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Posts posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. 1. Now I know it wasn't orange cause that's the colour it was painted originally, cause I thought it funny how GL is orange and they have an orange truck...didn't they paint it a smiliar colour...like...Yellow...I'm gonna say Yellow but it might be green.

    2. A Red Ribbon

    3. Broom Closet/Storeroom

    4. Oh come all ye Faithful

    5. 1 - One that's used for smoking Ham

    6. Auto News!! - This is where I picked up the fact the boys still read car magazines after Luke's got blown up in Season 1. lol.

    7. Good ol' Bo did in his green plaid shirt lol. Plus he's the only one tall enough to reach it lol. Then he gives a goofy grin afterwards....I do love this episode, I always watch it this time of year :)

  2. Thank you so much for creating Hazzard Net. Its because of people like you that old and new fans of one of the greatest tv shows in the world can continue to celebrate its success and discover the friendships it formulates all over the world. :D Congrats on 1000 posts and thank you more than a 1000 times over.

  3. No, actually you put on a really sarcastic tone and said

    so its the economy. lets not have a Macy's Thanksgiving day parade or super bowl games again because the economy's bad oh and lets not forget NASCAR because the economys bad

    Meaning you dont think that at all. Or if you really think that would happen, I pity you...obviously you have a lesser IQ count than I thought.

  4. Oh and lets not forget who runs those events shall we? COMPANYS WITH COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF MONEY!!! Dukesfest is funded by John, how much money do you think he brings in after feeding his family, paying his bills and taxes? How many companies do you think Dukesfest was sponsored by this year? Hardly any! How many sponsors do the General Lee owners have to give them money? NONE Its being paid for out of other people's pockets, not some huge company.

    Fact is, people dont want to sponsor Dukes because of all the bad publicity its been getting about the flag on its roof, it being taken off of CMT and given to a channel that has no interest in it. So it recieves no money, for it to make a profit, John would have to hike up the price of merchandise to huge amounts as well as the tickets, the GL owners would have to charge more for rides and no one would be able to/want to pay that much.

    You really need to do more reasearch into this before you go shouting your mouth off Emy, seriously.

  5. Emy, me and Daisy were VIP's at Dukesfest this year thankfully because Daisy won a contest and I helped input a little bit into the show. We were incrediably lucky to meet John adn Elly and all the backstage crew that came with the show to make it happen. Believe me, John's busy schedule has nothing to do with Dukesfest not being on next year whatsoever. Its not just John and Elly that run it, produce it, they have a whole team behind them which they pay. I met a wonderful lady called Renee who made the decision with Elly to let me co host the trivia part of Dukesfest. They are not alone in making this event, John works hard to make the money for things like this and for people to get it organized.

    The word from John and the team behind him are that the credit crunch at the moment is the main reason for not going ahead. The Economy affects everybody, from the little people to the celebrities. Less money = less being paid out to EVERYONE! He's thinking about the people who travel from all over America to be at this event, who will already be suffering from the credit crunch without having to worry about the cost of Dukesfest. As Daisy already said, the General Lee Owners especially have this to worry about! Giving rides around the track costs THEM a lot of money in gas because as we all know, the General now has terrible terrible milage.

    Your being incredibaly immature by trying to blame this all on Alma and Ben passing it on to John and Elly. If it weren't for them the 30th anniversary would never have happened. As I recall, you were happy John and Elly were taking it over so we could have another one this year when we were all chatting about it on the boards! Only now that it might not go ahead next year do you start saying I knew this, I knew that. John, Elly and the team did incredibly well considering they had no real financial backing this year as the other ones have and I believe its the first time in some years since all of the remaining cast have been together at a Dukesfest.

    So yeah, actually Emy it is largely down to the credit crunch, not John's busy schedule or family life. John isn't thinking about himself, he rarely ever does. Its all about his fans and whether or not it would be feasable to hold the event in such a time of economic crisis. The same is true over here in England, our financial situation isn't much better. So before you go making immature comments about what you supposedly 'knew' or 'know', try finding out some more into what makes these kinds of events would you.

    Oh and as for it being the 29th this year...sorry, but the first episode was MADE 30 years ago. That was what the cast base it on, the crew and most die hard fans...not just TV fans. That's what we were celebrating, the coming together of a wonderful cast, writers, directors and producers who taught and still teach a whole generation of people lots about life and moral standards. We don't need Dukesfest to celebrate the Dukes, its a bonus that Alma and Ben started and i'm sure eventually John and Elly will continue. How many other shows do you know that have its own event for its own fans, not talking about sci-fi conventions or anything like that. The Dukes cast put a lot of time and effort into getting and being at Dukesfest, especially the elder of the cast like Rosco, Enos and Cletus, to celebrate with the fans. So next year is a break for them, one year I think they deserve to be honest. Its been 30 glorious years since Dukes was STARTED not just aired and I say YEEEE HAWWWWWW and may it live on for 30 glorious more!

  6. LOL I celebrate christmas all year round! :p Nah i'm kidding...i do tend to watch films like Christmas Comes to Willow Creek and listen to John's christmas albums before christmas though but that's because i'm impatient and Christmas or the thought of christmas really cheers me up. So whenever i'm down I do that to pick me back up lol.

    I would watch Mary christmas as well but I had to give Daisy's DVD back.... lol :p

  7. lol yeah, I just feel sorry for all the guys that missed out on 08 dukesfest and now might have to wait till 2010 or even later to go. but then again that's not John's fault, blame the idiots who are supposed to look after the economy. tsk tsk, someone's not doing their jobs properly, and it aint John lol

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