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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Dang Roger...you and your fancy lawyer has a lot of loop holes to jump through. Oh well I can jump through the best of them...and seeing how your supposed check supposedly can only be cashed in Norhtern Wastalistuania...in the easter providence, you'll have to supply me with a map along with gas, food, and hotel money. After all, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be going there...oh well, always up for a road trip as long as I ain't driving. So you better have money set aside to hire me a driver as well. *Gets out a calculator and starts adding up my fees* I can't wait to see this check of your's...I bet it'll be as big as Jimmie Johnson's big check he won when he won the championship!
  2. *Bo Duke sat silently in the backseat, staring out through the side window as he feels his heart sink heavily within him. Christmas was always his favorite holiday, his favorite day of the year. He may be grown, but deep down, he felt the same child like excitement when December came around. Excitement that grew and grew with each day that got them closer to Christmas. Though it was different than when he was a kid. When he was a kid, he had been always glad to be with his family, happy to give gifts, but was excited to see the gifts that were wrapped under the tree for him. Now that he was older, he was grateful for what everyone gave him for Christmas, but his excitement was in spending time with the ones he loved and to give them gifts to show how he felt. But this year, with no money and barely any food on the table, he was unable to buy anything for anyone. And for the first time that he could remember, he almost felt dread with the thought of Christmas coming up. Which was silly and selfish, because he knew that gifts didn't express his true feelings and he'd still be with them, but it wouldn't be the same with everyone worrying about the upcoming year and whether or not they'd have enough money and supplies to make it til spring. But the trip to the orphanage had opened his eyes to how lucky and blessed he was to have the family he had. Jesse could have easily denied Luke, Daisy, and him when their parents died and chose to live his own life free of any kids. Free of any chaos and trouble that they gave him over the years. Could have looked the other way. But he didn't and instead of growing up in the orphanage as Connor and the other kids are, they got to grow up in a loving and caring home. But now as he leans forward as not to squish his handcuffed hands any more than they already are, reality sinks in. Reality that Luke and him will be spending their Christmas behind metal bars without a big Christmas dinner that Daisy already made. Without a Christmas tree. The only time they'd have a chance to celebrate Christmas together was to be seperated from Jesse and Daisy by bars and during the limited visiting hours Rosco would surely give them. Things just kept getting worse. "Well, well, well, look what I see," Rosco mutters almost gleefully in the front seat to break the thick silence in the patrol car, "now ain't that Ira Grant's car up there?" Both Bo and Luke glance away from their windows towards the front where Ira's familiar car is parked on the side of the road with flat tires and ding marks on the door. "That's Mr. Grant's car," Connor states out of recognition of it. "Tsk, tsk, tsk," Rosco shakes his head in the front seat as he slows his patrol car down to a halt behind the damaged car, "I bet y'all ran him off the road when he tried to get Connor back from you. Your list of charges just keeps getting bigger and bigger." He pauses as he opens the door and steps out. Looking back at his prisoners, he grins and says, "I love it, I love it. Khee!" He eyes them in the back for a long moment before he eyes the parked car and the surroundings. "I'm going to have a look see to see if he's hurt. You as much move, I'll use my gun. Don't make me have it use it on the both of you...it'd ruin Christmas for that poor Uncle Jesse of your's."
  3. You better hope the stain comes out otherwise you'll be paying and buying me a new shirt...just as the one you ruined. By the way, that shirt costed me five hundred dollars so you better get your check book out. And seeing how you seem to have enough money for a lawyer, perhaps I should say you should write me another check for all the trauma you caused me for ruining my favorite shirt! (Sorry Roger...just couldn't help myself!)
  4. Poor Texas Daisy...having to clean up after that big mess you made, Roger. Can't beleive you would leave your huge mess that you made for someone to clean up. Especially TXDaisy. Not bad enough you supposedly "accidently" spilled your drink all over me, but you make someone else clean it up for you. Shame shame shame on you. LOL. Well paybacks are fun and since you agreed to be the person cleaning up next Saturday, you better hope TXDaisy don't make a bigger mess for you to clean up. HA HA.
