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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. While the boys was all talking or arguing as the case was with Luke and Vance, B.L sat in the cell upstairs alone tapping her pencil on her book trying to concentrate on the school work in her lap. Finally giving up she slammed the book shut then dropped it on the concrete floor. The sound reverberated through the quiet jail and could be heard downstairs, followed by the sound of B.L groaning loudly. She was going to go crazy from two weekends alone in this cell all by her lonesome she cursed Lori for going into the Marines and leaving her to suffer this boredom alone at least having Lori for company would have been better than this even if they did argue and fight. The boys downstairs heard the book hit the floor followed by the loud groan and......
  2. B.L bit her tounge hearing the sentence passed down to them it was bad enough to be in jail for the next two weekends but on house arrest too was about more than she could take. Wisely though she kept her mouth shut in front of the judge but Lori was going to catch an earful when she got a chance to give it to her. When Lori was brought up for her own hearing a few minutes later B.L jumped up from her seat and let Lori have it screaming and cussing a blue streak.
  3. Luther pulled up at the Boar's Nest and saw the wrecker and BL's car there. He didn't see any of the others cars so assumed that Jesse had come got them already. He wasn't any happier than Jesse was about the fight and he intended to let Cooter and B.L know it he'd get Lori tomorrow. He went in and seen the two still by the bar he didn't say a word just pointed toward the door and they both slunk out it keeping their rear ends as far from his reach as possible. Back at the farm Luther held out his hand as soon as B.L and Cooter were out of the vehicles he only said one word. "Keys" Both handed him the keys to their cars and Cooter handed him the keys to the wrecker also. They then went inside and to bed without a word knowing to speak now would only get them in more trouble.
  4. Luke B.L and Cooter all got towels for themselves and Jeb,Vance and Mark from Daisy and wiped the blood that was coming from split lips and bloody noses. Luke looked at the two Davenports and sighed saying "Fine kettle of fish is we all got court in the morning and look at us it's not a hard guess that we been fightin'." Cooter dabbed at his cheek and patted Luke on the shoulder consolingly at least they were all gonna be in trouble together. He looked at the others "Look at the bright side Lucas misery loves company and there's plenty of the latter standing around ya." B.L: "Judge Hardcastle is gonna throw the lot of us UNDER the jail." The rest nodded to B.L's statement then dispersed back to their own activities before court in the morning. Cooter and B.L decided to stay a while now that Rosco had taken Lori to jail so she couldn't hurt herself or anyone else behind the wheel of Midnight. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the jail........
  5. B.L and Cooter had just barely got to the Boar's Nest before Lori and Ernie they saw her go in with a crowd of the meanest kids in school and followed her inside. They ordered a beer each and sat down on a barstool biding their time till they cornered Lori. She saw them and flew mad storming over. "WILL YA'LL QUIT FOLLOWIN' ME!!!!!!!!!" Cooter stood up to his full height towering over Lori with the most intimidating look on his face he could muster. "Somebody's got to keep you out of trouble!" B.L had her arms folded giving Lori a hateful look she'd managed to get them all in trouble enough lately without getting them in more with her temper tantrums about not being with Luke as B.L saw it. "Unfortunately it's US that has to keep you out of trouble." Lori: "don't trouble yourselves cousins I'm a big girl." Cooter: "Yeah a big girl that's gonna get herself in some serious trouble maybe even killed if she don't stop this path of self destruction she's on." Lori rolled her eyes........
  6. Cooter picked up the CB and answered Luke "Yeah I seen it and I don't have a clue what she's upto but I aim to find out." B.L had turned her car back around and followed Cooter and Luke back to hound dog lake. Sliding back in her window after Lori got the distibutor cap from Luke when she knocked him out and now B.L was still bringing up the rear and had seen Lori in behind Ernie, this couldn't be good. B.L picked up the CB and added her own two cents to the conversation. "She's upto no good fellas,just don't know what she's got in mind." So on they went following in behind Lori and Ernie. Lori.......
