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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. *tip toes down the stairs after Brian has left having been listening from the top of the stairwell* I brought ya a plate from the cafe *sticks it through the bars* You can tell Brian his car will be good as new by tomorrow, I'll get started puttin' it back together right away *sighs* shoulda never dismantled it in the first place.
  2. Nah he wouldn't Daney he's usually a participant to the threads getting off topic.
  3. Enjoy *smiles then see's black clad Coltrane, decides it best to make tracks*
  4. *checks to make sure the coast is clear, styrofoam take out plate in hand* sorry it took me so long Garrett there was a pretty long line at the cafe. *turns plate up on its side handing it through the bars*
  5. Garrett you should know by now this whole county is backwards *chuckles* I'll be back in a bit with you a plate from the cafe. *goes back up the stairs, leaving the courthouse headed in the direction of the busy bee cafe*
  6. Yup sure did....next time I dismantle Brian's car HIDE IT! *mutters*.....What can I getcha to eat and drink? Maybe a hot plate of today's special from the cafe?
  7. Well it's not fruit loop that's the wrong letter of the alphabet. *chuckles*
  8. That won't do any good Garrett she won't do it if she don't want to unless Cooter stays after her to get it done. *whispers* she can be a bit lazy.
  9. is that Huckleberry as in the hound, huckleberry finn or the actual berry?
  10. *smiles a little* I'll try, glad your not mad at me. I'll do what I can to get you out even if I have to confess and spend more time behind those bars.
  11. *swallows listening to the tirade wordlessly* It don't feel so great right now, you were here for me and because I did something I shouldn't have your the one paying for it. *sighs*
  12. *looks through the bars of the outside window* I'm sorry Garrett it's my fault your in here, if I hadn't dismantled Brian's car you wouldn't be in this mess. Is there anything I can getcha? BL
  13. I don't hafta tell all it takes is a little research to find it. BL
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