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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. "What?!" Gordon exclaims shaking his head in disbelief, "My fault? Driving wreckless? You got a lot of nerve to accuse me of driving wreckless. I am probably the most safest driver there is. Especially compared to the likes of you. Hey tell me something," Gordon pauses as he reaches back to get his wallet, "are the rest of the people living in this town of your's as wreckless as you? Bet the mechanic loves working here...he's probably a millionaire by now. "As for who I am, you really need to see my driver's lisence to know who I am? You haven't seen much TV lately have you?" Gordon pauses as he goes to hand the sheriff his wallet only to let go of it a moment before the sheriff has it and the leather wallet falls into mud, "Dang it. Look what you did to my wallet. First my car and now my leather wallet is ruined. Better not have gotten any mud on my money you'd either be hand cleaning it or replacing each bill."
  2. Hmmm good question Roger. I would have to say it would probably have to do with the driver, but it could do with both and the set up the driver perfers. Though you are right...each driver has the different sort of track that they are better at than others (makes it easier to pick for fantasy! LOL).
  3. Yes they had and he did. He seems to be good at that track...
  4. Well the Spring Bristol Race was today and Kyle Busch won...for the Bristol sweep over Carl Edwards and Jimmie Johnson. Bristol is usually one of my favorite tracks and it was an OK race today. Gordon didn't do anything all day and ended fourteenth, so perhaps that is why I am not too excited about it. Bristol is a track with a lot of emotion and accidents. There was a few accidents, but not a whole lot of people getting mad at each other...at least that I saw of. Which is a good thing. I guess the big accident stuck out was when Harvick got spun around and he collected a few good cars. I always find it ironic on how the drivers who cause the accidents, are the ones that survives the accidents with the least amount of damage. Or am I the only one who sees it that way? LOL Here is the top twelve finishes for today's Bristol race: 1. Kyle Busch 2. Carl Edwards 3. Jimmie Johnson 4. Matt Kenseth 5. Paul Menard (always great to see a name you don't normally see in the top ten in the top ten such as Paul Menard...he's having a great start to his season!) 6. Kevin Harvick 7. Kurt Busch 8. Greg Biffle 9. Kasey Kahne 10. Ryan Newman 11. Dale Earnhardt Jr 12. Mark Martin Well at least all four of my starting drivers for my fantasy league finished in the top twelve (Kurt Busch, Dale JR, Ryan Newman, and Paul Menard). Which moved me up two spots in my team...
  5. Well, I think I am giving up on the idea of watching the Nationwide Series this year...seeing how I have yet to watch one. That idea didn't last too long. Oh well I guess. Here is the top ten finishing drivers at Bristol today: 1. Kyle Busch (led his 10,000 Nationwide Series lap today.) 2. Kasey Kahne 3. Dale Earnhardt Jr (hopefully he can do this good tomorrow ) 4. Elliot Sadler 5. Joey Lagano 6. Kevin Harvick 7. Carl Edwards 8. Jason Leffler 9. Brad Keselowski 10. Aric Almirola Once again, I am thinking it proves my point that the Sprint Cup Series drivers shouldn't be racing in the Nationwide Series. Seven out of the top ten are Sprint Cup drivers...Elliot Sadler ran full Sprint Cup Series the last few years but opted to drive the Nationwide Series this year...he'd make eight. To me it seems you can't see where the real talent is in the up and coming drivers when they are racing against someone who has been racing for awhile in the top tier of NASCAR...of course they'll have the upper hand over the younger drivers. That's only my opinion, of course. Would love to hear what y'all have to say about the topic.
