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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. As they all come into the room Luke sees the look on Bo's face and whispers to Daisy. "Uhoh...." Jesse tried to ignore the look on Bo's and said jovially "well Bo I thought you'd be ready and rearin' to go"
  2. Jesee released Daisy as she moved away to briefly hug Luke who returned the hug. Each one of his kids had their special way of getting what they wanted from him. For Daisy it was her sneakiness in maneuvering him around to her way of thinking. For Bo it was his still child like qualities despite being a grown man, and for Luke it was his tenacious stubborn streak which he shared with Jesse. Shaking his head slightly he chuckled under his breath, the other two were just as stubborn as he and Luke when they had a mind to be. Smiling Luke marveled how she'd managed to stop a near catastrophe between him and their Uncle. Bo needed someone's help and whether that help could suffice from just the family and friends alone or it needed to be professional none of them could determine except Bo himself. But then that was Daisy for you always consciencious of what her friends and family needed, and the best course of action to get that to happen. B.L. hid a smile at Daisy's tactics it was always amusing to see how each of the cousins handled Jesse Duke to get what they ultimately wanted at times,but she was no fool she knew if Jesse didn't want to let them win then they wouldn't no matter what methods they used on him trying to get their way.
  3. Thank ya lots Betsyrae, glad you like what you read. It's fun to do and to know it's being enjoyed makes it so much funner (I know I know funner is not a word but so what) another one huh? we gotta discuss this I'm curious to know what's up yer sleeve now Bo.
  4. Jesse smiled and hugged Daisy in return, he loved all his kids but each of them in their own special way...Bo was his baby and Daisy his little girl who often had to teach an old man his way of thinking might not always be best and then there was Luke his oldest always ready to take on any responsibility needed. "yer welcome baby" Luke smiled back at Daisy wondering how come she put up with his stubborn streak and alot of times if Bo was concerned lack of patience without knocking him upside the head. He was glad Daisy had changed Uncle Jesse's mind though because he really felt that it wouldn't benefit Bo at all to be made talk to anyone other than his family and even he shouldn't be forced to talk but left to come to the idea himself that he needed to talk about it which he usually did.
  5. Jesse nodded patting Daisy's cheek gently smiling he looked at the faces of the other two youngsters in the room they looked relieved that he hadn't shushed Daisy's efforts. "Alright the choice is Bo's and if he don't wanna do it then I'm not gonna make him. I'll just tell the doctor we thank him for his concern but we can take care of Bo just fine." Luke sighed in relief he was glad Daisy had got through to Uncle Jesse in her calm quiet way where his stubborn argumentative way hadn't worked.
  6. Three voices all jumbled together as they protested this new development. Bo wasn't going to like it and neither did they. He would have a fit just as soon as he was coherent enough to do so they knew but Jesse wasn't the least bit bluffed by their protests and pleads not to add this latest atrocity to Bo. Jesse only shook his head finally holding up a hand to silence them all. Luke however wouldn't be silenced. "Uncle Jesse you can't subject Bo to that he'll feel like some nut or something if ya make him see them doctors. We can get him through any problems he might have we always have before." Jesse gave Luke a hard look that silenced the younger man so he could speak. "Now I know none of ya like the idea I ain't too crazy about it myself but if it'll help Bo the way the doctor says then that's what we're gonna do and I won't have anymore argument about it. Understood!" B.L. not quite ready to give up pushed a littel further than the Duke cousins would "But Uncle Jesse....." Jesse shakes his white head at her with a withering look "I said enough B.L...."
  7. "Then that's what we'll do" Jesse said as he gave a look to the other three awake occupants of the room daring them to argue with his decision which none of them did.
