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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Luke looked at him and admitted "I just...don't wanna get hurt again."
  2. Luke nodded a little. "I wanna believe that...I do..."
  3. Luke swallowed and slowly looked Bo in the eyes*
  4. "Or maybe...it's all part of her plan...to use me...to hurt Lori..." he said a quiver in his voice. "Maybe it's all a joke to her."
  5. Luke's lips trembled. "Bo...Bo if she lied to me...if she..." He swallowed hard biting his lip.
  6. Luke swallowed. "She...she wouldn't....would she?! I mean they aint always got a long, but...she ain't ....a killer...is she?!"
  7. "Kill Lori?! Look if this is your idea of a joke it ain't funny..." said Luke though something told him Bo wasn't joking.
  8. Luke nodded. "Yeah...what about him?"
  9. Luke swallowed finding Candy removed from his arms and Bo talking to him. He swallowed, squeezing Candy's shoulder, before getting up and following Bo out the double doors and through the cooridor to the front steps of the hospital.
  10. Yeah...now Daisy Mae is thinking she will have to go get one for herself...heehee
  11. "I know, " sighed Luke. "I know it is sweetheart.
  12. "It's ok...it is..." he answered reassuringly, as he kissed her again. "You just need to calm down..." he said rubbing her shoulders a little as he kissed away her tears.
  13. "It's ok...it's over now...." He knew all about having images in your head from Nam. The trick is to distract yourself...until you can deal with it...." he said kissing her gently.
  14. Luke hugged her close rubbing her back gently. "Hey...hey...shhhh"
  15. Luke held Candy closer, wanting nothing more than to help her. "Lori's tough...she'll be alright..."
  16. Luke held Candy close, speaking gently to her as he would to a frightened child. "Sgonna be alright sweetheart....I promise."
  17. Luke held Candy in his arms all the way there, gently rubbing Candy's back through the blue plaid flannel.
  18. Luke nodded. "Alright...alright...we'll go Darlin.." He led her to the General Lee and lifted her in. "Let's go Bo."
  19. Luke rubbed her arms gently with his hands. "It's gonna be alright....I think maybe you should get checked out by a doc too sweetheart," he added worriedly.
  20. Luke kissed her gently again and again as he washed the blood from her hands drying them on the tail of his shirt. He didn't get up however, just cuddled her closer in his arms.
  21. Luke shook his head carrying her over to where a nearby creek ran and sits her down taking out his handkercheif and gently washing her bloody hands for her. "S'alright darlin....s'gonna be alright..."
  22. Luke hadn't noticed what Candy was...or wasn't wearing at first. He had been too worried. Now as his hands touched against her unmentionables he instantly blushed and ripped off his shirt helping her into it...it was way too big on her, but Luke thought she looked beautiful anyway. Carefully he lifted her out of the car and held her close. Rosco shut the door after them. "Well I'll be back for you two with another set of cuffs...don't you go nowhere." He then got in his ncar and headed towards the jail, planning to book them for kidnapping, attempted murder and assaulting a police officer, still convinced he had been threatened.
  23. "Ohhh tiddly tuddly...I'm sure they had somethin to do with it...but...anything for you Miss Dix." He uncuffed him cuffing the other two and slapping them both awake. "You get in that car...I mean it now...don't you treaten me...I have an attack dog...she'll gnaw your face off an spit out the teeth...now you get in there..." He opened the rear door to his car and pushed them in as the paramedics strapped Lori to a stretcher and rushed her to the ambulance. Luke ran to Candy throwing his arms around her. "You alright?!"
  24. Rosco pulled up shortly followed by an ambulance. "Alright you Duke boys...I shoulda known you were behind this...now what's this all about Miss Dix....ohhh?" Quivers go through his liver seeing the blood. "Um...uh... that's right..get over here and take care of them...I'm in charge now...Uh...." He got out his cuffs. "Only one set of cuffs....kew.... guess we know who gets them don't we Flash? KewKew" He then walked over cuffing Bo to Luke.
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