  7. B.L had been coming toward Lori and had slid her car around to block the road but Lori had enough of her wits about her to still turn the car and go cross country to hound dog lake. Turning her car back onto the road meeting Luke headed for hound dog lake B.L knew he'd have a better chance of getting through to Lori than anyone at least she hoped that was still true after all they'd been through in their relationship lately. Luke pulled up at hound dog lake climbing out of his car and heading to the tree where he knew he'd find Lori. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Daisy hung up and went outside to see all the Duke cousins looking to one anohter and she asked. "What's going on?" Bo was the one to answer her saying "Lori just flew by here like the devil himself was on her tail, Luke went after her to stop her before she kills herself or someone else drivin' like that."
  8. Mel Tillis I run chickasaw county? (I think we only see this person in boar's nest bears but don't hold me to that lol i may be wrong)
  9. B.L and Cooter stormed out of their rooms giving Luther hateful looks neither one caring now iif they got in trouble. B.L screamed at Luther something none of them would ever do if they valued their hides. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU SAID THAT TO HER!" Luther just shook his head shamefully not even bothering to tell B.L to stop shouting at him. Cooter silently took her by the arm and led her outside saying "You search east and I'll search west,don't worry we'll find her." Dixie got brave enough to come out of her own room when Cooter and B.L were outside she heard Cooter's instructions to B.L and said quietly "I'll search north" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Luke had seen Midnight Rider go by futher the faster, as if she was going to kill someone. He got concerned so he jumped in his car and took off after her. Somebody had to stop her before she killed herself or someone else. Getting such a late start and with the speed Lori was going it was hard to catch her so he picked up the CB and said..........
  10. Cooter remembered the bottles and asked "Where'd you get all them bottles of Jack Daniels?" Lori shrugged and answered off handedly "Same place everybody round here that don't drink shine gets it" Cooter looked at her with a look that could kill "Are you deliberately tryin' to kill yerself?" Lori shrugged "Maybe ain't got much goin for me nohow." Cooter didn't say another word just kept on staring at the road driving home.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B.L. returned home seeing Luther home, she knew there'd be he-- to pay now. Getting out of the Judge she slowly walked across the yard and up the steps like someone going to a funeral and it was likely to be her own. Taking a deep breath BL slowly opened the door hoping Luther wouldn't see her and she could sneak to her room unnoticed but no such luck he was sitting in the livingroom reading the newspaper. "Where have you been missy I hope you weren't out causing more trouble" BL: "Just out riding around and I ain't caused any trouble." BL was a little offended that he'd automatically accuse her of getting into trouble it's not like that's all she ever did. Luther: "Where's Cooter and Lori?" BL gulped she was afraid he'd ask this but before she could answer she heard Midnight Rider pull in... "There they are"
  11. B.L got back in her car and headed back home to wait for Cooter to bring Lori back. She didn't understand Lori at all she had never found a boy that she thought was special enough to do the things Lori was doing to herself over just because she and Luke broke up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Luther got home to find Midnight Rider was gone so he went inside to see if she'd run an errand to town or something he noticed B.L and Cooter wasn't home either he hoped the three wasn't off killing each ohter.
  12. B.L heard Cooter call on the cb while she was washing her car. She layed the soapy rag on the roof and wiped the suds from her hand reaching in the window grabbing the CB mic. "Yeah Cooter what is it?" Cooter: "B.L I'm at dry creek and found Midnight Rider but no Lori has she come home?" B.L: "Nuh uh ain't seen her, I'll be there in a few minutes and help ya look for her." B.L tossed the mic on the seat and then rinsed the suds off the Judge real quick turning off the water hose climbing in and speeding off toward Dry Creek. Cooter saw her coming up and waved at her, B.L stopped the car and got out. Dixie.........
  13. B.L moved her foot as the wrench Cooter threw almost hit it. She didn't say anything though he was mad and she didn't want it to come raining down on her. She just picked up the wrench and put it back in the tool box without a word. Cooter stuffed his hands in his pockets and muttered "I'm goin' fer a walk" B.L watched him go and then put the tools away....