  5. Connor eyes the back of the Duke boys and then at the sheriff before he slowly begins to walk towards the sheriff. Knowing better than to disobey authority even if it seems to be the best idea."They weren't hurting me, Sheriff. Honest, they were giving me a ride to the cementry and the church. It was all my idea. Not their's," he finally states as he joins up to Bo's side, "please don't do this to them." Rosco eyes Connor and the tears down his face. Half wanting to believe him while his other half still remains engrained to his normal negative thinking of the boys. "You really have that child brain washed don't you, Bo? Or perhaps you two threatened him not to tell," Rosco finally states clinching tighter to Bo's neck to inflict pain. Somehow in Rosco's eyes, he sees and feels that it is the youngest Duke the most responsible for putting an innocent child through all of this. "Look Connor. It don't matter any more. Where they are going, they won't be able to hurt you or any one else." Rosco eyes Bo as they reach their car and he yanks open the back seat, "How many other children you got kidnapped?" "Well Rosco," Bo smiles sarcastically, "I'd tell you we haven't kidnapped any. Including Connor. But I know you and Hogg won't believe it anyhow. So why don't you do your job and find how many kids we have kidnapped? Perhaps by this time next year you'll be releasing us and apologizing us for arresting us under false accusations." "You hush it, Duke. Get in!" Rosco shoves Bo into the car harder than he had thought and Bo cries out in pain as his head hits the outside of the car, "Watch your head. You too Luke." Connor watches in horror as his two new friends are locked in the backseat and arrested for kidnapping him. Arrested for doing him a favor. And yet there is little to no way Connor can think of to help his new friends out. Especially when the sheriff was unwilling to listen to him. "C'mon Connor. We'll get you home. I'm sorry you had to go through all of this," Rosco states as he helps Connor to the passenger seat. "Look Sheriff. You of all people know you nor anyone else will ever be able to get me home. My home was taken from me when my parents and my brother died! The orphanage is no home. It's a prison!" Connor snaps with tears rolling down his eyes, surprised that he was talking back to the sheriff like that. "Second of all, I didn't go through anything! Bo and Luke were just giving me a ride in their car. That's it. They didn't kidnap me. They didn't threaten me. Nothing. So maybe you should let them go and apologize to them otherwsie when I get back to the orphanage I'll call my dad's friend at the newspaper compnay and I'll tell him everything. I can gaurantee you that you will be reading about your false accusations on the front page tomorrow morning!" Rosco eyes Connor in shock, not knowing what to make of it or what to do. He finally had the Duke boys arrested in his back seat. Hogg would be excited and happy with his success. But would the boys kidnap Connor? Threaten an innocent child? Deep down, no matter what he thought he saw, he knew they wouldn't. But did it matter what he thought or knew? He was the sheriff and who was to say that Connor hadn't made that story up if the kid was telling the truth about going to the newspaper? "Look Connor. You need to get in the passenger seat and I will take you to the orphanage. I am sorry about messing up there. You're right, I can't take you home. About the boys, well, we'll have to figure it out later," Rosco states tiredly and Connor eyes him disappointedly that his speech didn't help persuade the sheriff. "Now Connor." "Yes sir," Connor states as he slowly climbs in the passenger seat and sends an apologetical look at the boys who offer him a small smile to say it's OK.*
  6. LOL Roger! Never thought of that...I post a couple more posts, I'll be at my birth year. Perhaps I'll stop there. KHEE!

  7. Just read that Scott Speed has filed a 6.5 million dollar lawsuit against Red Bull for a breach of contract. Also read that he is looking for a ride, but is hard to find one when you start looking for in December. He said that in his twitter account I guess... Don't know if suing them is the answer, but do feel like Red Bull has dealt Scott Speed wrong by not telling him sooner and not telling him in person. I don't blame Speed for being upset.
  8. Red Bull has fired Scott Speed to make room for Kasey Kahne. Red Bull was clear that they were only to have two cars in 2011 as they did in 2010. (Brian Vickers, who was out most of the season due to blood clots, and Scott Speed). But with Vickers coming back at Daytona in February and Kasey Kahne being hired on for a year before he comes to Hendrick in 2012, it did leave everyone wondering who was going to be leaving and how Red Bull would have room for Kahne. Well now they have room for Kahne with Speed being fired. Scott Speed had admitted he'd have done the same thing due to his poor performance this year. I think they said he finished 30th. And with Vickers and Kahne both having past experience in the chase, he was the odd man out so to speak. But he did have a problem with how Red Bull went about firing him and frankly, I don't blame him. I'd be upset as well. Red Bull fired Speed over a fax. He said they saw him at the end of the racing season or somewhere and didn't say anything to him. Talk about a cowardly way of firing someone...and waiting this long, he'll probably have a harder time finding another ride. Am not really a Scott Speed fan, but it does irritate me that Red Bull would fire someone the way that they did. Speed did have his lawyers, but I don't know if he'll do anything or not. I do hope that he will find another ride for 2011. They had this video at the end of the article and I thought it was funny to watch, so I looked it up. Looks like Speed and the other guy drank too much Moutain Dew...or perhaps Red Bull with too much caffiene. LOL.Well Hoss, call me dumb and forgetful, but I forget what type of racing you follow. Is it F1? I was thinking it was F1 for some reason. If it is, you'd probably know Scott Speed...looks like he drove F1 before switching to NASCAR.
  9. LOL Hoss! Glad that I am not alone in missing the races.
  10. Well I didn't watch the awards afterall. It was four hours long so I taped it, but have yet to watch it. I did see a few interviews here and there including Gordon's and Johnson's online, which was interesting. They had a comedian host the awards plus they had a few singers sing as well..wouldn't have been as long if they just had the drivers and all that talk. Which is what I was more interested in. Though with the awards done and over with...that leaves me waiting until February for the Budweiser Shootout and the duals before the season starts at Daytona. Which is too long to wait for me...LOL. Am I the only one missing NASCAR and the races on Sunday?
