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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. *still standing by the bulletin board outside the courthouse looking at the flyer and listening in puzzlement*
  2. Dixie Diner Clear Creek Road Uncle Boss
  3. *steps to the side watching the Deputy and Cowboy pulls a flier down from the bulletin board in front of the court house reading it. Looks at Chet then back at the flier.*
  4. I agree completely and entirely Hnet is the best place on the net to hang out! I've been a member here for 3yrs and have loved every minute of it. There's always something fun to do or read and plenty of useful information too.
  5. *hurries around the court house from the other side head turned to the side and bent low. The biting wind whipping at my hair bumps into something solid as a brick wall looks up at the face of the cowboy with the mismatched eyes and smoking the cig* "sorry" *apologizes quickly*
  6. Peach Tree Road Hazzard Roller Skating Palace The Fugitive
  7. Gonna try to do better on this one...just got my wires crossed on the undercover dukes title. Honest John Ledbetter Boss J.W. Hickman Mill Pond Road
  8. Ridge Raiders Julius Berg Company Dukes Undercover
  9. Jensen's Hollow Dry Creek Johnny Paycheck
  10. (This is another joint post between BL and Chet) In down town Hazzard the street lights were coming on in the square and lights were going out in the shops along the main streets, closing up for the day. Cooter Davenport gathered his hat and coat and locked up his garage for the night before getting into his truck and driving home to the Davenport farm. B.L heard the truck pull into the yard she looked out the window to make sure it was Cooter and not someone she didn't want to see who was on the couch like Rosco or Enos. Turning she looked back at Chet still on the couch then the window watching Cooter cross the yard coming closer and closer to the house. She was sure he'd heard all the buzz in town about Chet so she wondered what his reaction would be to finding the outlaw asleep on the couch. Passed out on the couch Chet didnt hear Cooter pull into the drive and walk up the plank steps of the old farm house. The tired mechanic let himself into his home like any average evening after work. "Hey how was your d-" Cooter stopped abruptly in the center of the floor noticing the young man laying passed out on his couch. His jaw slackened and he looked at BL blinking in shock. "BL!" "Now Cooter don't get all wound up if you'll calm down I'll explain everything." B.L placated making a calming motion with her hand. Biting her lip she looked between the two men sighing deeply. "No! Im not gonna calm down, theres a murderer on my couch! You better start explaining real fast or Im calling Rosco!" Cooter demanded, he glanced around the room for some means of protection against the young man should he stirr. Her hands on her hips BL glared at Cooter with firey eyes "He's NOT a murderer he didn't rob the bank or kill those people especially that little boy....I KNOW cos I WAS there!!" B.L then pulled the blanket back a little so Cooter could see the bandages. "He was shot and bleedin' bad came across the back pasture on his horse there was police dogs on his tail we could hear them. I couldn't let him just go riding off into the wild blue yonder and bleed to death now could I?" "Hes wanted BL! Now I know you were there but the video camera that the state police have from the bank proves its him. How do you know he wasnt him?" Cooter folded his arms and pressed his lips moving closer to the couch to see the bandages. His brow creases. "Thats a bad place to be shot." "How do I know? Because I was face to face with the guy who did it that's how i know!" B.L nodded as Cooter looked at the bandages. "Yeah it is and he had an old wound from buckshot that was infected and not healing good cos the buckshot was still in there. I removed it cleaned it up real good should heal just fine now." Cooter pulled the blanket away more, the boy was clearly unconscious probably from blood loss. His eyes scanned the young mans body, shirtless and with raggedy jeans on, his booted feet hung off the edge of the couch. He looked so thin, Cooter could have counted his ribs and traced the bones in his back with a marker. "Your positive it wasnt him? " He covered Chet back up rubbing his brow in worry. B.L nodded assuredly that it hadn't been Chet in the bank that day. "I'm positive it wasn't him. The other guy just looked like him from a distance but up close he didn't. His eyes were both brown Chet's right eye is grey cos he's blind in it. The man killed a little boy that was just trying to get to his mother, right there in front of her in cold blood without an ounce of care as if he was shooting a deer or something he was just that mean and you could see it in his eyes. Chet's not like that you can see just a glimmer of innocence in his eyes. I know what people say he's stolen stuff but it's just piddly little things like food or petty cash so he can eat." Cooter sighed heavily, she sounded very certain and he believed her. He nodded in agreement that people were too harsh on the young man for simply being hungry. "He is skin and bone, but that dont make stealin right and we both know it. What are we going to do with him? He'll be ok here for a day or so but sooner or later someones gonna come here. Theres state police combing the state of Georgia for him.