  14. At the Davenport farm Dixie couldn't for the life of her sleep a wink on account of Lori and B.L. and Cooter so she got up and then stomped her way through the house to get some breakfast there was no doubt in Cooter who had come back in after Lori left and B.L's mind that Dixie wasn't at all happy about the rude awakening of all their hollering. She glared at her brother and remaining cousin and asked with a dark look on her face "Must you three make so much noise this early?" B.L shrugged a little wiping at her split lip where one of Lori's punches had landed perfectly "He and Lori started it all I was doing was innocently minding my own business and the next thing I knew Lori was after me and beatin' the tar out of me." Cooter looked at B.L and snorted when she said she had 'innocently' been minding her own business. He then went outside without a word wasn't nothin' to do in the house and he was bored sitting down with a car magazine wasn't an option his rear still smarted from that whipping....
  15. B.L couldn't help but hear Cooter yelling at Lori and grinned at Lori at least it wasn't her he was yelling at.
  16. B.L was fighting and cussing Cooter for all she was worth to get to Lori. Cooter made the mistake of leaving Lori long enough to get something when he came back B.L had Lori down on the floor sitting on top of her beating the living daylights out of her. Cooter: "Brandy Lou stop it! Dad won't hesitate to whip you again the trouble ya'll be causing lately and all the fightin' between ya he's just about fed up with it!" B.L: "It's her dang fault I got one anyway cos SHE got me arrested with her danged idea to go back to the lake tonight." Cooter: "Nobody twisted yer arm and made you go back so gettin' arrested was YOUR own fault!" Cooter struggled to get B.L off Lori who was too drunk to even fight back and do any good. Normally the two girls was about even in a fight but Lori didn't stand a chance being as drunk as she was and B.L's temper flying like it was. Finally getting B.L off Lori, Cooter plonked her butt down in a chair giving her a warning look that said if she moved he'd do some beatin' of his own. B.L sat there in a huff she'd wait till Cooter wasn't protecting Lori and go at her again.
  17. Cooter was with Bo, Dixie and Beth; Bo was still amused at the hard time they'd all gave Luke at home this morning when Jesse had brought him home from jail. Dixie felt sorry for Luke cos him and Mark had taken all the heat for the racing to keep her and the rest out of trouble and out of jail. B.L was with Tiffany and Wendy they hadn't been able to make it to the lake both had been out of town for the holiday, so B.L was filling them in. "We got busted out at the lake ya'll Rosco and troopers showed up. Poor Luke and Mark took all the heat so's the rest of us wouldn't get in trouble and could go home. Good news is though I beat the tar outta Andy guess his car ain't as good as he thought and his drivin' ain't neither!" The three girls continued to talk trash about Andy just laughing when he walked by and gave them a nasty look. The bell rang and they all went into class......
  18. B.L got up the next morning with a splitting headache she'd done some drinking of her own last night after squashing Andy's ego in that race and running a couple more just for fun. She hadn't drank as much as Lori but it had been enough to leave her head pounding, she smirked evilly knowing Lori would be worse for wear as drunk as she was last night and headed for Lori's room. Throwing the door open forcefully banging it against the wall forgetting about the fact the others might still be asleep she walked in and pulled Lori's covers off saying in a sing song voice. "Goood morning cousin and how are you this fine day." Lori pushed her hair off her face and grumbled at B.L "What the h*** are you so cheerful about this morning?" BL: "Why shouldn't I be in a good mood I whipped Andy's tail in that race last night." Lori reached over the bed picking up a shoe and blindly chunking it at BL but missed. BL laughed and continued to pester Lori until she got up and then the fight was on again they were running through the house screaming. Luther..........
