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Posts posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. Yeah but I dont believe that Luke would be that much older than Bo...like Daisy said, if Luke left for 4 years at the age of 18 and came back he would be 22, if you count Bo as being four years younger, Bo would be 18 at the time of Luke returning making him come out of high school.

    As for the order I think if you watch the family tree that's included with Season 2 it tells you the order of which the cousins go in and maybe their ages as well...I haven't watched it in a while but I swear i've heard somewhere in the Dukes of in something about the Dukes that Luke was 4 years Bo's elder.

  2. Could be, but a reigonal Dukesfest is better than no Dukesfest at all. We'll just have to see what happens. There's been talks of all kinds of things, we're not gonna know till it comes out officially. Dont give up hope though, you know dem Dukes. They never give up, especially not our tender hearted, golden haired Duke Boy who shall always remain so at heart. ;)

  3. The whole thing is mainly to do with the credit crunch. Everyone is affected by it, even John who you gotta remember is not an A List celebrity though he should be. He's gotta support his family and make a living let alone pay for Dukesfest out of his own pocket. Beforehand, Dukesfest had CMT as a sponser but now they've pulled out John's been left in the lurch and trying to find people who will sponser the event. Last year, thank god, the car company Dodge sponsered it and some other smaller companies but John himself made a huge loss.

    I doubt that there will NEVER be another one but it does depend on the economy and how John's own financial situation is. Rest assured though, that while there are Dukes Fans out there, there will always be some kind of Dukes event even if the cast dont show up. I doubt the 30th Anniversary will be the last we see of Dukesfest at the moment.

  4. Oh here's a couple more!

    11. Play it again Luke - At the end when he and Candy are singing together. Real emotional song especially when you put it into the context that they met in Nam. Think about it people ;)

    12. Luke's Love Story - When he and Amy split up and when he's talking to Jesse in the kitchen at night.

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