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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. "Well, I'm glad someone enjoyed it." Taking his hand he lightly cuffed Bo upside his blond head. He actually was thankful though. For the moment, at least, it had distracted him from the more serious things on his mind.
  2. Luke couldn't help chuckling a little. It had been a long time since Bo laughed so hard he cried. Even if it was at his expense, he supposed it was worth it.
  3. Luke shook his head. "You just wait...wait til you have a kid...then we'll see who you sound like..."
  4. Luke shook his head sighing as he watched Bo lose control of his laughter. "Yer gonna get it..." he promised low.
  5. Luke pointed at him. "Now you listen here..." before stopping and realizing what he was doing. "Oh no..."
  6. "There I go what?" he asked looking at him with a pouty expression on his face.
  7. "Great," said Luke sarcastically. He wasn't all sure that that was a good thing or not.
  8. "I s'pose he's jut worried...but it sure don't make ya feel no better..." said Luke with a scowl.
  9. "Now I ain't said it wasn't...an accident's an accident. Meantime...I'm gonna go call Daisy and see if she got Jaime to school and sort out the bill." Shaking his had, he walked out the door. "Hate it when he gets like that..." sighed Luke.
  10. "A fracture?! That's all?!" Jesse sighed shaking his head. "You boys'll be the death of me." Luke frowned. "I'm sorry."
  11. Luke nodded slightly just as Jesse came bursting into the room. "How're my boys?" "Fine Uncle Jesse..." Jesse looked between them and looked at Bo. "What'd the doc say bout you?"
  12. Luke wasn't stupid. He had a pretty good idea what had happened, but he said nothing. "Will...will you let Jesse know...where I'm at...and what's going on?"
  13. "You still ain't told me why ya hit him..." said Luke looking at Bo. "What on earth did he do to make ya so mad?
  14. Luke swallowed withdrawing his hand as if he had been burnt. "A ..a fracture? I...I factured your sh-shoulder?!"
  15. Luke reached out his hand towards the immobilizer. "You sure don't look fine. What'd they say?"
  16. Luke noded his tight face lessening a little as his foot began to numb as the pain killers took effect. "Are you alright?"
  17. Luke looked at him knowing he didn't want to talk about it. " Yeah...she did...apparently..I gotta have surgery t' repair some of the bones..."
  18. Luke looked up seeing Bo's shoulder and arm and his angry look and quaked a little. He could only assume that Bo was angry at him, and from the looks of his shoulder he had a pretty good idea why. He just hoped Bo wouldn't punch first and ask questions later, as Luke was certainly no match for him right now. "Bo...look...I never meant to hurt you...I...I'm sorry..."
  19. "Yes ma'am," he said politely sitting with his back against the wall. He hoped they would hurry and start working. His foot felt like it had taken a step into a wood chipper.
  20. "All done?" he asked looking at his arm in surprise. "You're good. Yeah..I'm thinkin' you probably will."
  21. "Sorry Lorraine...it's gonna hafta wait Darlin'." Quickly he tipped his hat to her and ran to where his own horse which was tied on the main street of the town. Untying him, he grabbed the reins and swung up in the saddle, looking one last time at Lorraine, he gave asmall yell took off, chasing after the Sherriff, who was chasing after Joe.
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