  6. Jeff Gordon took a last glance at the billboard as he drove past it before taking in the open green land that surrounded the dirt road. Gordon almost laughs to himself in amusement at the thought of driving on a dirt road and he begins wondering when the last time he did drive on a dirt road. Through all the cities he drove through and visited throughout his career, the roads were paved. But here in the small hick town of Hazzard... His thoughts were abruptly shattered as he spots a white car driving at him from the side and before he can hit his brakes the car boldly hits his driver door. To shatter Gordon's good mood to install anger deep within him. He was use to getting hit and getting into accidents on the race track, but on the road? He had the right away and yet the car didn't stop. The driver was either too drunk or too stupid to read the yield sign he had to obey the obvious road law. Gordon slowly forces himself to sigh heavily, in attempt to control his emotions, before glancing over at the car that had hit him. Gordon hears a gasp of surprise leave him as he sees an old white patrol car that is now halted a foot from his door, since the impact had shoved Gordon's car away a foot or so. Law or no law, it didn't matter to Gordon. Signs were to be obeyed whether they had the badge on their side or not. Shaking his head in disbelief, Gordon throws open the door and unbuckles his seat belt to slowly step out to eye the damage to his car. The red paint has been torn from his door and part of his back door while a large indent is now implanted within each door and part of the side of the hood. "No, no, no," he hears himself mutter before he eyes the white patrol car that has serious damage to the front end of his car. Gordon waits a while before an older sheriff or deputy climbs out of the car. "Who do you think you are?!" Gordon yells at the patrol officer, "I obey your street laws, I abide by your rules and yet youdrive through your own yield sign? What? You have double standards here or what?! You think you're better than everyone else because you have a badge? Think you don't have to abide your own rules or laws? "I guess I should just be happy that none of us got hurt and that we can both walk away from all of this. After all, cars are just cars. Material things can be fixed or replaced, but look at what you did to my car! And why? Because you decided not to yeild to me as your own sign told you to! I had the right a way. Not you," Gordon pauses as he looks back at his car, his mind instantly wonders from his own damaged car to what this will mean for his upcoming week. He needed to be in Richmond by Thursday afternoon in order to practice and get things set up for the upcoming race. He was to be home with his family until then. To live a normal life. But now he had a damaged car that will need to be repaired... "Now what? Do you even have a garage that is capable or should I say competent enough to fix the damages you created? You even have the money to fix it? I mean, why should I pay for something you did? Or let me guess...you'll just let this poor hick town of your's pay the bill for you." Gordon goes silent again, half way feeling guilty for his angry spiel he had just given to the patrol officer that ran into him. There could be plenty of reasons why he ran the yield sign and Gordon was never the one to get easily upset over things. Perhaps some of his anger really wasn't at the patrol officer as much as himself. If he had gone home as he normally did, as the rest of his crew had, he wouldn't be in Hazzard. Wouldn't have gotten hit by the police officer. But he should have the right to drive through Hazzard or any other town without getting hit by someone's ignorance of their own law. And the fact that the car he was driving was an anniversary gift from his wife only made things worse for him. If he had driven his other car, he wouldn't have gotten so upset...
  7. Well I hope this counts as a match since it is walkin' and not walk, but figured it is the samething. Love this song by TK.
  8. Forgive me if I already posted this one...great song.
  9. Boss Hogg hears a sigh escape from him as he stares blankly across the darkened room, lost within his deep thoughts. Thoughts of his brother in law that lies silently in the bed that is directly in front of him. Thoughts of the young Duke that he has locked up in jail for the supposed accident and of his family. Thoughts of what all of their future holds for them now that they wait desperately for the sheriff to wake up. Deep down, he knows Bo Duke wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone. His uncle had raised them all better than that and even if he wasn't raised better, Bo was too loving and trusting. Too care free to wish any harm on any one. No matter how many times Rosco gave them a chase for something they didn't do. Yet, Boss felt like someone should pay for what had happened to Rosco. Rosco may be a poor driver when compared to the Dukes, but he was a better driver than just to drive off the road like that fo rnothing. And him chasing Bo at the time that it happened, put Bo in the perfect spot to be their prime suspect. But if it wasn't Bo that ran or damaged Rosco's patrol car to make him lose his brakes, then who was it? Who could possible wish harm to the sheriff? To kill Rosco? Rosco had many flaws to him and he often got on Boss' nerves. But who ever messed with Rosco's car did it with intentions to kill him. Who'd want to kill Rosco? Could it be one of Hogg's past business partners seeking revenge on him? Or did Rosco step into something he shouldn't have? Or perhaps one of his past convicts he had somehow arrested in the past coming back to seek revenge on the sheriff? Despite how he