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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Flicking Bo with the dish towel she held in her hand Daisy rolled her eyes at him before going back to her task of washing the dishes.
  2. Elly if you will read a few of the topics further down about drawing then you will see some art work of others here and it is awesome.
  3. Aunt Clara Coltrane Mud Flats Along Came a Duke
  4. "Bo your impossible." Daisy said sticking her tongue out at her younger cousin beginning to put the dirty dishes in the sink and fill it with water to wash them.
  5. Daisy shook her head at Bo's logic it made no sense whatsoever to anyone but him... "I only missed those words on the test it's not like I couldn't spell them at all. Bet you still couldn't get the correct answers to them math problems." She smirked she'd only missed the words on the test, sure she'd gotten in a bit of trouble for watching the boy across the aisle and failing instead of paying attention to her school work but she still learned the words and could spell just about anything she wanted to today.
  6. "Let's say neither of ya was totally right or wrong...Bo didn't you fail that test cos ya didn't want to do it the right way?" Daisy asked innocently hiding a grin behind her sandwich.
  7. Daisy listened to her cousins through the thin walls of the farmhouse as she worked on her own homework. Or punishment was more like it she'd gotten caught chewing gum in class today and Ms. Sturgis was making her write 1000 times "I will not chew gum in class". Laying her pen down she rubbed her cramping hand a couple of minutes and then resumed her writing.
  8. "Yeah he sure did" Daisy grinned. "Me too, boy noone could get Uncle Jesse's dander up like you could Bo."
  9. Daisy shook her head going into the kitchen to pour Bo a glass of milk to go with his sandwich, patting his shoulder as she passed by going to the refridgerator. "And it's that orneriness and tryin' to get whoever was teachin ya to give up that got you in hot water with Uncle Jesse more'n a few times."
  10. Jill Dodson Deer Springs Duke vs Duke
  11. "Yeah I shoulda, ole busy body" Daisy grumbled, Miz Applewood had taught history and was a thorn in Daisy's side through school.
  12. Daisy laughed nodding in agreement with Luke. "I heard that too Bo from the teachers that I didn't do well in their classes because I just didn't like them they were so boring. I got tired of askin to go to the bathroom and just coming up missing so I just started skippin' the whole day." She chuckled thinking about those long ago days of truancy "remember the time we skipped and I told 'em I had missed cos I had to stay home and take care of Aunt Lavinia and Uncle Jesse that they'd been real sick and couldn't even get out of bed."
  13. OK I'd just like to know something after reading all the biographies here....what's the deal folks? This thread specifically says ROLE PLAYING-AUTHOR CREATED CHARACTERS which may or may not have anything to do with fanfiction some authors choose to Role Play only and never put their characters in a story others choose to put them in stories only and never Role Play.
  14. Daisy giggled "Ain't that the truth. O'course none of us was what ya would call model students" They hadn't really caused alot of trouble or done poorly in their lessons but had been known to skip now and then.
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