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Posts posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. Bo stopped and gently put his hands on Luke's shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze.

    "Cousin, you never will be a baby t'me...okay...I don't mind if you wanna hold my hand...you been through a lot, you need some security...its fine..."

    With that, Bo reached out and grasped Luke's hand and continued on their way to the General, holding his hand all the way there, their blood brother scars pressed together.

  2. "No problem Luke...i'll see you soon. You take care too Bo.."

    Bo nodded with a smile, shaking her hand as well.

    "I will...thank you so much for everything you've done for him..."

    Sara nodded back with a smile of her own, "No Problem, see you round..."

    With that, she left the room to go file the paperwork, a deep feeling of satsifaction at helping yet another person regain a normal life but also sadness that she would no longer get to be with him as much as she had been.

  3. Sara smiled and gave his shoulder a friendly squeeze when he'd done it, taking the papers back from him before giving him a card.

    "This is my number...if you need me, or you just need to talk, call that and we'll talk anytime. I'll come round a couple of times a week to check on how things are going for a while, make sure your settling back in ok.."

  4. "Its gonna be so great t'have ya back on the farm cousin...really really is..."

    Bo said softly, seeing the doubt still playing in Luke's eyes and he knew that it wasn't because he didn't really wanna come home, it was whether or not he'd be able to fit right back in.

  5. Bo clung to Luke's shirt as he always had done, even when a child, when he was upset. He wasn't crying because of Luke's decision, he was crying with relief that maybe now things could start getting back in some kind of order. He knew that for a long while Luke was still gonna need support, still gonna be fairly unstable in his thinking and his confidence...but he couldn't press down the feeling that it wouldn't be long once Luke was home that he would be able to see his older, protective, strong, kind older brother that he so missed.

  6. Sara smiled gently, closing her eyes a little as he kissed her cheek gently before looking back to him at his quiet whisper. Nodding softly, she squeezed his hand again, not allowed to return the kiss on his cheek for work reasons.

    "Its ok...i'm glad I could help.."

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