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Posts posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. Bo was a little suprised at the public display of affection but readily returned the hug, smiling a little.

    "Same here brother..."

    Sara watched the two with a smile from where she had been sitting next to Luke. She knew it wouldn't be long before Luke would be going home. He may still have his doubts, may still be scared but there wasn't much more she could do to help him...Luke was answering his own doubts and fears now, Sara really just sat there and listened to him reasoning himself out. Luke may think that he needed her, but he didn't...and in all honesty she would be sad to see him go when the time came. She had never really connected with a patient as much as she had Luke before, and while she knew it was kind of unprofessional to get emotionally involved, she couldn't help it. That was the kind of person that Luke had needed her to be, and so she had been.

  2. "Ah well, it'll all come together..." Bo said with a smile when Luke have no verbal response to what he was saying. Just that let him know that again he would be leaving alone, and so he could move past the subject.

    Sara smiled sympathetically, but out of sight of Luke, at Bo. She could tell what Bo was asking without actually asking and knew how lonley it must be getting for him.

  3. "We aint the only ones that miss havin' ya around the farm though...Maudine's goin' plumb crazy waitin fer ya t'come out and feed her...looks downright disappointed when she sees me come out."

    Bo retorted, sounding kind of miffed that the family mule who had been there since they were both kids to a greater shine to Luke than she did to him. Though it could have been because with his blonde hair, he looked more like food than a person.

    "And everyone in Hazzard keeps askin bout ya...Cooter sends his regards...says hurry up an' get yer butt back inta Hazzard cause he's runnin outta buisness...General ain't soundin right neither without yer tunin..."

    He continued to muse, more talking to himself than taking to anyone particular in the room. Every time he came, he had a small hope that maybe Luke would finally be ready to come home, and while he never asked cause he didn't wanna push the subject, the result was always the same. He left alone, went to an empty farm house alone because Daisy was usually out playing tonsil tennis with her boyfriend someplace or working and slept in the big double room alone...

  4. Urmm...okay...to do a Dukes Jump...

    1/ Make sure for one your not in a car you love.

    2/ Gut out completly the inside of your car, no seats or anything.

    3/ Fit a roll cage

    4/ Inside the car where the drivers seat would be, and attatch a harness that keeps you completly suspended from the floor but so you can reach the steering wheel and pedals

    5/ Wear a crash helmet

    6/ Do the jump and watch the car get destroyed.

    In other words, dont do it. The guys that jumped those cars are professionals. Search on Youtube.com for Dukesfest 08 jump and watch how the General got completly destroyed and you'll see what I mean. I was there, its not pretty and even stuntmen get hurt.

  5. Bo grinned and opened the door, finding Sara and Luke as always sat side by side and having one of their more fun filled talks this time around. Sara had always made sure to balance heavy conversations with light hearted ones to keep him balanced and show him exactly what she was trying to prove. As bad as things could get, you can always find some kind of good side to it...as long as you took it on board and balanced out the argument, things never seemed as bad as they did initially.

    "Hey cuz, how you doin'?"

  6. Totally agree with Daisy. It isnt fair for you to start calling him things like that, a character is a character believe in him all you want. Tom is a real person, with real feelings and problems just like the rest of us.

    Kay, he got caught with 1.2 grams...jeez that's not even enough to make a joint to be honest with you. Not talking from experience but I know how big 1.2 grams is. Granted this could just be leftovers, whatever. Its not like he's got caught supplying anything, actually taking the stuff...there could be some underlying story behind this that the media know nothing about. Who knows and quite frankly who cares? The media put this stuff out because it causes a stir amoung people, thats why stars get harrassed as much as they do. Because we the public lap it all up.

    I hope that someone close to Tom sees this and starts to put him back on the right road. He has a great broadway career, all he needs is help sorting out whatever issues he has.

  7. Bo smiled and shook his head, amazed at how much one person had done to turn Luke's life around in such a short time. It had always seemed to him that what was in Luke's head could have filled 5 whole library's...maybe even more...but somehow Sara had gone through the lot and re filled everything so it was all back in order with any uneccassiry things being thrown out. There was such a change in his older cousin now, but even so, he was still the big brother Bo remembered.

    Knocking on the door, he asked.

    "Is it safe t'come in?"

  8. "Its ok Luke...but you know as well as I do that sitting her dwelling in these emotions for too long isn't gonna help now is it? We need t'get t'the root of this problem t'solve it...not stay stuck in the mud at one place...agreed?" She reasoned with him softly, showing him that while it was ok to feel that way, it was not ok to keep on dwelling in it for so long.

  9. Sara kept rubbing his back gently, she would comfort him and be supportive but there were times when she knew he needed to be pushed a little forwards...when she needed to be firm and basically tell him to suck up but in nicer terms. She knew a lot of this was down to the fact that Luke was still hanging onto his Uncle, and that was something she needed to get him to let go of.

    "Now...we can't sit here all day like this can we...people'll get the wrong impression..." She said with a small smile.

  10. "Now that isn't true at all...look what yer doing here...when we started you wouldn't have even attempted to shake my hand...and yet here you are activly seeking comfort...your talking to me...your crying without shame...Luke your taking massive steps forward but like I said because you have this huge mental block that only lets you see the negative of what you do, you cant see the progress and the good..."

  11. Sara shook her head, smiling a little at the public affection Luke craved...before he wouldn't have dared even really touch her..apologizing if he accidentally did. This was a big move forward,

    "No...yer not. Its different today because Daisy's here...you feel a need to impress her, show her your moving on when inside your not as moved on as you try and make her believe and it upsets you..."

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