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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. See that you are on and thought I'd say howdy. LOL. Hope you had a great New Year's and the upcoming year will be great for you and your family. Have a good week!

  2. Another New Kids on the Block song.
  3. Nascar (Please note that NASCAR is suppose to be capatalized, but for some reason, it won't let me capatalize all letters, but only the N....don't know what I did to upset the boards here. LOL)
  4. Well Hoss, guess you can go ahead and laugh at 'em since you did last time. HA HA. Still a great song...then again, I am biased in my opinion.
  5. One of many great George Strait songs.
  6. Is that a question or an answer, Roger? LOL You are CORRECT! Richard Petty has the most NASCAR wins. How many NASCAR wins does the king, Richard Petty have in his career? Way to go Roger getting that one right...hope you don't mind I asked another question for you...
  7. Well that was kind of a unfair question because even I had to look it up when I looked up the other question. So I will go ahead and answer it... Christian "Jim" Roper won the first NASCAR race - winning $2,000 for his win. Don't know what they earn for a win these days...though I could look it up...but am pretty sure that it is more than that. Next question... Who has won the most NASCAR races?
  8. Well this may be as good as a one word song, but it is the song that came to mind today. What a great duo Brooks N Dunn were...still so sad that they went their separate ways and that the days of Brooks N Dunn coming out with great songs have come to an end. Guess all good things do come to an end. Anyway, it's a great B&D song!
  9. Dang it...I"m too late! LOL. Sorry I missed y'all in chat. Bet you had a good time. Hope you have a great New Year!

  10. "Nothing on but the Radio" Gary Allen Another song and lyric video...don't know why they don't have the video for it. Oh well, it's a great song all the same! Gary puts such emotion into each song of his...
  11. I apologize if I already used this one...but it came to mind tonight when I tried thinking of a one word song. I love this song...very upbeat and is a song I love turning the radio up and singing along to! Sadly I couldn't find a video for this one, though I do know they have one for it. So it is just the song with lyrics on the link above. Oh well, it's a great song! (Then again, I think, most Montgomery Gentry songs are!)
  12. Welcome aboard Meadowmufn! I wish you the best of luck!
  13. *Hugs* Bo James, I hope that your mom will get feeling better soon. Hope it isn't anything too serious. That is a nice offer...don't know if I'll be able to or not. . . (I have 5 hours and 59 minutes until 2011...)
  14. Well I still have seventeen minutes until New Year Eve...LOL. Don't know what I will be doing...hopefully I can get some writing done. Though if it is like any other New Year's Eve, I'll be in bed before midnight. Hope everyone has a very fun and safe New Year's Eve and Day. May 2011 treat you all with happiness and good health!
  15. I don't know what episode this was, but it was on the other day and it had me laughing. Boss said something like Rosco had the head of a watermelon with the brain the size of a seed. Rosco replied: Think you scuffed my pride for a week. Can't remember the exact wording, but it went something like that. Found that hilarious. Those two made a great comedy pair...Bo and Luke are my favorite characters, but the show would not be the same without Rosco and Boss! You gotta love Rosco!
  16. Well Roger, I am sorry that you won't be participating, though do understand. Feel free to ask questions as we go along. Am glad to hear that you will be keeping an eye on the thread...
  17. NASCAR was founded in 1947/48 by William France Sr. (The grandfather of Brian France who is the CEO of NASCAR today...as of 2009) Well MaryAnne, you just had to go burst my bubble, didn't you? Thought I knew a lot about the sport, but obviously, I don't know everything. LOL. Sadly, I had to go look that up...hope that isn't against the rules. Good question though! Sticking with MaryAnne's question... Who won the first NASCAR race?
  18. YAY we got another member! Welcome aboard Waikiki! Good luck to both Roger and Waikiki on their resolutions...you both have made some pretty good ones. As for me, I have a few things that I need to work on for 2011. I wish I could add a Duke episode a day to it as well...would love that one, but don't know where I would find room in my day to do so. As it is, I have difficult times finding time to write (wish I had more time to do that as well!). Well onto my resolutions...(Drum roll...LOL) 1. Not to eat so much...in hopes of losing weight. 2. Take more time out to pray
  19. Well I had started a thread like this at my NASCAR Club or what not on here, but figured it might be fun to do it here...especially since we 52 more days until Daytona 500 in February. The last trivia thread I had, I posted the trivia question first and then who ever answered the trivia question could come up with their own question...or could pass. I'll start... What does NASCAR stand for?
