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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. "Don't know what's got int' me lately," confessed Luke. "Guess it's this time of year...things come t mind an'...I dunno...I just..." He didn't say "break" but he thought it. Saying it aloud would make him appear weak, and he didn't want that... not in front of Bo.
  2. Luke hugged Bo readily, a bit embarrassed at being caught, but not surprised. Bo knew him better than he knew himself sometimes. "Thanks," he murmured softly.
  3. Luke looked Bo in the eyes, half-smirking despite the tremble in his lips. "Never could stand...t see a grown man cry," he managed though it was evident he was talking more to himself. "Dang allergies," he murmured as he wiped the tears welling in his eyes.
  4. Luke looked at Bo. Of course he knew that Bo looked up to him when he was little. But for him to hear that he still felt that way was enough to make the older cousin swallow hard, unable to speak for the lump in his throat.
  5. Now it was Luke's turn to be speechless. "H-hero?" he managed when he finally found his voice.
  6. Luke looked at him, disbelief and a hint of sadness on his tan face. "Well, now you know..." He didn't mean it as gruffly as it sounded. It had always been hard for Luke to express his emotions well, to anyone but Bo, and even then he still sometimes fell into the habit of hiding them, especially when something affected him. Like now. As he looked in Bo's deep blue eyes though, he found himself talking, making him more transparent with his cousin than he had been in a long time. "You've always been important...if...if it wasn't for you...heck, I wouldn't even be alive today...don't you ever think you don't matter Bo Duke..." he added seriously, his blue eyes flashing with intensity. "You changed my life.."
  7. "That they are," answered Jesse. He didn't say if Bo lived to be older, but he thought it. Luke bit his lip as he felt the small hand close around his thumb, an urge to protect this little boy swelling inside of him. It was then that his heart, still closed up from the tragic loss of his folks, opened just enough, to make room for Bo.
  8. Nice job Morgan...you have a lot of talent.
  9. Jesse put his arm around his wife. "He sure seems quite taken with the youngin'. Ain't seen him so interested in somethin since he came here," observed Jesse watching Luke with the baby. Luke was completely uaware that he was being watched. All he saw was the baby in his lap. Carefully he shifted his arm so he could better cradle Bo and stroked his little hand with his thumb. "S'ok...I'm gonna take good care of ya...I promise."
  10. Welcome. I think it's a good idea too. Be interesting to see the courtship of Daisy Duke and who would win in the end....
  11. Jesse nodded. "Yer right about that." Luke still held Bo carefully, talking softly to him. "I promise....I'll be a good helper."
  12. Jesse looked over nodding a little. "That may be...the boy could use a little sunshine though...if somethin happens..."
  13. Luke continued to hold the baby carefully, swallowing, just staring at him, as ifhe were some fragile precious china, breakable at the slightest movement.
  14. Luke looked down at the tiny baby in his arms swallowing hard. He hadn't held a baby in his arms since Jud, right before the hospital fire claimed his life. "Hi Bo..." he said in a whisper.
  15. "Kay," he answered, still not too sure about this, but willing to try.
  16. "B'but what if I drop'm...or he don' like it?" asked Luke worriedly.
  17. Luke clasped his small hands together happily, the dimples on his cheeks bigger than ever before. "What can I help with first?"
  18. "Yessss!" said Luke, with more excitement than had been heard from him since he came to the farm.
  19. Luke looked at her his blue eyes shining. "A helper?"
  20. Luke looked into the tiny bundle taking his ring finger and stroking the thin little hand, an urge to protect the baby swelling inside of him. "I won't let him..." vowed the little boy softly.
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