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Posts posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. Bo quietly left the room and headed out to the kitchen to tidy away the things from breakfast. With Daisy gone most of the time now, he had learnt how to cook pretty decently for himself using Lavinia's old cookbooks. As long as he followed them he was pretty good...well he hadn't poisoned himself yet anyway.

  2. "Your not a baby cousin...you've had a hard time...everyone needs t'be taken care of sometime in their lives...you've looked after me all my life, now its my turn to return the favour just a little. I'll help you through this...cause its what Uncle Jesse would have wanted us to do, to stick together as a family, and because your my brother and I love you..."

    Bo said softly, squeezeing Luke's shoulder supportivly.

  3. "We'll figure it out together...we always do...Daisy's managed t'find that place already...the place where she can enjoy Uncle Jesse's memory instead of weep over him..she's doing what he would have wanted her to do. She's out enjoying herself...having fun...looking to the future to see what she can make of it...you know she wants to go to college?"

    Bo said with a small smile, admiring Daisy much more than he had ever done before. Out of all of them, she had worked through her grief in a sensible manner and come out on top rather than in the rutt Bo and especially Luke seemed to be in. Bo didn't understand how that was possible either...he hadn't expected Daisy to take this so well, but then again her and Uncle Jesse had always talked...Bo and Luke had usually been too busy running around to go into the depth of conversation that Daisy and Jesse often had done. In a way, Daisy had more of her Uncle's words to remember, more conversations to go by that would help her through. Bo had the farm, while Luke was gone he took it over and felt connected with his Uncle that way which helped a little ways...but Luke had gone off the deep end and as a result had nothing really...

  4. "We can't go back t'how things used t'be Luke...its not possible and besides...Uncle Jesse wouldn't want that. He left us wanting us to create a future for ourselves...no matter where that took us within reason o'course...he raised us and guided us down the paths we're on...but he always said that eventually we'd have t'walk the paths without him...he wouldn't want us to sit and miss him all the time...he wants us to keep on keepin on...somehow..."

    Bo said softly, not really thinking about what he was saying, just saying what came to his heart.

  5. Bo kept a comforting arm around his older cousins shoulders, not missing how the two had seemed to have swapped places. When the time came that Jesse passed on, as was inevitable in life...Bo had always imagined that it would be he who had the emotional breakdown, who missed him so much he couldn't stop crying...not Luke. He knew Luke would grieve eventually but never had Bo imagine that this would have happened.

    Of course Bo hadn't really grieved yet at all...he hadn't had the time. Daisy had, and Bo had been there to comfort her, Luke was now and had been probably with Sara and Bo had been there for him...as for himself, he did what Luke always had...got on with the work that needed doing and distanced himself from his emotions that once used to show so freely. It was like some kind of clash had happened where suddenly Bo and Luke's personalities had been reversed and everything had turned upside down.

    Rubbing Luke's arm gently, he just quietly soothed his older cousin as much as he could.

  6. Bo nodded a little, pushing away from their orange stock car and putting a hand on Luke's shoulder, slowly walking in with him. He offered what little support he could through the gentle squeeze on his older cousins shoulder...he knew this would be hard for Luke, it had been hard for him to step through the door to the farm knowing Jesse was never gonna be there again too...

  7. It wasn't long before Bo pulled up at the farm, it looking well maintained and as normal as if Luke had never left it. There was washing on the line, the chickens were ambling around the yard and Maudine was scratching her head against the stall...even the trees didnt seem to have changed in the months Luke had been away.

  8. Bo couldn't help but smile a little as he whistled, hearing Luke humming along beside him, even if only softly. He'd hated having to drive on his own and not knowing when he was going to have his driving buddy back...he had just missed everything about life with Luke on the farm, especially now since Daisy was out on her own and Jesse had passed. To say he was relieved that Luke was starting to come back already was an understatement.

  9. Bo didn't notice that that was what Luke wanted so continued to just head back to the farm with both hands on the wheel and his eyes on the road. After just getting Luke back, he didn't want to run the risk of losing him again by doing something stupid and getting them both hurt.

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