felt about the Dukes and how bad he wanted to see them in jail, Boss was finding himself having a hard time leaving Bo locked behind bars for attempted murder. Despite what he had told Bo and his family. But to just let Bo go without any new evidence or reason gave the Dukes and the whole town know that he was wrong. Worse yet, it gave them all the impression that he cared about them enough to look past the evidence pointing at Bo. And if he let him go, what would that say to everyone else? That they too could get away with running the law off the road like Bo had? Whether it was intentional or not. Boss shakes his head. He couldn't let Bo out of jail. Evidence speaks for itself and it was him who Rosco was chasing when it happened. And who does all this benefit the most? Bo Duke, himself. After all, it was Bo who was caught red handed with evidence of robbing the local jewlry store. Boss couldn't let himself over look that. Which meant that even if Bo hadn't messed with Rosco's car, he was still guilty of something and is where he should be. "Come on Rosco. Wake up. You got to see Bo in jail. By himself. He has no one to turn to any more. No more Luke to lean on. Just Bo in there by himself. We should have figured he was the black sheep of that family," Boss nervously laughs as he looks down at his beaten and bruised sheriff who only responds with the hiss of the oxygen tank and the beeping of the monitors. "You put him there. It took all this. But you put Bo where he belongs. He won't get away with what he did to you. If he didn't run from you like he did. . ." Who was he kidding? Boss quickly looks away, his guilt gnawing violently within him. Boss had his key man break into the jewlry store to frame Bo. His desperate attempt to get the Dukes in jail...even if it was just one of them, this time. Figured if they got enough evidence and if their plan went as planned, they'd have the rest of the Dukes accusing Bo of stealing the jewlry. Of them getting upset at Bo and leaving him behind bars. Of starting a fight in the family that would lead Bo right to the state pen. Would have work too if Rosco hadn't ran off the road as he had. But it wasn't Bo's fault. It was just a Duke reflex to run from the local law and after all Boss had done to them in the past, who could blame them? He gave them hundreds of reasons to run from Rosco and him. It was him who sent Rosco out after Bo. Told him to have Bo arrested by the end of the day or else he'd be without a job and that Boss would replace him with his deputy. Boss hears himself laugh nervously once again. Sheriff Enos Strait. It just didn't sound right or even look right in his imagination. Then again, he couldn't see anyone else as his sheriff other than Rosco. But if things turn for the worse, he'd have to reappoint a new sheriff. The thought sends violent chills racing across his small round body and he feels tears enter his eyes. Looking back down at Rosco, he hears himself beg, "Rosco. You wake up. That's an order," he pauses as he looks away, not able to look at his sheriff in his condition without be repulsed with anger and guilt at himself. "I'm begging you. You got to wake up. If not me, wake up for Lulu. She needs you." He goes silent before he eats enough ego to say, "I need you. That's right. You heard me right. I need you. I know I've never said that before and probably won't say it again, but the truth is, I need you. Please wake up." Discouraged with the beeping and the hissing of the oxygen tank and not a word or a nod from Rosco, Boss slowly stands up from his chair and he finds himself walking over to the window to look out. Lost in thought once again. Thoughts of the past to the present to the future. Looking at his pale reflection in the clean window, he shakes his head in anger at himself. He got what he wanted. He had Bo tightly locked in jail. In a few days he'll be on his way to Atlanta to the state pen. Something he worked years to achieve. But it came at a price. The price was his sheriff, his brother in law. The price he was paying was at the cost of his best friend. Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane. (Please feel free to message me with what you think of my story this far. Reviews are welcome. )
  10. Another song off of their very first album...which thanks to a friend, I can now listen to.
  11. I love this song! Also like Montgomery Gentry - would love to see them in concert...bet they put on a pretty wild show. This song always reminds me of the Dukes or of Hazzard County and their kind of attitude. If that makes sense...It should be "Uncle Jesse Won't sell the farm" HA HA.
  12. Welcome to Hazzardnet!

  13. Meanwhile, Jeff Gordon continues to drive foward with little thought or knowledge of where he is going. And not much caring of where he is going. All he is thinking of, caring of is of what his team and him accomplished only a couple of hours ago. A win at Atlanta. The celebrating. His statistics and points increasing. Life was good. Inhaling heavily with a smile on his face he bends down and turns on the radio and flips the stations before he shoves in his favorite CD. Looking up a large bulletin board looms largely ahead with a small round man dressed up in a white three piece suit and a white cowboy hat; a fat cigar laced tightly in between a chubby index and middle finger, pointed at Gordon. Above the almost comic round man, in large bold red letters, it reads: HAZZARD WANTS YOU! Below the board, is a green street sign that reads: Welcome to Hazzard. Population 150. "What's this?" Gordon muses to himself as he passes the sign, silently taking in his surroundings before glancing at his speedometer as he passes a speed zone to make sure he is driving the speed limit. Which he was.
