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Posts posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. "If you mess up, you mess up...so what? It's human nature, its how things happen sometimes. No one is perfect, no one has ever not made a mistake in their lives...don't worry about getting things wrong, just go through life as you usually would and if you make a mistake, just either forget about it or re try something a different way...you can't stop mistakes Luke, your only human."

    She said softly, reaching out a reassuring hand and putting it on his knee.

  2. Sara looked straight back at him, directly into his eyes. There was nothing but confidence and support there as she spoke to him directly.

    "You've got no reason to be panicking Luke...you dont have to make this decision right here, right now. You need time to think about it...In all honesty, you dont need me anymore...you question yourself and what moves your going to take next yourself...you had that thinking capability before you came in here, and it isn't lost just because you haven't used it in a while...its in you, the guy you were before is still there...let him come forward and take charge of what's best for you now...he's the only guy you need to listen to.."

  3. Bo nodded and with another friendly pat to Luke's shoulder, quietly left the room to go and get a drink and to give Luke some space and thinking time. At least this time he was thinking about coming back, that if anything reignited Bo's hope that it wouldn't be long before he was back with him.

  4. Bo didn't say a word, he wasn't gonna stand there and try and influence Luke's decision to come home. It truly was case of Bo just wanting Luke to be happy in what he was doing...if Luke had said he needed to travel over the other side of the world and stay there to be happy Bo would have let him...he's miss him, pine for him a little...but as long as Luke was happy it didn't matter.

  5. Bo continued to just hold onto Luke, missing this closeness with the cousin who had grown to be more like a brother to him. Now there Uncle was gone, Luke was the only one he had to look up to really, and he felt slightly lost without him around. Daisy had helped him work out a schedule for the farm, what needed doing when...but it just wasn't the same without someone there to do it with him.

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