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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. That may be a good way to occupy my time now without NASCAR to follow...especially since it was The Dukes that got me hooked on NASCAR. Still no Jeff Gordon or Jimmie Johnson though...
  2. *With his head aching already at the loud excited noise around him, Bo takes a step back in his vague attempt to get away for a moment only to catch sight of a small boy sitting on the steps by himself. Bo takes in the quiet child for a short moment as his heart seems to tighten in grief and sypathy for the child. Eyeing Luke and Daisy with the other children, Bo slowly steps away from the crowd and slowly walks back to the stairs and toward the quiet child. Approaching the child, he asks, "Can I sit here?" Connor reluctantly eyes the new stranger with grudging eyes. "I'd rather be alone," Connor finally states, resisting his urge to just tell him to go away. Taken aback to the child's blantant rejection, Bo stares at the child with disbelief and uncertainty of what to do now. After a moment he offers the child a famous Bo Duke smile and shakes his head and lets out a deep breath. "You'd rather be alone than to be up celebrating Christmas? Now I don't know anyone in their right mind who'd want to be celebrating Christmas by them lonesome," he puts his right foot upon a step and leans upon his knee and shakes his head at the child again, "Excuse me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you want to be alone. I think you want a friend to talk to, to lean on, to confide in. You want a friend that you can trust and hang out with. And well, seeing how I don't recognize your handsome face none, I'm willing to bet that you're new here, aren't you?" Connor eyes the blond haired stranger with dark emotionfilled eyes. Half of him wanted to get up and walk away as he does anyone else who attempts to approach him or to yell at him to leave him alone. While the other half wanting to eagerly agree with the stranger's assessment. Instead he states, "I've been here eight lousy months." he looks away. "So you're somewhat new here and don't know who to trust or who to turn to. Perhaps some of the kids are giving you a hard time. Kids can be like that sometimes. So you find it easier to withdraw in your attempt to hide your emotions and face your troubles and worries by yourself. But deep down, you're like everyone else out there that yearns for a companion, a friend. Someone to trust," Bo goes silent, waiting for the kid to argue with him or to tell him to go away again. But instead the kid remains silent, now looking at him with uncertianty in his eyes. "Well I'm no hero and I probably can't help solve your problems any, but I can be a friend. I have two ears that work perfectly well if you need someone to talk to or to confide in." Another warm welcoming smile as he puts out his large hand, "I'm Bo Duke." Connor eyes the outstretched hand cautiously, wanting to shove it away and to walk away from the stranger that had identified himself as being Bo Duke. Yet something about Bo makes Connor want to reach out to Bo, something within yearns to trust him as he had asked. Sighing heavily, Connor puts his smaller hand in Bo's and says, "Connor Lasky." Connor quickly withdraws his hand once more and glances nervously away once more.*
  3. Well Roger...JJ really cut it close if he did all them mistakes and got passed by Hamlin in points on purprose. Don't think I buy that either...if Hamlin had saved gas as JJ did last week in Phoenix, Hamlin would most likely be the winner this year instead of Johnson. My opinion is is that Johnson wouldn't do all that on purpose, there is a big risk on doing that. Five straight wins in a row is amazing and something that probably won't be seen again. I am very excited for Jimmie and his team...even if it isn't Gordon. LOL. Four straight wins was great, but like JJ said, I think this year they proved just how good they are by coming back from their mistakes and all that as they did to win it. It was just wrong to see Gordon out of the car and being interviewed before the end of the race. Even more wrong to see him finish the season nineth in points and without a win to his year. Oh well...I guess you're right...at least it wasn't from an accident. Still frustrating... You are very welcome Roger...I have enjoyed writing the race recaps and points and hope I am awarded the same privledge come Daytona in February. I will keep you updated with any news I hear during the offseason so keep an eye open...there is rumor going around of talk of changing the chase, so hopefully something will come out sometime soon now that the season is over. Thanks Roger...I would like to think I know NASCAR. Though I am sure there are things out there that I don't know about. I did hear Carl say he hurt his foot...in fact I think I did write that down once but had to delete and rewrite that paragraph and left that out. Sure Aflac liked hearing that. LOL. Hope he didn't hurt it too bad...perhaps his Aflac will be able to help Kahne's rear left tire changer who got hit by Harvick in the pits...LOL 91 more days...way too long to go.