  14. Well today's NASCAR special has just ended on FOX that was called Daytona: The American Dream. Did anyone get to watch it? If so, what you think? I have to admit, I didn't have much expectation for the program other than that it was about the Daytona 500 and something to fill my NASCAR fix during this off weekend. But boy, was I wrong. Am so glad I watched it. I watched the Daytona 500, saw the big one, and saw the historically young driver win the great American race. Yet, it was just as exciting to see it again. Not only that, but to hear comments from Trevor Bayne, Jeff Gordon, Carl Edwards. Just awesome. The more I hear about Trevor, the more I like the kid. I hope he goes a long ways in NASCAR, I feel NASCAR needs a kid like Trevor. Though, that wasn't all that the program was about...after that show, it went to another program of the top ten greatest accidents in NASCAR. That went onto another program about the top ten closest finishes in NASCAR history. Boy, both of those programs were exciting and interesting to watch...though the accidents were just scary to watch and hard to believe they all walked away from that! A few of the accidents I remember watching...such as the Carl Edwards accident. But a lot I didn't. Richard Petty was in two of the top ten big accidents. One was before the window net was put it and his hand was out of the window while he flipped! The last one, the all time biggest wreck at number one, was of Bobby Allison who had also went into the fence as Edwards had and luckily no one in the stands were hurt in either one. They said with the Allison accident, if the fence hadn't done what it was suppose to, that could have been the end of NASCAR! (Just imagine...a life without NASCAR? *Shudders*!) Michael Waltrip was in a bad one where he pretty much didn't have a car when his car stopped - said his feet were touching the race track. All ten of the accidents were horrible to watch and scary to t hink of what could have happened to each driver... The top ten closest finishes was interesting to watchh as well. Some very close finishes. Though, Roger, you'll be happy to know your driver, Kurt Busch got the number one record of the closest with him and Ricky Craven. Their cars latched on and they finished attached to each other. Though Ricky beat Kurt by six inches... Well I couldn't give a race review over Sprint or Nationwide Series, so I thought I would give you a review of the show. I enjoyed watching it, listening to the commentaries, and all that. Found it interesting to see the differences in the cars from different time periods and to see today's drivers and see how young they looked. Michael Waltrip looked really young in his accident footage as well as Kevin Harvick when he beat out Jeff Gordon. If anyone else watched it, what y'all think of the show?
  15. "Are You Down? New Kids on the Block From their first album...
  16. I am sorry Roger for you and your friend. This is a difficult time for you both. I pray and hope that they will get in touch with them soon... Everyone in Japan and all those affected is in my thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time.
  17. Welcome to Hnet Muddy K! It is always great to meet another Duke fan and hope you enjoy the site. Thank you for your time and service that you are doing...what a big sacrafice you are doing. Thank-you. I agree with Roger, it would be nice to hear from you and all that you can post online about it all. Thanks again...my thoughts and prayers are with you!
  18. Just a reminder...both Sprint Cup and the Nationwide Series has this weekend off. The Camping World Truck Series races at Darlington, I think, Saturday. Though there is NOT a race on, other than the Truck Series, they do have a show on about this year's Daytona 500 that was ran only a few weeks ago. It will have commentary by Trevor Bayne, who won the Daytona 500, as well as Jeff Gordon and some other drivers. The program will be on at 12:00 PM, CENTRAL TIME, on FOX. It may not be a race (meaning I'll have to live with Gordon's accident another week...and to see him at 19th in points. ) but at least it is something NASCAR and should be interesting to hear what the drivers has to say about NASCAR's Super Bowl race. (Even if both of my drivers wrecked on lap 27...LOL) With that said, that will also give y'all a week off from my race and points updates as well as listening to my ramblings about the race. LOL.
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