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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Imagine that Bo James... you...with pictures of John...and on your computer no less...I'd never have guessed. No...it's not a space issue Julie.... it's the issue of separation anxiety and needing pics of John and Tom within a few keystrokes' distance... But to address Wha...I dont really care that you have pictures...like BoJames said...there is likely not many girls that dont have semi-clothed pics of the boys. the difference is that most of us dont post the pics of them wearing next to nothing as a conversation piece. Case in point, I think John is definately one of the handsomest people I know...but would I post pics of the particular things I find most handsome...no...because his big heart and sweet personality are things that can't be photographed... There is more to Cathy...or anyone for that matter- than the body they have. It's what's inside that counts.
  2. Well...the wild turkeys around here dont generally fly very high...just about the heighth of your truck bumper ...enough so you are trailing turkey feathers for a few days.... (so you all know where MY Thanksgiving dinner comes from hahaha)so maybe he is is more like a turkey than we thought....
  3. I say we stick some feathers on Boss Hogg and call it good....Rosco does call him a butterball from time to time after all...
  4. "Up a creek without a paddle...an only one arm t paddle with," answered Luke ruefully.
  5. "I remember...I'm gonna go crazy if I hafta use them crutches much longer." said Luke with a nod to the offending items propped next to the bed against a wall.
  6. Luke sighed. Sometimes talking sense into Bo was like trying to talk to a brick wall.
  7. Luke nodded softly. "Just, come nap time, why dontcha take one with him...s'all I'm sayin..."
  8. Luke sighed. "He's happy right now....you'll have all your lives to spend time together...if ya aint feelin well ya should rest...."
  9. Hear that? It's the sound of my streak coming to a screeching halt... I'm only sure about the last two.... Digby Farm Choctaw Trail Pretty Woman
  10. Luke knew betterthan to argue with him. "Why don't ya rest a spell. Jaime can look after Troy."
  11. Luke couldn't help smiling a little at the compliment. "You'll be a great dad Bo...an a great role model...lots of people look up to you...I do..."
  12. "Troy couldna askd for a better one..." returned Luke softly, the harsh words spoken between them seemingly forgiven and forgotten.
  13. It IS better to give than to receive....you are absolutely right General Grant. We need to remember the real reasons for the season...and it isn't the plastic Santas for sale alongside the Halloween costumes. The whole commercialism of the holidays really annoys me... more now than ever. My family and I really try to focus on others around the holidays. We carol at nursing homes, do the Toys for Tots thing (a give-in when you are married to a Jarhead), adopt a needy family through our church...the good feelings you get helping others far outlasts any new gadget or gismo you go buy for yourself...
  14. Ok...I am scared to answer now....so afraid my streak is going to come to a screeching halt... Oh well... here goes nothin... Pine Creek Cottonwood Gulley Sleepy City
  15. I'm really not sure, but I think: Jim Scuggs Hazzard Lake The Fugitive
  16. I think my streak ends here but I will try... Lucinda Meadows Hazzard County Gravel Pit Hopkins Road
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