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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. This isn't a trivia question, I've been thinking of adding a trivia page to my website and I would like to know if I may use these questions and answers there great! B.L.
  2. Yer welcome Alex, I been around here for a while don't know you very well but ya seem like a nice fellar. I'd be more careful about who I flirted with or suggesting they wear dog collars though if I were you. B.L.
  3. *straightens denim jacket collar* Well Chet I been watchin' all the proceedin's and Alex did make some comments about dog collar's and maryanne wearin' 'em but hey it was all in good fun right? She took exception to it and has had him in the hoosegow and is now plannin' to hang him or some other dastardly punishment. I believe every man deserves a second chance to rectify his mistakes though. B.L.
  4. Lordy this thread has more twists and turns than the road that widow maker bend is on. It's a wild and excitin' ride though!!!!
  5. I just watched this movie recently have heard about it alot growing up it was ok but I wasn't really impressed. My sis rode a mechanical bull on her senior trip just for the fun of it no big deal she was the only girl to ride against the boys. My neighbor and good friend has been a bull rider for several years he just retired last year and is now a judge. I went to see him ride a few times it's sooo different up close and personal than it is on the movies or even watching the actual rodeo on tv. LOL my first one I was so close to the fence where they had poured the water out of a trough when the bull came by I got splashed with mud and was dirtier than my friend and he actually rode a bull LOL. Great fun to see but the movies don't do the real thing justice. I have to agree with Chet rodeo is a real sport my family isn't sports fans as in any kind of ball playing and the like but we will all watch rodeo cos that's a real sport as we say.
  6. I just recently got this same link from a northern relative. I got the highest score of anyone in my family that's from the south! Most of us on my dad's side reside in a tiny town and county like Hazzard. I scored 86% (Dixie) Did you have Confederate ancestors?
  7. As the mustang backed out of it's parking space the white Jeep with the eagle on the hood and Dixie painted in script writing along the side of the hood light's came on as it came to life with a soft purr. Backing out of the space joining the mustang in the wait for the other cars.
  8. ahh ok mystery solved....thanks Jax. LOL I turn on closed caption myself sometimes when I am not sure what's being said. I thought at one point in swamp molly that Luke calls her Aunt Molly but I listened closely and he actually says "you know Molly" LOL.
  9. Brandy Lou Davenport,B.L. for short is the younger sister of L.B. Davenport, she's 2 years younger than Cooter with medium length blonde layered slightly wavy hair and blue eyes. When her father was killed in a mining accident and her mother had to be put in an institution overwrought with grief at the loss of her husband dying there a short time after. The courts decided that L.B. wasn't old enough or responsible enough to care for and raise a 15 year old girl. B.L. was sent to the town of Hazzard from her home in Coreyville the seat of Hazzard County, to live with Cooter and his parents,becoming her surrogate big brother. She still lives with Cooter at the Davenport farm he inherited from his parents. Works at the Boar's Nest alongside Daisy and when she has time off from that she helps out at the garage. B.L. in her spare time away from the Boar's Nest and the garage tears around the backroads in her 1970 silver GTO, the Judge. She can also play the fiddle. Being one of the guys like she's always been but folks shouldn't let that fool them, she can be just as girly as she is a tomboy when the notion strikes or the occasion arises. Her CB handle is Sweet Talker
  10. Good job Jax but if you listen closely in the beginning of the episode before the bath in the Dukes kitchen scene they call her Laura Huntley lol I had never caught that before.
  11. Ok here's one for ya'll from High Octane. What is the name of the lady revenuer? Think carefully this one's tricky I caught something that may have just been a blooper I'm not sure lol.
  12. There was a Tri County hospital i1976 it is the one most used by the Dukes. There was also another one in Capitol City it's mentioned in Boar's Nest Bears when the opposing team's sponser says the really tall boy on the Boar's Nest Bears team isn't 13 so the Duke cousin's go to capitol city where he was born to the hospital and then there's also a hospital in cedar city which was shown in Carnival of Thrills.
  13. maybe it was a 3 or 4 hour drive then since they only went annually? Right off the top of my head I don't recall any other episodes where they went to Atlanta but that's not to say that they didn't. BL
  14. Anybody else ever wonder how long of a trip it was from Hazzard to Atlanta?
  15. I do not like green eggs and ham!
  16. I only have Them Good Ole Boys are Bad and In the Driver's seat from the Dukes TV Soundtrack but I have heard some of his other songs off things like YouTube, In the Driver's seat has to be my favorite though of the few that I've heard. B.L.
  17. B.L. Davenport was taking the chance to get away from work and everything at home with a weekend of shopping in Atlanta.
  18. B.L. took Konrad's arm with a smile "I'd love to" He led her off to the dance floor and they were soon lost in the music and swirl of other dancers. Bo and Cindy Mae had moved from the dance floor to catch their breath and Bo had gone to the refreshment table to get them something to drink.
  19. Daisy too looked around for her cousins, seeing the General parked a short distance away and futher away she could just make out Dixie. It looked like they were all there. Inside the building Bo was twirling Cindy Mae around on the dance floor as the four young people came in.
  20. Daisy got out of the backseat standing next to Cooter straightening her dress after the ride. B.L. doing the same when Konrad helped her out. The girls taking hold of the hands of their dates heading inside to the dance.
  21. Daisy caught B.L.'s eye in the mirror giving her a wink which made BL muffle a chuckle. "Yeah I know" B.L. said to Konrad about Cooter and Daisy not getting upto anything as long as she watched them grinning wickedly. She was only doing it to pester Cooter but he didn't seem to be bothered by it.
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