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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. I could tell you ..............haha good one Meadow thats probably the most accurate word for the initial
  2. I have been watching this discussion and I see both sides of this, it is everyone’s choice whether they participate in the round robin or not, if they pull out they probably have a good reason. Maybe they find out they don’t have time or don’t like it once they get started so they pull out it doesn’t mean they have issues with another writer in particular. Instead of bickering over it either talk it out or don’t participate in the RR’s because there is always the chance that something will be wrote that someone else doesn’t like. B.L.
  3. lol not exactly, I was hoping for a clean get away but I shoulda known better
  4. That's true I thought if anyone got thrown under the jail for it that it would be me.
  5. *looks at the ground scuffing toe of boot* way to lay on a guilt trip Garrett, whoever it is that get's arrested for my actions I am really really sorry and I hope you won't hold a grudge and will forgive me.
  6. Maybe she's taking him for a ride in her side car? Is there anything to any of this Chet?
  7. I don't think there's any need to worry about Emma Tisdale, Roger Chet goes for the younger crowd.
  8. Got a real high opinion of yourself doncha Chet? *teasing grin*
  9. I would but I think he's gone on a call in the wrecker...sorry, I better get out of sight I'll catch ya later *disappears around a corner getting in the silver GTO parked by the curb*
  10. *shrugs with a wicked grin* What'cha carrying around the J hook for?
  11. *leaves Brian's dismantled vehicle in front of the courthouse, turning the wrecker over to Cooter hightailing it out of sight*
  12. Well Chet stranger things have happened in Hazzard I reckon.....there's always something strange going on around here.
  13. It sure does Garrett and I'ma gonna be more careful 'bout hangin' 'round this place in the future.
  14. *follows Dixie up the stairs in no hurry to stick around*
  15. *sits down on the bunk dejectedly, eating another one of the delicious chocolate cookies*
  16. Thanks Dix, there's no hurry I reckon I'm gonna just sit here and bide my time until I'm released legal like. Did ya bring the case of oil Brian said he wanted?
  17. Well there's some descrepency which is better 5W30 or 10W30 all depends on the car and owner.
  18. Would that be one case each or a case to share?
  19. *takes a big sip of the chocolate milk* Mmm hits the spot thanks Garrett...no worries I won't rat ya out B.L.
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