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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Seeing the way Luke was holding onto Daisy and she him the Davenports decided it was probably best to take them along with them that home was probably best for them at the moment at least until things could be settled with Bo. Pulling into the Duke driveway a short time later Mr. Davenport got out of the car and took Daisy who had fallen asleep in the car in his arms and carried her to the door. Mrs. Davenport followed holding Luke's hand knocking on the front door.
  2. LOL I don't watch them either Bo not very often anyway mostly I just guess at the answers. Speaking of which I agree with DaisyMae on this one it was Emery Potter
  3. Blue (blue's clues lol yeah 3 weeks living with my neice is starting to affect me)
  4. Daisy ran in behind Luke to Mr. and Mrs. Davenport's bedroom, Mrs. Davenport sat up in bed the second she heard Luke at the door. "What's the matter Luke are you kids alright?"..."Bo's gone home!" Daisy piped up from behind Luke. "Oh my" Mrs. Davenport exclaimed hearing the news as she woke her husband to go after the youngest Duke child.
  5. "oh no....Luke we should tell Mr. and Mrs. Davenport" Daisy said as she looked at Luke very worried for their baby cousin out all alone walking home.
  6. Homer Hotchkiss Johnson's Creek Sittin' Dukes
  7. Daisy shook her head looking very worried. "No he's nowhere in the house I looked everywhere...Where could he be Luke?!"
  8. After not finding Bo in the bathroom, Daisy headed to the kitchen thinking maybe Bo was in there sneaking a cookie. "Bo?...." She didn't get an answer from the kitchen either so continued looking.
  9. "OK" Daisy replied as she headed down the hall her first stop was the bathroom where she knocked softly calling "Bo are ya in there?"
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