  20. Garrett Duke stiffly stands up to stare down into the hood of 'Spittin' Cobra', his beloved 1971 Mustang Mach I, and takes in all of his hard work he had put into making the car what it is. He had built the car up from scrap years before his sister and him moved to Hazzard with the help of his dad and his dad's privately owned garage. Now, years later, the car remains his pride and joy. Even over his expensive new motorcycle he got a couple of years ago. Nothing, in his eyes, could ever be better or even as close as good as 'Spittin' Cobra'. And maybe that was why he held such a huge grudge and hatred over his twin brother who had his own built muscle car that he raced and bragged over. Back in Knoxville, Garrett had been known as the best mechanic and the best driver around. But here in Hazzard, he is over looked, as his brother has the large reputation as being the best mechanic and driver around. With his cousin close behind. Leaving them Garrett's number one and two competition. And of all the times they have raced or compared their mechanical talents, Garrett, finds himself coming in second or third. The few times Garrett has came in first was when The General wasn't up to power or when the sheriff got in the way of their race. Despite having his legendary reputation of being the best in Knoxville, he couldn't out race or out work his twin brother and their cousin. Except maybe now. Except maybe now that The General was out of commission for the race to leave Bo and Luke out of their normal set of wheels and placing them into someone else's car. "Tonight Cobra," Garrett speaks aloud as he closes the hood of his car, "is our night to shine. We'll beat them real good tonight and show them exactly who's the best. We are." He goes silent as he walks over to the driver's door and slowly opens it before being interrupted from behind. "Well Garrett," Garrett turns around to face Kristy who stands on the sidewalk with Jamie and Shay standing next to her, "I hate to be the one to burst your bubble there," she shrugs as she lets go of Jamie's hand to approach him, "but I just got a call from LB." Garrett eyes her questionably. "Despite how much I despise that hick and don't see what you seem to see in him, I don't see why that would burst my bubble," Garrett smugly states, "if I had a bubble, that is." Kristy rolls her eyes. "You just can't stand anyone else to be happy, can you? You refuse to allow yourself to be happy so you try to go ruin happiness for everyone around you. Is that it? Well, it's not going to work with me or with LB. The kids love LB as do I. If you can't accept that, then well," she shrugs, "I guess it's too bad for you." She goes silent as her greenish blue eyes fades away from her over confident half brother to take in his pride and joy; his car. She sighs heavily as she recalls the conversation she had with LB only minutes ago that had brought a rush of mixed emotions over her. Mixed emotions because she knew that it would only upset Garrett once he found out, but sooner or later he would know. "Believe it or not, I've accepted it," Garrett finally breaks the silence, "I was only giving you a hard time. I think you know that, Kris." "I know, was only playing along," Kristy flashes a smile at Garrett, "You've put in a lot of work on Cobra today. He looks great...and fast." "Like always," Garrett gives her a small smile as he closes the door, "but that's not why you're out here is it? What does this phone call from LB have to do with me?" Kristy gives him a smile. "LB just got word from Cooter," she pauses for a moment to look back at Jamie and Shay who have found some toys in the yard to play with. Turning back to Garrett, she continues, "that Bo and Luke has accepted car parts for to fix The General up for tonight's race." Garrett lets out a breath of frustration as he glances at Cobra, his premature excitement at having one up on Bo and Luke quickly deflates from within him. Looking back at Kristy, he asks, "Car parts? From who? Where?" "Someone in Atlanta got word that they were in need of help. Someone who had a few car parts lying around, I guess," Kristy answers. "Damn," Garrett states, resting upon Cobra. "I should have known it was too good to be true." Kristy shakes her head. "Don't understand why you're upset about it. You've got Cobra in excellent shape. You're a great driver. Wouldn't you want to beat them equally matched?" "Equally matched? There's two of them. One of me. How's that equal?" Garrett is quick to question, though deep down, know she is right. "Yeah perhaps I'd rather beat them in their junk car, but how many times have I beat them, Kris? I'm done coming in second to them!" "Second isn't all that bad, Garrett. Just means you all are good at what you do, but I wouldn't give up on Cobra just yet. Or yourself," Kristy states as she pats him on the shoulder, "it should make for a great race tonight." Garrett only nods as he turns back to his car as he takes it in, thinking of what else he could do to better his car, his driving ability before tonight's race. "Well Garrett," Kristy begins to walk towards her kids, "lunch is ready. Feel free to take a break and join us." "C'mon Uncle Garrett," Jamie and Shay both call out to him. "Sorry, but I've got work to do," Garrett states as he climbs into the driver's seat of Cobra and starts it up. For a long moment he sits listening to the powerful pur of the engine before he slowly backs it up on the dirt road before taking off. Lighing a cigarette to help ease his nerves, Garrett starts on his way to a private dirt track in hopes of pushing Cobra to it's limits in an extra way to get ready for tonight's race. (CUE DANEY)
  21. I'm all for it if you are. Though it would be more interesting if more people would join in with us to do it. Hmmm how can we recruit more people? There has to be a way...LOL. I would be interested in doing it with just us two, Roger, but if you don't want to, that is OK too. We could do weekly updates on our progress...and instead of someone dropping out if they break the resolution, maybe they could list ways of how they could do better to keep the resolution next time. I don't know, just a couple of ideas.
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