kasey moves into the number 5 car for Rick Hendrick. I believe that Francis will be on the team next year...I don't know though. Right now Alan Gustofson is Martin's crew cheif and I don't see them getting rid of him. . .I could be completely wrong about the whole thing and if so, someone please correct me. well sorry for the boring post...one thing always leads to another thing.
  20. Well Roger, when you come over for Thanksgiving, I will gladly welcome you into my home, but I hope you enjoy watching others eat turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes with gravy, and pumpkin pie with ice cream and cool whip...the whole nine yards, because I don't know if I'd feel up to sharing with someone who is unthankful and finds me scary. Yum...I guess that'll save more for me to eat!
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