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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Luke looked up a smile spreading across his face. "Hey there sweethart,"
  2. Luke shook his head. "Jesse...I don't think..." But Jesse continued. "He tied that outhouse door shut so tight with her in it that they ahd to take a knife t get her out." "She needed a break..." muttered Luke his face now as red as his foot. Jesse looked at him. "Apparently her paddle did too... see Bo, Luke was a planner even then...and broke her paddle in half ahead of time...in case he got caught." Luke couldn't help smiling at his ingenuity at such a young age.
  3. Jesse smiled. "Oh that ain't all...now seems to me that was the year that the plumbing was bein redone an they had t use the outhouse back of the school." Luke groaned. "Hello...sick man here...way to hit a man when he' down..." though he was trying not to smile knowing very well what Jesse was about to tell about. "Yes sir... seemed Ol' Luke wanted t' teach his teacher a lesson... how old was ya 7?" Luke flushed nodding hiding a smirk. "So 7 year old Luke took in some rope...and while the teacher was out ...taking a bathroom break..." Jesse began with a twinkle in his eye.
  4. Jesse nodded. Luke frowned. "She said black an white cats was her favorite." "Uhu..." said Jesse.
  5. "I thought he might," said Jesse with a grin to Bo and a look to Luke letting him know to hush. Luke hushed, growing redder by the minute. "Now let me think...I think it was the fourth day he took it upon hisself t' bring in a class pet fer the teacher..." Luke frowned. " She said she liked cats." Jesse shot him a look. "Now Lukas I don't think a polecat was what she had in mind."
  6. Jesse shook his head. "Don't wory Bo...I know another Duke who made a name fer himself the first week... an it weren't cuz he colored no goldfish black neither." "I don't think Bo needs t hear bout that, Uncle Jesse..." said Luke turning a little red.
  7. Luke laughed out loud too. "Remember on Bo's second week of school he took in Auntie's food colorin and put it in the class Fish Tank?" Jesse nodded his blue eyes twinklin. "Turned the tank black..." Luke nodded. "He said he thought they'd get bored in plain water..."
  8. "Well technically...all he did was get people runnin...an it was during Phys. Ed." put in Luke immediately regretting it when Jesse shot him a glance. "Oh...and I suppose putting a whoopie cushion on the music teacher's chair..." Luke shrugged playfully. "The good Book says make a joyful noise."
  9. "That ya did... right on the suspension list for one week...and you..." he pointed at Bo. "You had the nerve to go back and do it again!" Luke chuckled. "You always told him if at first ya don't succeed try try again." "That weren't what I meant," snapped Jesse his beard hiding a smile.
  10. Luke nodded. "Probably. You know you'd think the teacher's woulda appreciated it...w just wanted t' give em a day off..." "And yaselves..." put in Jesse. Luke smiled. "Well sure..."
  11. Jesse shook his head. "Ain't our fault...we woulda never got caught if Enos hadn't felt so guilty about settin off the fire alarm with us that he up and fessed cryin' t the principal," said Luke with a chuckle. "And Jaime better never hear about that neither," he warned.
  12. Hank smiled. "Well, anytime you decide to be sidetracked again, I'd be more than happy t'oblige." He took off his hat and kissed her hand gently.
  13. Luke laughed too. "Hey...it's not our fault...you's the one what raised us t' be close." Jesse nodded. "Never thought I'd live to regret it, though I almost did when I got that call from the principal..."
  14. Luke opened his eyes, looking to Bo and Jesse, "Jaime's on her way." Jesse shook his head. "That there is worse than what you and Bo used t do with that secret language of yours."
  15. Luke closed his eyes settling into his pillow. "Alright...I'll see you soon sweetheart," he thought to himself a slight smile on his face.
  16. Hank only nodded, too distracted thinking about his beloved Fly to notice that Loraine was lying.
  17. "With friends like that ya don't need enemies," said Hank flippantly, though he only took Loraine's hand and walked on.
  18. Hank watched them go. "Who was that?" he asked.
  19. Hank turned around keeping an arm protectively around Loraine, waiting for the rider to come to a stop.
  20. Luke smiled a little and thought, "Calm down sweetheart...I'm fine....I'm alright."
  21. Hank simply nodded and took her hand. "Alright then."
  22. Luke nodded a little. He missed Jaime, and wanted more than anything to see her.
  23. "Yeah...we should have...listen I can get you to town...but looks like we'll hafta walk" he said feeling uneasy about borrowing Joe's horse.
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