  11. Can't believe it has taken me this long to think of this song title...is one of my favorite songs. Very upbeat. Plus Kenny Chesney is another one of my favorite Country artists.
  12. Guess I'll stick with my Alan Jackson theme.
  13. Another older AJ song...shows his love for cars.
  14. Gotta love ol' Waylon. Those people are sure lucky to be able to see a great legend as Waylon in concert...I would love to see him in concert. The Dukes is a big reason behind liking him, but his great music and talent speak for themselves as well. This song was originally sang with Willie Nelson, but in this video I think it is only Waylon singing it. RIP Waylon...we miss you!
  15. My favorite Christian band. This song always sound so sad to me...
  16. Classic Alan Jackson. Love the part to see Alan skiing with his boots half way through the video. Heard on the radio the other day that Alan has 24 number one hits. Way to go Alan. Have to admit AJ is one of my favorite Country artist...
  17. "Now wait a minute, Rosco," Bo says pleadingly, "we're just giving Connor a ride in The General. We're not kidnapping him or anyone else. Neither were we speeding." Bo had to insert the last part. "Like I am going to believe that, Bo Duke! You and Luke are liars and now you are kidnappers on top of it. You've tried to do some ornery stuff in the past, but you've gone too far!" the sheriff snaps before looking back in at Connor to make sure he looks OK. "You OK Connor? They hurt you any?" "No sir," Connor states confidently, "Bo's right. They were just taking me for a ride to visit my parents' grave." "Great. Now you're making the poor innocent boy lie on top of it. You're a bad example to the rest of society," Rosco rolls his eyes at Bo, "OK Bo and Luke Duke you are under arrest for the kidnapping of an innocent boy. Now get out of your junk car nice and easy now and perhaps I won't have to shoot you in front of Connor." "Rosco," Luke protests as he watches Bo slowly pulling himself out of the open window, "why don't you go and call Ira Grant at the orphanage. Ask him yourself?" "Because I don't have to. I have all the evidence sitting before my eyes as we speak," Rosco snaps at them, "now get out." "Rosco, where's your Christmas spirit at?" Bo asks as he begins to envisioning spending Christmas and New Year's in jail. "The likes of you two ruin Christmas. For me. For everyone. Now hush and turn around," Bo slowly does as he is told to do as he watches Luke climb out of The General and helping Connor out as well. As Rosco clamps the cuffs tightly around Bo's wrist and Luke gets besides him, Bo whispers, "I hope you're happy now, Lukas. The poor kid gets to be a witness to our arrest just because you wanted me to pull it over. Merry Christmas." Luke rolls his eyes as Rosco walks over to him and forcefully turns him around and yanking his hands behind his back to place the handcuffs on his wrists. "Let's go," Rosco roughly grabs the back of Bo's and Luke's shirt to begin escorting them to the sheriff's car. "Hey Rosco," Bo begins to question, "you going to leave an eight year old kid alone on the side of the road?" "Of course not! You hush it Bo or I'll charge you for back talking." With that the sheriff turns his head to look at Connor who stands near The General with tears rolling down his cheeks, "Connor, you need to come with me. You can ride in the passenger seat while these two criminals will be locked in the back seat where they can't get to you."
  18. "Oh c'mon," Connor states as he watches the sheriff's car behind him a moment before turning around to face Bo, "you're not doing nothing wrong. Why don't you step on it and lose him as you always do?" "Because you're in the car," Luke quickly answers before breathing in deeply and looks ahead at Bo who continues to drive forward despite his warning to pull over, "Mr. Grant wouldn't trust us with you or anyone of the kids at the orphanage if he found out we were involved in a car chase with you in the car. Especially running from the sheriff. Not only is it dangerous, it is also wrong to go against authority. Like it or not, Sheriff Coltrane is the authority of Hazzard." "If it's so wrong, then why are the two of you so known for escaping Sheriff Coltrane and for all them car chases y'all are involved in?" Connor questions. Luke eyes Connor and then up at Bo as the siren continues to wail closely behind them. "Bo, pull it over. Now!" Luke states impatiently before turning to Connor, "Well first of all, it's just us in the car. No kids. Second of all, we only do it out of neccessity of it due to the sheriff's and commissioner's constant tricks. C'mon Bo, not with Connor in the car." Bo slowly nods in the front seat while his foot remains on the accelerator slightly, keeping within the speed limit. Exhaling loudly, Bo slowly takes his foot off of the accelerator and taps the brakes as he parks The General on the side of the road. "Well Lukas, explain to me how you plan on getting Connor back to the orphanage when we're in jail," Bo states out frustration. Silence filters in the car as all eyes are on the sheriff who slowly makes it out of his patrol car while they are lost in their own thoughts and emotions. "Well boys," Rosco states as he leans into the car before his eyes fall upon Connor in the back seat with Luke. Rosco's eyes light up in anger and shock as he looks accusatory at Luke and then up at Bo. "Bo and Luke Duke, I pulled you over for speeding. Now I know why. . ." he let his sentence hang for a moment, "you're kidnapping that poor boy!"*
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