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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. I do...I have the song itself and a video of him singing it in Nashville....I love it.
  2. It was 30 years ago today (9:00pm EST) that our favorite Hazzardites came to television and the phenomenon began.... Happy Anniversary Everyone!!!!!!!
  3. And me...course maybe Kane was a middle name (it used to be tradition for middle names to be the mother's maiden name) Who knows....Im just real coonfused how Mrs Nelson (mrs implies that she was married or widowed) could have Jud and his last name of Kane...interesting.
  4. It's funny that the person who rescued Jud was Mrs. Nelson and his name was Jud Kane. It's obvious the nurse did know his name and that in reality he was a Duke. I think she did take him as her own and maybe she got married or something at which point she adopted him (Jud Kane). Or actually maybe Kane is a middle name and he just used it for prize fighting....there are LOTS of possibilities.
  5. Luke walked on, soon finding himself kneeling in the cemetary at his uncle's grave,the tears cascading down his cheeks. He thought a lot about his uncle, how kind he had always been, how understanding, how patient... and he thought a lot about how disappointed he must be in Luke. "I tried...I did...I just ....I can't..." he choked, his whole body shaking. "I can't do this...I can't... I'm sorry...." With that he kissed the cold stone, so unlike his uncle's warm cheek, and ran as fast as he could.
  6. Luke didn't look back. he himself knew that things had spiralled too far out of control. Sara had been wrong. Things weren't going to get better. As long as he stayed there they would only get worse. He cursed Bo from pulling him off that cliff anyway. Maybe if he had just died then and there none of this would have happened. Maybe if he had never made it back from Nam...Maybe...maybe...the thoughts kept coming and this time he didn't try to reason himself out. It didn't matter anymore. He had pushed everything way too far. It was time to leave.
  7. It was as if a cold breeze blew through the house as Bo walked past him, telling him to call Sara. It only confirmed what Luke knew already... that he wasn't wanted home. Sure Bo was glad to have him out of the hospital...they certainly couldn't afford him to stay there. But he wasn't wanted at home either. Swallowing hard the sobs that threatened to come, Luke pushed himself off the wall he had backed up against, going to his room and grabbing a bag. Not calling Sara, not speaking to Bo, he simply packed what belongings he could, not even thinking about what was going in there, hardly seeing it anyway as tears fell down his face. Shouldering it he climbed out his window quietly taking off down the road.
  8. Luke swallowed hard as he looked in the bathroom at Bo. It was too much...too soon. His being here was doing more harm than good, that much was certain. Any other time he would have rushed to Bo's aid, cleaning him up...comforting him. Now he just stood, looking at what had become of his family, largely due to Luke. He shook his head, backing away with a small choked back sob.
  9. Tears dribbled down Luke's cheeks. He knew in his heart that something had happened. Slowly, ever so slowly, he got up making his way to where the sound came from shaking like a leaf.
  10. Luke jumped at the yell and crash, his eyes wide with fear. "Bo..." he whimpered. "Bo..."
  11. Early the next morning, Luke finally awoke, whimpering slightly when he found himself alone in the room. At the hospital he had been a strict schedule of sleeping, eating, talking...At the hospital, no matter when he woke up, Sara was always there waiting for him, encouraging him to either start the day or, if he had slept by way of defense mechanism, to avoid dealing with what had to be dealt with, she was there then too, pretending that sleeping through the day and ignoring the routine schedule of the hospital was exactly what she had planned for the day. He glanced to Bo's bed noting that it had been slept in and reasoning he must be out in the barn doing chores. He let out a soft whimper at that too. He should be out there doing the chores alongside him. He shouldn't be causing all the extra hospital bills. Bo and Daisy had enough to deal with. Maybe the extra care of Luke being home was just adding to their worries. He was home but still a part of him felt worlds away. A lone tear trickled down his cheek. Normally when he woke with doubt and fear Sara was there to help him see clearly, to encourage him with promises of a brighter future and the recognition of his achievments so far. Normally she'd offer a hug, the embrace meaning more to Luke than she likely would ever know....almost like that of a security blanket, an unuttered promise of safety and love. Now he was on his own...
  12. You are a perfect Uncle Jesse Roger...perfect. Just to throw my two cents in since we are talking a subject I know well... I love to rp, I really do, but I don't rp with everyone. Please don't be offended if I dont take part in stories. As everyone has said, rp and rr tend to be unique beasts...probably because if you have any bit of an author in ya, you put yourself into the characters you play. It's easy to get frustrated when not everyone is on your train of thought. BoJames and I are coming up on our rp anniversary. I think it's 3 years now...seems like forever. we rp and talk most every day. We know what each other likes, we know what we don't like. We know how we interpret characters, and we bounce ideas off each other real well. We can anticipate each others actions and sometimes, as those of you on chat have witnessed, each others' thoughts as well. For this reason, I guess I am spoiled. It's not that I won't rp with anyone else, I do. But for me it's really hard to adjust to someone else. Also, and pardon me if this sounds a bit silly, but sometimes rp can be a really personal thing, at least it is for me. It might be just writing a story, but like it or not when you rp or write a part of you as a person comes out into your words. So it's not something that I CAN share with just anyone...even if I wanted to. I hope all that makes sense. LOL
  13. Luke laid in his bed, whimpering softly ever so often in his sleep but not waking up.
  14. Daisy gave her a small smile before going to take a shower before work. She needed to look her best to ensure the most tip money, the family earning all they could to pay bills.
  15. "Maybe," began Daisy. "But I dont think in Bo's case it can be soon enough."
  16. Daisy sighed. "I guess.. here's hopin' Luke'll get through this soon."
  17. Daisy swallowed a lone tear running down her face. "It's so hard...knowing what to say...to either of 'em....I wanna help 'em...but I can't," said Daisy with a sniff.
  18. Daisy nodded a little feeling a bit guilty for feeling the way she did.
  19. Daisy swallowed and shook her head. "Guess yer right."
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