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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Luke swallowed hard but followed her in, his eyes averted to the floor.
  2. Jesse sighed. "Daisy...you an' Luke get in here..." he called out to them
  3. Jesse looked at him for a long time, before finally saying, "Ya youngins love each other...folks that love each other are apt t' do crazy things...I don't understand it...but I know it to be true." Tears dribbled down Luke's cheeks, not able to hear Bo's soft whispers from where he was.
  4. Jesse sighed patting Bo' cheek gently. "This has scared all of us right good..."
  5. "In the hall...with Daisy," answered Jesse.
  6. Jesse sighed. "I guess that wouldn't be a good idea then," he agreed. Luke didn't look at Daisy. He simply stood where he was.
  7. Jesse nodded a little. "Want somethin to drink?" Luke meanwhile stayed half hidden against the wall.
  8. Jesse shook his head going to him and sitting down beside him taking Bo's good hand in his own. "How ya feelin' son?"
  9. Jesse shook his head as he looked at his little boy. "Good Lord..." Luke stayed just outside the door, not daring to venture in the room and see the damage he caused.
  10. The doctor nodded. "Down the hall and to the ight." "Thank ya" said Jesse leading the family there. Luke followed but it was obvious he was not going very willingly.
  11. "His arm has been snapped. We've reset the bone but it's gonna be a couple months before we can remove the cast and start him on therapy to use it again. He's broken several ribs and has a moderate concussion. that coupled with multiple contusions...he'll be in a lot of pain for awhile..." Luke moaned under his breath. Jesse spoke up. "Can we see him?" The doctor nodded. "Room 1232...but not long. He needs to rest."
  12. The double doors swung open and a tall man in a white coat came out. "For Beauregard Duke?"
  13. ***hours later*** Jesse sat in the waiting room with Luke and Daisy waiting to hear word on Bo. Jesse waited as patiently as he could with his arm around his niece. Luke sat still and silent, near shock himself.
  14. "I dunno," said Jesse softly. "But I dont like it...I dont like it one bit."
  15. Jesse looked at him. "Luke why don't you go wait for the ambulance?" "Uncle Jesse..." "Now...go..." said his uncle too focused on Bo to worry about what to say to Luke. Luke swallowed and meekly went out to show in the paramedics when they came.
  16. *picks up the CB* I wish I knew...I don't think I'm included in Bo's birthday plans anymore this year...
  17. "Bo...Bo...answer me...where is that ambulance..." said Jesse. "Uncle Jesse?" questioned Luke waking up and looking over. "What's go- BO!" He scrambled off the bed and over to his cousin. "WHAT HAPPENED?!"
  18. Jesse swallowed and nodded gently putting a pillow under his head, drapping the blankets over him* "Bo...Bo..." Luke moaned wiping his eyes as he started to wake up fully.
  19. *sighs pocketing the gift and gets off the hood to grab the CB* Lost sheep 1 here Shepherd...
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