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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Hank hung on as they jumped the log effortlessly.
  2. Hank hopped on after her and took hold of her waist.
  3. "Those girls...what do they know.... there can't be one of em that can hold a candle to you Jaime...there just can't...."
  4. Hank swallowed down the last drop of his beer before nodding and holding out his hand to take hers. "See ya at home Dixie," he called out before leading her out.
  5. Luke swallowed hard not reaizing how angry he was becoming or how he was scaring Jaime. "If my foot'd let me Id go right down there an tell em what I think of that squad."
  6. Luke's eyes raged with anger. "Yer tellin me...." he began slowly, "that you didn't make it....cuz of yer scars?!" He was visibly shaking with anger.
  7. "If what?" asked Luke trying to hide his temper at her going without permission.
  8. Luke wrapped his arms around his daughter. "Talk t' me baby....what's goin on?"
  9. "Why not let me be the judge of that?" he asked drawing her down close to him.
  10. Hank smiled at her as he leaned on the bar. "You're welcome."
  11. "Your cheeks got tear stains on em. What's wrong sweet thing?" asked Luke worriedly.
  12. Dixie looked to her. "Well he offered to show me his room in the Sleepy City Hotel across the street...didn't take too kindly when I told him where I'd rather have him go...."
  13. Hank nodded and went to the bar to order the drinks.
  14. Hank was anxious to check on his Fly. But he supposed a drink wouldn't hurt none. "Sure thing...what'll ya have?" "Champagne..." put in Dixie with a smile. "If I'm buying you get beer," said Hank with a smirk.
  15. Hank frowned shaking his head. He couldn't understand why anyone would want a friend like that, but, he reasoned that he might be reading into things. After all, if Loraine called him a friend, he reasoned he couldn't be all bad. Maybe he had just had too much to drink. "If you say so."
  16. Hank eyed her worriedly. "Thought you said that was a friend of yours..."
  17. Hank saw the hit he gave Loraine and was about ready to pull his gun right there. He tought better of it though and went to check on the women. "You two alright?" "I'm fine...thanks to you," answered Dixie sweetly.
  18. Hank bristled when he saw Frank near his cousin. He walked right up to him and tapped his shoulder, intending to let him know just what he thought about it. Dixie quickly made her escape and went to a far corner having seen the look in Hank's eyes and knowing it would be safer to be out of his way. "That ain't no way to treat a lady, friend..." said Hank as Frank turned to see who had tapped him . With that he delivered a punch that sent Frank sprawling into the bar. "Especially when that lady is my cousin."
  19. "What ain't good darlin'?" asked Hank, as he hung onto her waist.
  20. "Sounds like a plan," he answered swinging himself up behind Loraine.
  21. "Never mind Jaime. I'm fine..gonna be off my feet for a bit is all," said Luke biting back a smile.
  22. Luke hugged her back. "Sure..takes more than a mule with a lead foot t keep me down."
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