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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. *tiptoes back down the stairs* I'm right here Garrett, I heard Brian coming and decided outta sight out of mind might be the better part of valor for me. *Smiles* It's a date as soon as your free. Hey why's the computer unplugged *picks up cord from floor* guess someone tripped over it and unplugged it probably Brian *plugs it back in* now you can finish that story and we can get a bite to eat at the cafe sooner.
  2. *Smiles* Aww it's the least I can do Garrett....Yes I imagine he will *snickers* that would be a good one on him one minute its fixed the next in pieces again. Yes I think you are right best bet is to stick with your bail and not mess with his car if he don't leave you there no telling who else will join you, as his way of getting revenge. How about instead of you staying here and me sneaking it to you I'll take you to the cafe when you get out to celebrate my treat. I better go now before I get caught *smiles waving good bye going back up the stairs*
  3. *tip toes down the stairs after Brian has left having been listening from the top of the stairwell* I brought ya a plate from the cafe *sticks it through the bars* You can tell Brian his car will be good as new by tomorrow, I'll get started puttin' it back together right away *sighs* shoulda never dismantled it in the first place.
  4. writing
  5. Nah he wouldn't Daney he's usually a participant to the threads getting off topic.
  6. Back bone
  7. in front
  8. Enjoy *smiles then see's black clad Coltrane, decides it best to make tracks*
  9. where?
  10. *checks to make sure the coast is clear, styrofoam take out plate in hand* sorry it took me so long Garrett there was a pretty long line at the cafe. *turns plate up on its side handing it through the bars*
  11. Garrett you should know by now this whole county is backwards *chuckles* I'll be back in a bit with you a plate from the cafe. *goes back up the stairs, leaving the courthouse headed in the direction of the busy bee cafe*
  12. high blood pressure
  13. I haven't seen this episode in a while but I think it was to buy pretzels or something like that.
  14. nobody had to it was free *smirks*
  15. Yup sure did....next time I dismantle Brian's car HIDE IT! *mutters*.....What can I getcha to eat and drink? Maybe a hot plate of today's special from the cafe?
  16. Well it's not fruit loop that's the wrong letter of the alphabet. *chuckles*
  17. That won't do any good Garrett she won't do it if she don't want to unless Cooter stays after her to get it done. *whispers* she can be a bit lazy.
  18. Elvis Presley
  19. is that Huckleberry as in the hound, huckleberry finn or the actual berry?
  20. *smiles a little* I'll try, glad your not mad at me. I'll do what I can to get you out even if I have to confess and spend more time behind those bars.
  21. *swallows listening to the tirade wordlessly* It don't feel so great right now, you were here for me and because I did something I shouldn't have your the one paying for it. *sighs*
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