  19. They heard sirens coming and quick as you can say jack rabbit the boose was hid and the racing stopped. Most everybody split in ten different directions, when Rosco pulled up all he saw was the Dukes,Davenports, Mark and Robin. B.L looked up at Rosco and smiled sweetly "Howdy Sheriff nice night ain't it?" Sheriff looked at her then the others and raised an eyebrow at them sneering suspiciously "You ruffians is upto something.....I aimed ta catch ya too." Lori: "You can try Rosco but we ain't doin' nothin"
  20. Now at a holiday meal one would expect everybody would be in their sunday best but not the Duke and Davenports at least not the girls they wore their nicest jeans just like the boys. See after all the eatin' and what not the 'kids' went out to the front yard and played football. This was another one of them things where the girls was equal to the boys. Of course after these little games what had started out that morning as their best pair of jeans quickly became 'everyday' or jeans that they wore around the house doing chores or what not. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seeing as how B.L was single these days she planned to race tonight a little then sit back and watch the others maybe have a few drinks. She'd probably be one of the one's in the back of Jesse's truck the 'kids' usually had it covered over watching the races from the back of it. She hoped Andy was there with his new car wanting to race it she was just itching to beat the pants off him cos she was still mad about him cheating on her with Hailey Marie. She was out in the yard tinkering on her silver GTO making sure it was ready to race humming 'Oh Suzzana' trying to ignore Dixie's insistant pleading about driving her car to race in see Dixie had her license but not car yet. B.L then stopped when she got to the part about coming from Alabama might not be such a good idea to let Cooter hear her. Dixie was leaning over the fender of the car looking into the motor whining. "c'mon B pleeeeezzze just one race. Ya know I'm a good driver Cooter,Lori and you taught me." B.L: "No Dix, Bo ain't likely to be racing cos he just got his license same as you, Uncle Luther'll skin me alive if I let you race my car." Dixie got mad and humphed when her pleas were getting her nowhere "Fine be that way I'll go ask Lori if I can drive midnight." B.L fell over laughing at this she said gasping for air between giggles "Drive....Midnight...are...you...insane...she...don't...let....nobody...drive...that....car." Dixie just ignored this and bounced off to find Lori she'd already finished working on Midnight.
  21. B.L for once didn't make a smart a** remark and try to start a fight with Lori. She just hugged Lori tight and let her cry. B.L had mixed feeling about all this on one hand she was happy for Robin but on the other hand it made her mad that Luke would go back to Robin and hurt Lori like this, she whispered. "Ya can do better than him honey he don't know what he wants" Lori sniffed she still loved Luke..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That had to be the hardest thing that Luke ever had to do, he returned to Robin's house and went back up to Robin's room and told her. "Well darlin' I'm yers again." Robin nodded and gave him a hug then they..........
  22. At Robin's house Luke and Robin had just come in the rest of the family was already in bed. Robin took Luke's hand and lead him upto her room, they'd had a fun night even after Lori, B.L and their crew had shown up at the Boar's Nest. Now it was time to talk serious and see where they stood with each other and their relationship..........
  23. You only see Waylon's hands sorry Lori hate to bust yer bubble it was indeed Honest John ran for sheriff show's him campaigning. In Luke's love story is when we first meet Ernie Ledbetter Luke's long time nemesis since highschool I believe it was.
  24. Lori got her things and went in the house, Dixie flew off the couch and wrapped Lori in a tight hug. It was good to have her other older female cousin home again to talk with about boys and stuff. B.L was a big help in those talks but Dixie missed the talks all three of them had sometimes late at night when B.L and Lori weren't fighting with each other. Dixie let go of Lori and said. "It's good ta have ya home cousin, now the odds are even again B.L and Cooter been pickin' on me." Lori snickered when B.L yelled from the kitchen hearing Dixie's comment. "We have not!"
  25. Luke waited while Robin changed and then they went to the Boar's Nest. Cooter was there with Beverly they had been spending alot of time together lately. They didn't even notice though as Luke and Robin came in Cooter was too busy whispering sweet nothin's in Beverly's ear making her giggle. Luke saw them as he scanned the room for an empty table and swore "Da** there's Cooter and Beverly, hope he's not in the mood to kill today either." Robin shook her head and smiled leading Luke across the room as she looked at Luke's best friend and his newest girl friend. "He's too wrapped up in his own pursuits to care. C'mon we're here to have a good time." Luke nearly had a heart attack as......
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