  4. With the finish of Homestead...the 2010 NASCAR Sprint Cup series comes to an end. Am I the only one sad to see it end? Or perhaps y'all are excited with the thought of it ending also shutting me and my rantings up? Well I may be the only one, but my count down will now start until Daytona... 91 days left to go! As they...the media...have said, this is the closest and tightest that the points has been since they did the chase. Which I guess did make it more exciting, but did make it hard for me to watch. LOL. ESPN showed the points near the driver position marquee today and it was fun and nerve wracking to watch as the points went back and forth all day with the troubles each driver had had sent them back and forth. It also shows how each position is important to gain. JIMMIE JOHNSON HAS WON THE 2010 NASCAR SPINT CUP SERIES CHAMPION...TO WIN IT FIVE TIMES A ROW! CONGRATULATIONS JIMMIE AND TEAM 48!!!!!!!!! Here is the unnofficial top thirteen in points for the 2010 season: 1. Jimmie Johnson 2. Denny Hamlin (-39) 3. Kevin Harvick (-41) 4. Carl Edwards 5. Matt Kenseth 6. Greg Biffle 7. Tony Stewart 8. Kyle Busch 9. Jeff Gordon 10. Clint Bowyer 11. Kurt Busch 12. Jeff Burton 13. Mark Martin Am very excited for Johnson and team 48 to come back to win the championship after the on and off season that they have. Winning four back to back is awesome, but to prevail as they had this year through their mistakes and all that to win it, shows what they are made of. As JJ had said himself. It was great seeing all of his spin outs he had done, though felt bad for Carl Edwards who had won the race as all the attention was on JJ. Was great to see Tony Stewart coming to congratulate Jimmie...and wearing a NASCAR 48 hat! Though being the huge Jeff Gordon fan that I am...am very disappointed with a nineth place point finish. I was hoping for a top five finish...at least he is within the top ten...that way he can go to Las Vegas for the award ceremony. Only the top ten drivers in points are able to attend the awards...I will let y'all know when that is when it gets closer. (Make sure you catch my Homestead race summary on the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series race happenings. )
  5. Well Roger...think you ought to go out and buy yourself a lottery ticket...and share half of it with me of course! LOL. You came pretty darn close to your predictions for today's race...only two things you got wrong is Gordon finishing fourth and Harvick finishing fifth...though he finished third so you weren't too far off. Well Homestead has come to an end and my count down has officially started...91 days until Daytona!!!! Dang that's a long time...am I the only one counting down days until Daytona? LOL. Anyway...I do have teo admit, now that it is all said and done, that it was an exciting race. (I can finally breathe again! KHEE) All top three championship contenders...Hamlin, Johnson, and Harvick had thier ups and downs in today's race. Hamlin spun out in the first third of the race when he went up and got into Biffle. Hamlin stated it was Biffle coming down on him, but the way I saw it, was Hamlin went up into Biffle. That kicked out one of his splitters and gave him troubles throughout the race. Though he did make it up within the top ten since he had time to continually fix it but did face other troubles with his car throughout the race and he finished fourteenth. Harvick as well had his troubles. Three fourths into the race he went into pits during a caution and his crew got him out first so it looked like he would at least lead a lap, only for NASCAR to state he got caught speeding into pits and had that lap lead to take away and put at the end of the longest line. Him and his crew were clearly upset. But what got me was that he hit the rear left tire changer of the 83 car...hit his leg and he had to be taken on a stretcher to the incare center and probably the hospital for xrays. . . what got me is that the announcers talked about it a couple of minutes, but that's all the attention they gave to the hurt crew member. They aired Harvick and his crew's frustration over the penalty, but no where did they air or show an apology from Harvick to the member...to me, hitting a crew member is worse than getting caught speeding. Harvick recovered quickly to finish third... Also Harvick and Kyle Busch kept getting into each other through out the race it seems. (Kyle won owner points in the truck series and won last night's Nationwide Series race.) Well towards the end, Kyle went up supposedly thinking that had cleared Harvick, well Harvick freely admitted he didn't back up, and spun Kyle into the wall. Kyle's car caught