* B.L nodded in agreement the young man was overly skinny especially for his height "Yeah he is I tried to get him to eat but he didn't want nothin' he didn't look so good too much blood loss. No don't make it right but we can't neither one of us say we wouldn't steal if we was as hungry as him." She shrugged biting her lip brow furrowed she hadn't thought much past the immediate situation and that was to get Chet to the relative safety of the house so she could treat the wound. "I don't know haven't thought that far ahead yet. They wouldn't have a reason to search the place though for him and if they did they couldn't do it without a search warrent. We've got to think of a way to keep the state police and the locals off his tail till he's well enough to find a better place to hide." B.L really didn't know what to do and she looked at Cooter with the the same look she had when they were children and found themselves in a sticky situation expecting him to know a way out. "He cant hide for the rest of his life either, he didnt kill those people, the law needs to see the error and find the real guy that did." Cooter sat down in the sofa chair in the living room pondering. "We should get him up, get him eating and drinking water, that'll help get his blood level back up." BL sighed deeply sinking down in the other chair in the room Cooter was right Chet couldn't hide the rest of his life. But she wasn't holding her breath that he'd be believed anyway. "Yeah a few good meals would do him wonders but so would some decent rest." "Thats not rest." Cooter teased lightly trying to lighten the mood. "Hes unconscious or more then likely he'd haven waken." BL only smiled at Cooter's teasing "No guess it's not but at least unconscious he's not hurting. With the way you was carryin' on when you came in here and saw him I'm surprised you didn't wake him up anyway." Cooter chuckled lightly. "Yeah thats true. Lets wake him and see if we cant get some food in him, he'll rest better with a full belly. Then I want you to call Bo, tell him that Chet is not the murderer."
  11. (This is another joint post between me and Chet) In down town Hazzard the street lights were coming on in the square and lights were going out in the shops along the main streets, closing up for the day. Cooter Davenport gathered his hat and coat and locked up his garage for the night before getting into his truck and driving home to the Davenport farm. B.L heard the truck pull into the yard she looked out the window to make sure it was Cooter and not someone she didn't want to see who was on the couch like Rosco or Enos. Turning she looked back at Chet still on the couch then the window watching Cooter cross the yard coming closer and closer to the house. She was sure he'd heard all the buzz in town about Chet so she wondered what his reaction would be to finding the outlaw asleep on the couch. Passed out on the couch Chet didnt hear Cooter pull into the drive and walk up the plank steps of the old farm house. The tired mechanic let himself into his home like any average evening after work. "Hey how was your d-" Cooter stopped abruptly in the center of the floor noticing the young man laying passed out on his couch. His jaw slackened and he looked at BL blinking in shock. "BL!" "Now Cooter don't get all wound up if you'll calm down I'll explain everything." B.L placated making a calming motion with her hand. Biting her lip she looked between the two men sighing deeply. "No! Im not gonna calm down, theres a murderer on my couch! You better start explaining real fast or Im calling Rosco!" Cooter demanded, he glanced around the room for some means of protection against the young man should he stirr. Her hands on her hips BL glared at Cooter with firey eyes "He's NOT a murderer he didn't rob the bank or kill those people especially that little boy....I KNOW cos I WAS there!!" B.L then pulled the blanket back a little so Cooter could see the bandages. "He was shot and bleedin' bad came across the back pasture on his horse there was police dogs on his tail we could hear them. I couldn't let him just go riding off into the wild blue yonder and bleed to death now could I?" "Hes wanted BL! Now I know you were there but the video camera that the state police have from the bank proves its him. How do you know he wasnt him?" Cooter folded his arms and pressed his lips moving closer to the couch to see the bandages. His brow creases. "Thats a bad place to be shot." "How do I know? Because I was face to face with the guy who did it that's how i know!" B.L nodded as Cooter looked at the bandages. "Yeah it is and he had an old wound from buckshot that was infected and not healing good cos the buckshot was still in there. I removed it cleaned it up real good should heal just fine now."
  12. Chet that's not a heart beat that's a dead body rolling around in the trunk of your car!
  13. This is probably wrong Andrew Johnson
  14. yes i'm stumped need another clue
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