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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. “Thanks Maryanne!” BL smiled, “yup it sure was, I half expected him to rig it and every slip of paper have his own name on it. “ Nodding her head, dirty blonde ponytail bouncing, BL answered “yes they are, we’re supposed to meet back here in an hour.” Laughing quietly eyes twinkling playfully BL commented “heh….well one thing is for sure the staff won’t be caught sleeping on the job, Chet’ll keep ‘em hopping. How about being one of my guests Maryanne? A night off with pay courtesy of your cousin sounds like a pretty good deal to me.” BL gave the deputy a lopsided grin thinking about what Rosco would say about that. (Cue Maryanne)
  2. (This character was created by B.L. Davenport and North Duke) Name: Sadie Ann Coltrane Eyes: Smokey Grey Hair: Straight Medium Brown Height: 5’ 7” Weight: 120 lbs Age: 26 Sadie Ann Coltrane is the daughter of Sheriff Rufus Z. Coltrane, her mother died 10 years ago in 1856 when she was 16 leaving her as the woman of the house and Rufus to do his best in raising her. She sometimes works at the café as a waitress, she and North Duke grew up together in Sleepy City but her being a Coltrane and him a Duke they were more acquaintances than friends until he returns from the Civil War.
  3. I had heard that he passed, watched him in Bonanza for a while and Adam was always my favorite he was a very good actor indeed.
  4. *walks into the court house looks at all the people standing around and Maryanne behind bars....blinks then wanders closer* It's such a sad day when the law goes bad and gets themselves locked up. *look of fake saddness*
  5. I tried all that Lizzy or thought I did thanks for the help I will try again.
  6. I am trying to add a picture to my signature, everything shows that is is uploaded and ready to use but it is not on the end of any of my posts. Am I doing something wrong? B.L.
  7. I owe an apology for my part in this as well I am truly sorry to those author's of this story. I had no right to make a mockery of the work being done no matter what my intentions may have been, I am deeply and sincerely sorry. *looks ashamed*
  8. Hey Diddle Diddle the cat and the fiddle the cow jumped over the moon.
  9. Prince Charming rode into the yard of Snow White and the seven dwarfs on his white steed with Sleeping Beauty riding behind. The seven dwarfs marched across the hill in the distance their voices ringing in the surrounding quietness singing "hi ho hi ho.....". "Whoa boy" Prince Charming commanded the horse pulling back on the reins holding onto Sleeping Beauty's hand he helped her safely to the ground.
  10. Loretta Lynn (she was on hee haw rerun tonight and sang that song)
  11. *Whistles walking away from Brian's completely restored, washed, and waxed car leaving it by the curb a full tank of gas included*
  12. I've used pieces of tin with a rope on it pulled around by my cousin at my grandparents (back many moons ago when I was a kid). My sis and some cousins used those 32 gallon black trash bags at least I think that was the size it was the biggest ones available I know but they made pretty good sleds downhill over terse rows in the pastures.
  13. *scratches head not wanting to say that the comment 'a date' had just been an expression* Better hurry up with that story then.
  14. *tiptoes back down the stairs* I'm right here Garrett, I heard Brian coming and decided outta sight out of mind might be the better part of valor for me. *Smiles* It's a date as soon as your free. Hey why's the computer unplugged *picks up cord from floor* guess someone tripped over it and unplugged it probably Brian *plugs it back in* now you can finish that story and we can get a bite to eat at the cafe sooner.
  15. *Smiles* Aww it's the least I can do Garrett....Yes I imagine he will *snickers* that would be a good one on him one minute its fixed the next in pieces again. Yes I think you are right best bet is to stick with your bail and not mess with his car if he don't leave you there no telling who else will join you, as his way of getting revenge. How about instead of you staying here and me sneaking it to you I'll take you to the cafe when you get out to celebrate my treat. I better go now before I get caught *smiles waving good bye going back up the stairs*
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