on fire and luckily Kyle was able to climb out OK...though it looked really scary to me. The fire did. Jimmie Johnson had a pretty clean day on the track, but even with the help of the number 24 crew, had pit troubles and slow pits that had lost him several positions during a few of his stops. He was able to race on to finish second behind Carl Edwards (who was my fantasy pick...) who led the most laps today. After going 70 races without a win, Carl Edwards has won two races back to back. I like Carl. He's a great driver and person...my opinion. He's fun to watch do the back flip and now running through all them lucky fans! He said during his post race interview that he hurt his foot with his backflip...and something about having Aflack...which is one of his major sponsors. Though have to say that as a Jeff Gordon fan...it was a very disappointing race to finish the season. He never had a car to compete for the win and towards the beginning of the race had called in that he dropped a cylinder and that went to his backup battery that didn't help him any. He stayed on track for a long time dropping laps and positions which was sad to watch. Then after halfway sometime...his engine blew and took him out of the race. Oh well guess I'll have to wait 91 more days to see him race for a win again . . . Here is the top ten finishes of the final 2010 season: 1. Carl Edwards 2. Jimmie Johnson 3. Kevin Harvick 4. Aric Almirola 5. AJ Allmindinger (Richard Petty will come out tomorrow with news of what they are planning for next year or if there will be a next year for them. At least he finished this season with a strong finish to the last race. Two of his three cars finished fourth and fifth today. ) 6. Kasey Kahne 7. Ryan Newman 8. Tony Stewart 9. Matt Kenseth 10. Greg Biffle (I will post championships and points in the Sprint Cup Point section just not to lengthen this any more than it is now. Please make sure to check that out and tell me what you think. )
  6. *Sitting upon the cold cement steps that leads up to the old orphanage, Connor sits silently with his folded arms leaning upon his thin knees with a dark cloud of heavy emotions filling his small and thin body. Heavy emotions that has been trapped within him over the past eight months ever since he had gotten word of his parents' and brother's accident. Of the news that he was now alone in this big world and that nothing would ever be the same for him. And even with his favorite holiday coming up and all the bright lights that seem aglow, nothing seems to even erase his heavy emotions or bring light upon his dark cloud. And now as he sits on the steps watching the four newcomers talking excitably with Mr. Grant and the other kids, it all seems to keep getting worse. The four newcomers all from their appearance to be fun and loving as they talk with the kids and Mr. Grant yet to Connor, they only seem to represent what he had stolen from him. A family. Sighing heavily, he glances back around to face the white orphanage building, yearning to go back inside and to hide back in his shared room. But seeing Ms. Patricia looking out through the window only reminds him that they wouldn't let him back into his room until it began getting dark. All in their attempt to help socialize him with all their other friends. As they often put it. But to Connor, it all seems useless and irritating. He has yet to find anyone to really like him other than the people that was paid to like him and he'd much rather be alone than to be with the kids or anyone else. Biting his lower lip to fend off his raw emotions, he turns around only to see one of the new comers breaking free from the crowd and slowly walking his way.
  7. Roger - I like your prediction for for today's race. .The only problem I see with it is that you are predicting Gordon finishing fourth...can't he be your unexpected winner?:escape:LOL. Couldn't help myself. If Gordon finishes fourth...it's not a win, but I'll be happy. I hope he can move up into at least a top five in points at the end of the day and a fourth place finish may do that unless it is Kyle Busch or Edwards that is your unexpected winner! (Though Edwards is on my fantasy team...so if he wins, I'll be highly excited for him!) Great predictions, Roger...hope they ring true for JJ! Thank-you Roger for posting your predictions...it means a lot to me!
  8. Well like you, I have found myself being busy most of the time. Guess it keeps me out of trouble, but it also keeps me from writing. My muses have been their stubborn self, but they have been workable the last few times I had found the time to put them into use. Hope your's is behaving themselves as well.

