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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Alright Bo...you listen t' yer old Uncle Jesse...you just hear me...ok...jst listen t' me... *continues speaking soothingly to him* Luke, at this time, had started to moan, beginning to awaken.
  2. *pats his knee softly, knowing he felt bad about it* Working at the Boars Nest I have to smell it all the time...and empty the ashtrays...it's disgusting...I had offers to try it in school and such but...I just never wanted to...and still don't."
  3. Jesse ran to him gently putting him down to the floor. "Daisy! Daisy call an ambulance!" Luke, meanwhile, just trembled in his sleep.
  4. Jesse heard Bo scream and came running to the room. "What in tarnation?!"
  5. We weren't drunk...we was happy...really happy...
  6. "No!" In one desparate move he turned and grabbed Bo's arm, twisting it before throwing him across the room.
  7. Luke's heart was beating faster and faster as once again he shielded his face with his clenched fists.
  8. *giggles again* Better not let Uncle Jesse hear ya talk like that...we'll hafta get out another leaf t' hide under...
  9. *shakes her head wiping her eyes looking at him* That was low...
  10. *starts to laugh tears in her eyes, so much so she near fell from her chair, knowing full well that the audience probably thought she was insane*
  11. "Lemme go.... lemme go..." he whimpered again flinching.
  12. Lori's talkin bout you ya know *says to Bo*
  13. *shakes her head looking at him* Huh...an they wonder why you're still single....
  14. Uhu...and I s'pose they got under the blankets cuz they was cold?!
  15. What about all them crickets ya used t' put in my bed?! *fumes*
  16. Luke continued to whimper, flailing every so often.
  17. Bienvenue! At least I think that's how ya say it! Welcome to the site! You'll enjoy yourself!
  18. "I wanna go home...." he continued hiding his face in his hands.
  19. "Let go...please...let me go...I wanna go home.." pleaded Luke.
  20. Feeling the grip on his arm he swung out with his left. "No...no stop! Stop!"
  21. Luke stayed as he was thrashing about. "Get away!"
  22. Luke swung out at the captor who had hold of his shoulder. "No!"
  23. At the feel of someone holding him down once more, Luke's fight or flight mode kicked in...and this time he fought. With one hard punch he sent Bo sailing across the room.
  24. ***flashback**** Luke lay in his bed his hands shielding his face, crying out, "No! No!" Jerking about on the bed he tossed and turned so much he knocked himself straight onto the floor, his hands still to his head, clenched into fists, huddled into a ball. "No!"
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