  8. Luke listened to the report frowning when psychiatric treatment, he gritted his teeth Bo didn't need that kind of help he had his friends and family to support him through any mental anguish he would no doubt go through. "No disrespect intended doctor but Bo won't need psychiatric treatment he has good friends and a loving family that can help him far more than any doctor or nurse in that prospective." B.L. nodded her agreement staying quiet though in the background. Jesse too frowned but then nodded to the doctor and said "whatever you think is best for Bo is what we'll do"
  9. Jesse and Luke both nodded happily at the doctor's news. It would be good to get Bo home again where he could finish recuiperating with his family around him constantly. B.L. smiled happily as well it seemed everything was going to be alright.
  10. Glad your enjoying it Redneck Woman. It is such a morale booster when you write something and are told that you bring the characters to life.
  11. Hey let us know how your liking the story so far.
  12. "Yes sir" Luke nodded at Jesse's words knowing that they were a gentle warning to him as well. To some Jesse might seem gruff when reprimanding his 'kids' but those who knew him best knew there was nothing in the world he wouldn't do for them. This not only included the three young cousin's he'd raised but the Davenport cousin's as well. They might be named Davenport but to Jesse they were just as much Duke as his own three and himself. Jesse watched Bo from the window for a few moments before looking back out the window it was a relief to see his youngest on the mend although it was still going to be a long road to full recovery.
  13. Luke continued to sit by Bo holding his hand and stroking his hair humming for several minutes until he was absolutely positive Bo was sleeping soundly. Then he moved over to look out the window, wishing he and Bo could be out tearing around in the General instead of being stuck in a hospital room. Jesse stood next to him quietly gazing out the window. Luke looked over wanting to make sure Jesse wasn't really mad at Bo for B.L.'s earlier revelation. "Uncle Jesse?....." "hmmm......" "Bo ain't turnin' into an alchoholic B.L. was only teasing him he don't really drink that much none of us do. Shoot she even drinks more than she can carry out sometimes but it's nothin' ta worry about. You've taught us all to be responsible drinker's and we are." Jesse nodded reguarding Luke before answering softly "I know son....I just wanted to make sure Bo knew I wasn't gonna stand fer no over indulging on a regular basis."
  14. Luke gently put his arms around Bo hugging him as tightly as possible without hurting him. What Bo had said made alot of sense and he was right Luke himself just had to accept it. After a few minutes Luke gently eased Bo back onto the bed pulling the cover up around him smiling. "Ya need to get some rest Bo." Jesse had sat and watched his boys with a warm smile on his face it was a wonderful sight to see when the youngest took on the roll as counsil and helped the oldest to understand something and deal with it without blaming himself.
  15. Luke rubs his face tiredly realizing how bad his hand was shaking. "I don't know Bo I just feel like I coulda done more ta spare ya bein' so hurt. I coulda took the time to take ya with me....Uncle Jesse told me I did the right thing but I just can't help feelin' that I didn't." B.L. nods smiling "Then we'll sit here a while 'til yer ready to go back, there's no rush Bo's doin' ok and Luke and Uncle Jesse are with 'im."
  16. I've read it once before and I still love it, absolutely one of the best stories I've ever read
  17. Luke shook his head smiling at Bo giving his hand a pat. The worried frown on Bo's face causing him to raise his eyebrows questioningly. Answering quietly "nothin' Bo" B.L. and Daisy had decided to sit at one of the tables in the cafeteria and have some lunch while they waited for time to pass and things to calm down in Bo's room. Nibbling on a cookie B.L. asked Daisy, "Ya think it's safe to go back now?"
  18. I like that theory better Kelly LOL he seems to have problems with aching shins in the roleplays, wonder why *whistles*
  19. But i still think the Roleplayes are gettin' ta him oh you.......... *rolling eyes pulls hat down over face*
  20. She was a kid *you* shouldn't have gave her the dang thing till she was old enough to read it
  21. *laughs* I think he's kinda cute Kelly in an older brother sort of way
  22. lol nobody else could believe it either.....be thankful he didn't use super glue.
  23. now what makes ya think horns is what holds it on straight ..... might be sticks and duct tape.
  24. lol darlin' they ain't nobody in this family got any sanity
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