  9. Hi MaryAnne...how's it going? Hope all is well with you. Saw that you were on so thought I'd send a hello your way. It's been awhile since I talked or wrote to you last. :)

  10. Kasey Kahne won the pole for Sunday's race. . .the last race of the season. Johnson will start sixth over Hamlin and Harvick. (Harvick starts 28th and Hamlin starts 37th.) The Sprint Series race will be aired on ESPN at 1:00 EST on Sunday. So...does any of you have any wild predictions for Sunday's race and who will win the championships? Or what would y'all like to see happen and to win...the race and the championship? As for me, I would like to see Jeff Gordon win (imagine that) to end his winless streak plus to get a win at the only track he has yet to get a win at. If not, at least get a top five finish to end the season strong. It is also a track that Jimmie Johnson has yet to win at, but wouldn't hold that against him this year since he won his first race at Bristol this year as well as getting his first road race this year as well. Perhaps he'll break through and win at Homestead to be crowned the championship...Anyway...I would like to see both Gordon and Johnson have top five finishes and for JJ to get crowned the championship after Sunday's race. (Sorry GLG...know you'd go with Hamlin. ) I guess my prediction for the championship is, is that Jimmie Johnson will win his fifth championship in a row. Part of that is wishful thinking...but I also feel like Denny Hamlin and his team is worrying too much about Jimmie Johnson and his team. If he loses it, I feel, it is because of that. That they are worrying too much about Jimmie Johnson where as Jimmie Johnson and his team are doing what they have done the past five years...only worrying about themselves and what they are doing or not doing. Anyone else watching on Sunday...and once again, would enjoy hearing y'alls predictions or what you'd like to see happen on Sunday. (Sadly...NASCAR seems to be still dropping viewers on TV despite the tight chase. Those poor people that are missing out on all the action! )
  11. *Bo had insisted upon driving to the orphanage in his attempt to distract his thoughts from what lies ahead of him in the next few minutes. Staring ahead at the familiar scenery, his thoughts fall back upon last year of the innocent faces looking up at him. Of their smiles when Jesse had dressed up as Santa in order to bring them gifts. Of their yelling and screaming that had irritated him along with the constant questions. But what had bugged him the most and what still bugged him, was the fact that there was very little Bo could do to help any one of those children to better their situation. Meanwhile, as Bo silently drives The General, Luke Duke watches the trees and farm land pass by in anticipation of what lies ahead. Like most everyone he knew, he loved Christmas. Loved getting together with friends and family. The big meal that Daisy always cooked. But what made it so great, to Luke, was giving and helping others. Perhaps Jesse had ingrained it in him while growing up on the farm or perhaps it was just natural for him to want to give. To want to help. And now they were on their way to help a lot of children who need help the most. To Luke, it couldn't get much beter than this. "We're here," Bo states to break his silence and Luke looks up to see them pulling up into the familiar parking lot of the orphanage. Kids screaming and yelling voices fill the air and Luke can tell Bo tenseing up at just the sound. "Don't sound so excited, Bo, someone may get the wrong idea that you are actually excited to be here," Luke states sarcastically to recieve a rolling of the eyes from Bo, "let's go."*
  12. Being a huge baseball fan that I am, this is a great song. Plus Trace Adkins sings it to make it even better. (His story is amazing on how many times he has survived life / death situations.) Sadly, baseball season is over. . .until April.
  13. LOL Roger. John does look great for being fifty years old. Am surprised at him to be on a show like "Desperate Housewife". I haven't seen the show, but to me, the commericials and the little I have seen, is enough for me. My opinion of course. Would love to see John, but I doubt I'll be seeing him on Depserate Housewives.
  14. C'mon Roger...did you have to curse JJ like that...you should have asked if his championship streak will continue and not end. Now IF he loses this year, I'll have you to blame. HA HA. I am really hoping that he can pass Hamlin and win the championship again. Would rather Gordon win his fifth championship before Johnson, but would rather Johnson win over the other two drivers that are in the hunt. My opinion of course. Know a lot of people would disagree with me on that, but he is my second favorite driver and he is now operating with Gordon's crew. And since I put Edwards on my fantasy team for this upcoming...last race:cry:...I am highly hoping that he will be doing another backflip after Sunday's race.
  15. May be another Gone song, but it is definately a different "Gone" song than my earlier one. This is a fun song to sing along to...
  16. Think it would make a great Dukes of Hazzard song. Sorry went with a lyric video...the only ones I could find is live performances with this song and the sound wasn't as good as this one.
  17. I thought that one might appear when I saw it while I was looking for my video . Well Hoss...didn't want to disappoint you. Plus can never get enough of Kenny Chesney's music.
  18. All these summer songs are making me miss summer and warm weather already!Hoss...guess I should have seen that one comin' from ya LOL
  19. See that you are on...how are you? Hope all is great.

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