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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Jesse nodded. "Might even be sad to go when it's over, the way he was lookin at that doc" he chuckled.
  2. Jesse sighed nervously. "Well...they probably are taking him in about now."
  3. Luke looked at her trustingly and breathed deep. "1....2....3...." He never made it to four- his eyes closed peacefully.
  4. Hank pulled out a chair for her to sit and gently pushed her in, taking the seat beside her. Lucinda smiled. "Well, I hope you're stayin a spell."
  5. "Pleased t' meet ya," said Lucinda. "Hope you're hungry...there's plenty more down cellar in a teacup." "I am," answered Hank. " You and Joe always are, " answered Lucinda.
  6. Hank led her inside. "Lorraine...you remember my Uncle Jeremiah...this is my Aunt Lucinda. Auntie....this is Lorraine..." he said as if displaying a precious creature.
  7. Luke nodded a little, feeling pretty calm considering. "So...what exactly are ya gonna do?"
  8. "Pretty and briliant...your husband is a very lucky man..." says Luke , smiling at her.
  9. Luke couldn't help smiling. "No...I just wish I'd be awake to enjoy it...."
  10. His wife nodded setting another place. Hank smiled his dimpled smile as he climbed off of Fly and lifted Lorraine down with both hands. Well, Fly ain't much in the way of a carriage, but ..." he began taking her hand, "we like it here."
  11. "Well...I reckon I take the fair maiden to my castle then....Ya" he said turning Fly towards home.
  12. "Well the only hotel in Sleepy City is also the worst hotel in Sleepy City...why don't you stay out at the farm. Ya can share a room with my cousin Dixie," invited Hank with a smile.
  13. Hank smiled a little holding the rens and maneuvering them expertly in one hand, his horse Fly seeming to know where he wanted to go without words. "Sure is.." he said his right hand on Loraine's side helping her to stay steady on the horse."
  14. Luke gave a small sigh. He was more grateful for Bo than he let on . Just his presence was comforting.
  15. "Well...he does a good job of getting in trouble alright..." he said helpng her on his horse. "Course I ain't been known t be an angel myself," says with a small kick in the stirrups urging his horse forward.
  16. Luke sighed nodding trying to console himself with the fact theworst would be over soon.
  17. "I know," answered Luke simply, staring at his foot. "Just the farm...and Jaime..." "Now you stop your frettin... everythin's gonna be fine...just fine," interrupted Jesse.
  18. "Well...that'd be a gain,"returned Luke. "You bet your britches it would...save me a few more white hairs too," said Jesse with a smile.
  19. "Said cuz I'm allergic to anesthesia...." said Luke trying not to sound concerned. "Least they realized that... least they's takin precautions..." said Jesse refusing to see the down side. "I spose," answered Luke softly.
  20. "Wish they'd just do it and be done...they had t' take blood work...I hate that..."
  21. Jesse rubbed Luke's arm. "How ya feelin boy?" Luke sighed glancing from him to Bo. "Ready t' go home."
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