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Posts posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. Oh gosh yeah here's a few

    1. Brotherly Love - When Bo is sitting by Luke begging him to wake up

    2. Undercover Dukes Part 1 - When the boys try and ask Daisy to forgive them and she mentions Jesse's birthday then slaps bo and elbows Luke

    3. Carnival of Thrills - the boys fight and subsequent leaving (in floods all the time)

    4. Too many Rosco's - when Rosco goes under and the boys cant find him. Its the first and only time I think you actually hear (not see) Luke cry a little bit.

    5. Brotherly Love - At the end when Luke's saying bye to Judd and you can see he wants to cry and Bo proves why he's Luke's little brother not Judd.

    6. A boy's best friend - Not really sad but melancholy, when the boys reminisce about how they lost their parents and Luke says: I dont ever remember being quite that sad...but then I had you and Daisy.

    7. OPening Night at the Boar's Nest - Several from this episode, when Rosco thinks he's really lost Boss and he's crying begging him to come back and doing everything he can to do it, and also because its the last episode of the series entirly :(

    8. Goodbye General Lee - When Luke goes through that archery shoot with Bo and makes Bo give up General Lee, John Schneider really perfects his kicked puppy dog look that brings tears to my eyes every time lol.

    9. Dr Jeckyll and Mr Duke - Not really sad but definitly heart breaking and cringe worthy - When Luke comes back to dinner and is just so rude...I cant watch that scene without cringing. Tom had a lot of fun in that episode though lol.

    10. Strange visitor to Hazzard - Now I know that this is a weird one, but it just proves that the Dukes didnt care who or what, they accepted anyone as a member of the family. When they call the alien Lil' Cousin and when they subsequently have to say goodbye to him at the end...that's sad.

    That's all I can think of right now, i'll let you know of anymore I can think of

  2. You cant think of a caption for that picture Brian? Well it could be youre not properly inspired! I just found a great picture and this should bring some interesting results! *laughs*

    Yes you too can own your very own Houdini Starter Kit! Great for learning how to escape all of those hazzardous situations! Only 19.95! Call for yours today!

    Bo: *muffled* What're ya doin?!

    Luke: Savin' the rest of my car magazines.

  3. You gotta be careful what you say and how you say it on here Dukefan. In fact, saying that just after someone admitted they dont know something in a trivia thread, that's just not the best time to ask that question is it? Why not start a new thread asking everyone how often they watch Dukes instead of just singling Daisyduke out who is at least taking interest in your thread by admitting she didnt know.

  4. DukeFan that was kinda rude what you just said. That's not fair, in case you hadn't noticed a lot of the shots of the General being chased by two cop cars is not uncommon through the series so the screen caps your posting are actually quite difficult which is probably why hardly anyone is guessing. Posting pictures of different people who were in it or even different cars would be a better idea but you cannot tell someone they dont know the Dukes just because your posting a load of screen caps that could be from any and every episode. I can think of at least 3 episodes off the top of my head that the General got chased by two cop cars in, don't go being so rude.

  5. I didn't join till 2006 I dont think...not sure lol. It'll come up when this is posted. Anywho, I am so glad that I did. I've met so many amazing people here and have struck up friendships that I hope will last for many many years to come. I think if John, Tom, Cathy, Denver, Sorrell, Sonny, Ric, James and Ben could all see the friendships...more a family that has struck up here through the Dukes they would be proud of us, because we've all taken the most important messages the Dukes tried to teach and used them to create such a wonderful community. Congratulations on the tenth anniversary everyone, tremendous thanks to the creators of this wonderful site and thanks you Warner Brothers and the whole cast of Dukes of Hazzard for making this possible.

    My mushy stuff is over ;) Promise. xx

  6. It was at Dukesfest 08 we found out that its no longer a chapel and that its for sale...land developers want it apparently but they cant build there for some legal reasons...the land is protected or something....thats why John was interested in it, he was going to buy it, restore it and then...well he didnt get that far lol

  7. Yeah the Boar's Nest was turned into a chapel but its not used for that anymore....rumor has it our favourite, tender hearted Duke boy seen above is planning on buying it and restoring it to former glory...just rumour of course...what really saddened me is the state of the Duke Farm now...its so unbelievably sad.

  8. Hmmmm be careful what you believe...for one I doubt highly Tom Wopat would be attending - he said in a recent interview that the only reason he went to 08 was for John as it was his first Dukesfest, and for two Alma and Ben retired from doing Dukesfest which is why they passed it over to John and Elly...

    Got a link to where you found this info? Oh and also, June 3rd and 4th this year is not a weekend its a wednesday and thursday

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