I have to agree with Chet somewhat here. I know of one author not calling any names but they currently have 7 RR's going. Now who can work on that many stories at once and them be of any quality? I sure can't. The quality of the stories being written isn't about whether or not spell check is used either or correct grammar for that matter but just the story itself is hard to follow, but like has been said not everyone can be pleased and it's for the writer's enjoyment but if they want people to read it then I personally think the writer should make an extreme effort to make the story readable as far as understanding it goes. That being said I don't read those stories in which I know the author's style and I don't like it for one reason or another and if I find a story that the title catches my attention but then I find out I can't follow it for some reason I simply do not read it. That's just my two cents though. BL