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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. "I know...I know Bo...I dun wanna neither," answered Luke rocking him gently.
  2. "Looks like it," answered Luke honestly, hugging Bo a little closer.
  3. Luke hugged him close rocking him a little as he did. "S'alright Bo..." he said softly, his hand gently pushing back the golden curls. "S'gonna be ok..."
  4. Luke sighed again before getting up and crssing over to Bo's bed, sitting down on it and pulling off the covers. "Come 'ere," he said softly his arms open.
  5. Luke sighed. "Just sleep Bo...it'll be ok."
  6. "S'not yer fault Bo," answered the dark-haired boy quietly shamefully wiping away his tears.
  7. Luke sighed, wrapping his arms around his knees and looking out the window, two big tears trickling down his face.
  8. Jesse nodded. "You two stay put...take a nap." We'll talk about your consequence for disobeyin' me later..." With that he left the room. Luke swallowed hard already anticipating what that consequence would be.
  9. Jesse carried him inside and to the room the boys shared, not surprised to find Luke already sitting on his bed. Gently he laid Bo down pulling the covers up over him as he bereft him of his slingshot. He then held his hand out to Luke. Luke turned his slingshot over to him as well, biting his lip. Jesse nodded. "You can have 'em back once you've done enough extra chores to pay fer that window," he told them.
  10. "Now...now...s'alright...I think yer a bit tired from all that playin'..." Jesse stood up carrying Bo close to him as he walked back inside. "Bout time fer yer nap anyway."
  11. Jesse hugged his youngest close. "I know ya do Bo. But ya gotta learn to mind me. If I say no slingshots around the house, I mean no slingshots around the house..."
  12. Jesse rocked the boy gently. "Now...now...s'ok...you just gottta try an think next time....Luke too. You both are old enough to know better."
  13. Jesse sighed. "Now them's good reasons Bo...every one of em...but when I tell ya somethin...there's reason's why...what if Daisy had been by the window...or yer aunt...they coulda been hurt..."
  14. "An' just why were ya playin with the one thing I told ya not t play with?" asked Jesse gently.
  15. Jesse sighed and pulled the little boy overto him, sitting on a bale and putting Bo in his lap. "Wanna tell me what happened son?"
  16. Luke swallowed hard watching him go. "Bo...I know you're in there son," said Jesse to the trembling pile of hay that had miraculously sprouted tennis shoes. "Come on out...I wanna talk t' ya..."
  17. Luke looked up at him his blue eyes filling with tears. "He didn't mean t'....honest he didn't..."
  18. "Yeah...yeah I was aimin at Bo....he...he was the injun...an...an I missed...an hit the window...." answered Luke, not looking at him.
  19. Luke bit his lip. "I...I did Unca Jesse."
  20. "We uh...was playin cowboys an injuns Unca Jesse..." began Luke hesitantly. "We...we was usin our slingshots..."
  21. Luke nodded a little holstering his own sling shot and stepping quietly into the house. "You...you called us Unca Jesse?"
  22. Luke swallowed hard. "Maybe ya best go home Cooter..." he said silently making his way to the house.
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