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Posts posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. For hours and hours, Sara sat with Luke and talked through everything he wanted to talk about then and there. She didn't attempt to leave for anything, she didn't give any signals that she needed anything besides giving Luke her full attention. She listened intently to every word and talked through everything with him.

  2. "I can't make it stop hurting Luke, only you can make it stop hurting by stopping it controlling your life...you need to let this go, you need to tell me about everything that you need to...I can help you, but like I said when we started, I need to know everything...everything...."

    She said firmly but softly, like she would speak to a child who didn't want a shot or who didn't want to stay in hospital.

  3. Sara sat up more and took both of Luke's hands, forcing him to uncurl and to stop rocking himself.

    "Luke dont shut yourself away from me...dont do that...you know that that doesn't lead to anything good...we've talked about this...just because your home does not mean that everything we talked about is null and void..."

  4. Sara shook her head gently.

    "Luke...believe me....through my career i've heard so many tales...so many problems and I can probably guarentee that i've heard something similar to your story before. Nam weren't just suffered by you...hundreds of troops made it back suffering the same kinda psychological problems you are now..."

  5. Sara shook her head softly.

    "No...its all a part of coming back t'someplace an adjustin Luke...most people take one step through the front door of the house and wanna come back to the hospital again. Its a different atmosphere here...you have to start fending for yourself...and its a big shock...big thing to get used to again...I knew you'd call, I was plannin on it...but if I'd told you that, you never woulda tried t'come home..."

  6. Bo lowered his head a little seeing Luke swallow hard and seeing doubt flare in Luke's eyes....doubting himself now and his own ability to help Luke. All it seemed he'd been able to do since Luke had been home was to make him start doubting everything again. Swallowing gently as he tried to keep his bottom lip from quivering, he stood up with a nod and headed out to the phone where Sara's number had been placed beside it.

  7. Bo swallowed softly, not knowing what to do as Luke shrank into himself. He'd dealt with nightmares before...and boy had he dealt with em...trouble was, when Luke got like this he didn';t know what to do or to say...all he could do was listen and that made him nervous. Unlike Luke, Bo couldn't stand to just watch and let a situation unfold then do something about it. He jumped into things headfirst, and dealt with it as it went along...he was a man of action, of doing...he didn't know what to do when all that was required of him was to sit and listen.

  8. Bo got to his feet as soon as Luke spoke, expecting for him to say he wanted to talk to Sara...needed to. He stopped mid rise though as the words he heard come from Luke's mouth were not the ones his brain was expecting...Luke...Luke was opening up to him. Biting his lip, he lowered himself back down to kneeling on the floor by his bed, taking his cousin's slightly trembling hand gently and nodding a little to show he was listening.

  9. Bo nodded gently, wondering what it was that Sara did that got Luke to open up like a book to her. He had no doubt that if Sara had been here, Luke would be babbaling away about the dream right now to her and he'd settle within minutes...but then again Sara had probably heard it all before doing what she did. Luke was probably more hesitant to tell Bo about the horrors of Nam, of anything. In a way, Bo was kind of disappointed that Luke still thought him so naive that he couldn't handle such information, was a little disappointed that Luke couldn't see he'd grown up. But largely he was happy that Luke still thought of him as the little brother, it gave him a place, a purpose in Luke's life and Bo was happy with that...it was something he was good at, he'd had a lot of practise over the years.

    "Well...I aint Sara but i'll listen t'whatever ya wanna say...or I could get her on the phone if you like..."

  10. I love the two reunion movies because there are so many plot loops in them that we can fill which is another reason why I love the original series too. You can use those plot loops and incontinuities to make Hazzard County what you wish and to do what you wish with the characters backgrounds and future lives. It keeps your imagination going and lets you live with the characters and see what they do.

    I loved in the second movie that they really branched Luke's character out. You can see in the bit before that Dukefan in the garage when Bo's talking to Luke about being worried to make a commitment - Luke tells all about Anita and his lost chance at love and then says one of the most memorable lines in the whole dang thing to me - 'Don't walk away from someone who WANTS t'love ya' That really sounds like big brother passing on some wisdom to little brother and we also see the more emotional caring side to Luke. I love that so much and I cant help but feel that if the writers had done that in the first place for Tom in the series some more than just once with Candy and Amy creevy then Tom wouldn't feel that Luke his character is so two dimensional.

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