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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. L: *gets out of the General laying himself on the hood and staring up at the clouds*
  2. "Beau-gar...Beaur... " he tried and tried until finally came upon a solution. "I'm callin ya Bo!" he said in an excited whisper, "my baby cousin Bo."
  3. Luke nodded a little. "We like the name Beauregard," put in Polly, but truth to tell a name had been the last of their worries.
  4. "He-he's holdin' my finger!" whispered Luke excitedly. Polly smiled. "He must like you Luke." "Wh-what's his name?" asked Luke softly his blue eyes full of the tiny cousin in his aunt's arms.
  5. "He's so little...." said Luke looking at the tiny baby. Gently he reached out, and caressed the tiny clenched hand with his own.
  6. Luke bit his lip looking hopefull to his aunt and the little bundle she held.
  7. Luke slid off his mothers lap giving his hand to Lavinia, walking with her into the bedroom.
  8. "It's ok with us," said Kevin with unusual softness in his normal jovial voice, "if it's ok with Polly and his daddy."
  9. Kevin swallowed. "Can I see the baby?" asked Luke.
  10. Boy did I put a fly in the slaw...sorry everybody:(
  11. "Sounds like the hospital is the best place for 'em," agreed Kevin. Little Luke bit his lip young as he was able to understand that things were indeed grim.
  12. "Poor little baby..." said Luke softly. Kevin placed his hand on Luke's dark curls. "How bad is it?"
  13. "He's sick" asked Luke in a hushed whisper.
  14. "How are they?" asked Rebecca worriedly, knowing what a hard delivery it had been.
  15. "Ya look cute as a button...just like ya were back then..." ***flashback****
  16. "You wrapped up in that blanket like that," answered Jesse with a smile.
  17. Jesse looked at Bo, all wrapped up like an eskimo. "That reminds me of the night Bo was born..." Luke looked at him, loving stories by their uncle as much as any of them.
  18. Jesse gave him a look. "By the sounds we's gonna need some re-shinglin done...at least..."
  19. Luke smiled looking over to Bo before taking a blanket of his own and wrapping it around him, as the wind started shaking the farmhouse. "This is gonna do some amage by the sounds," said Jesse with an ear to the storm.
  20. Once Luke had finished lighting the candles, he went back to his place by the fire. "S'gettin colder," he reported
  21. Luke soon came back, lighting candles and setting them around the room the flickering flames causing shadows to dance on the walls.
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