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Everything posted by RogerDuke

  1. Happy New Year everybody!!!!!!
  2. Happy Birthday Cletus!!! (Jan1) Take a break from chasin' them boys and head on down to the Boar's Nest. I'll buy ya a buttermilk!!!
  3. Happy 2009 everybody!!!!!!!! Here is the final list for the First Annual Hazzard County New Year's Resolution Contest. daisydukexenosstrate--save money by shopping less Garrett--not be so lazy General Grant--learn sign language Roger--personal financial goals DixieNachelle--learn the guitar DaisyMaeDuke--personal DixieRoss--not be so lazy Good luck everybody.
  4. General Grant, If I don't hear from you real soon, I'm going to accept the first resolution you listed (learning sign language)
  5. You're both right. There was a Razorback Mountain. And Daisy is right again. It is from "Mason Dixon's Girls" (season 2) There was also a Razorback Hill that was on season 2. It can be found on the episode "Duke of Duke" Daisy has 244 in a row correct (and 302 out of 303)
  6. That's fine daisyxenos. Of course you won't be able to give it up completely but if you can honestly tell yourself at the end of the year that you saved money by shopping a lot less then you'll be one of the winners (or maybe the only one) By the way, what happened to not cutting your hair all year? You still have until midnight if you change your mind.
  7. Everybody has until midnight tonight (EST) to enter. If you don't put down what your resolution is by then, I'll just assume it's personal. I will ABSOLUTELY NOT accept resolutions after midnight. I'll be logging on after the ball drops in New York City to finalize the contest. As far as my resolution goes, it involves specific WEEKLY goals I have with my personal finances. In other words, I have 52 chances to break my resolution. LOL Come on DixieRoss, You can think of something!!! Don't make it so tough that you know you'll break it.
  8. Happy New Year Everybody!!!!!

  9. Daisy and B.L. both got all 3 right. Daisy has 242 in a row correct.....and.....*drumroll* 300 out of her last 301 !!!!!!!!!! Unbelievable!!!! I don't know how you do it Daisy!!! Which of these were on the show? Yellow Ribbon Lane or Bluebonnet Road Razorback Hill or Wild Boar Mountain (episode names) The Rustlers or The Outlaws
  10. Well General Grant and Dixie, I don't want to dictate whether or not resolutions are acceptable so whatever you decide to resolve is fine with me. I only mentioned that to daisydukeXenosstrate because it wasn't a full year committment. Let your conscience be your guide. Remember, don't make it too tough or too easy. I'm going to be real strict on this deadline so if you're not signed up by now you'd better hurry. Again, you don't have to reveal to us what the resolution is but you do have to be honest with yourself and us if you break it. So far, here's who is signed up.... Dixie_Nachelle01 General Grant Garrett daisydukexenosstrate Roger DaisyMae Remember, the rules are posted on the previous page if you need a refresher course
  11. Sorry Garrett, I'm going to be real strict on this to avoid any controversy. Even if you break your resolution on Jan. 2 you're out. Like I said in rule number 7, don't make it too hard and you won't break it that soon. Dixie, if you go look at rule number 6, you'll see that you don't have to reveal that resolution if it's personal. You DO have to tell us if (and when) you break it. daisydukeXenosstrait, I'm sorry but your resolution isn't acceptable. It has to be something that is a commitment for an entire year and not just a month or it wouldn't be fair to everybody else. If you said you won't cut your hair all year, that would qualify. Sorry. General Grant, everybody else can call me Roger but you have to call me Boss...LOL...gotcha!
  12. What a great idea Jax (aka Min) Well, maybe it's not that great of an idea. Now people are going to find out that I don't know as much about trivia as they thought I did...LOL. This sounds like fun.
  13. Maninasuitcase, we'll keep our fingers crossed that all those episodes are good. I know how frustrating it can be when the thing freezes up due to a defective DVD.
  14. Well, it's like 'ole Waylon says, "In Hazzard, we have a tendancy to like happy endings". ....and that story has a happy ending. Congratulations daisyXenos
  15. Sorry B.L. and Lizzy. Meadowmuffin got it right. It's Cletus. That was a tough one if you hadn't seen that episode for awhile. Speaking of Enos and Cletus, Which one of them has an Aunt Minnie? The answer can be found in the episode "Close Call for Daisy".
  16. Okay, I cheated by watching the episode with the questions in front of me!!!! Here's a final one from that episode. Who is missing from the list of people (and dog) attending the Christmas Eve party at the Duke Farm? Bo Luke Daisy Jesse Boss Rosco Flash Cooter Hint: the one missing person is a man
  17. That's a good one Julie. Most of the time my brain's going in reverse so neutral doesn't sound so bad!!
  18. Well, it's December 26 and still no good news about the puppies. This is a good example of why I love Hazzard County so much. If those puppies would have been stolen in Hazzard, they would have made it back on Christmas day. They always have happy endings there but real life stinks sometimes.
  19. Thanks everybody. I hope you all had as nice of a Christmas as I did. God is good.

  20. Merry Christmas artykidd

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