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Posts posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. Bo stood up as well after getting Jesse's nod of permission, clearing the table with Daisy, leaving the things on the table that Luke might want. Soon enough he was chattering happily with her, throwing banter back and forth.

    Jesse however continued to watch his eldest, noticing the stare that was set firmly on the plate in front of him, eating as if in a trance. Once more, Luke's mind was overactive and you could practically see the wheels in his head turning furiously. Luke hated not knowing something, hated feeling in the slighest bit out of contol...and Jesse could see whatever it was that was troubling him was doing just that...and it was eating at him.


  2. "He will Daisy-girl....I already have a hunch bout what's upsettin him, and I know eventually he'll know what he wants. He's just gotta realize it, and its something I think that's gonna surprise him and you two. He'll talk when he wants to, he won't do so until then. Now, stop yer frettin an eat breakfast afore it gets cold."

    Jesse explained gently yet firmly to which Bo nodded a little. Usually he would have dived into the problem head first about what was upsetting Luke, making him talk. But this time he also sensed that it was something that Luke needed to figure himself.

  3. Bo grinned as he walked in and the smell of Daisy's cooking and Daisy's cheery sing song voice greeted him. Walking over to her, bare chested with his shirt hanging from his pants, he wrapped his arms round her waist from behind, kissing her cheek before answering.

    "Course i'm hungry, i'll always eat anythin you make darlin...s'long as it aint Pecan Cookies or anythin with mayonnaise in em..Luke's out in the barn still, he looked busy thinkin so I left him too it..."

  4. It wasn't long before Bo had finally finished his chores, glancing over at Luke who was still working though doing everything almost roboticlaly as it was clear the older boy was lost deep in thought. He had that look in his eyes again, like he was not just thinking but that he was also searching for something he couldn't find. He also got that look when he was trying to work out exactly what it was he was trying to solve and just couldn't.

    He hadn't spoken to Bo about it though, which was unusal as they very often talked about everything that was bothering them so it was clear that this was something very different to the norm. Shrugging a little he slipped out the barn quietly so that he could let Luke think.

  5. Bo nodded with a grin, getting back to work, wanting to get the chores done so they could get out and start testing the General for their next race. Right now life felt pretty good for the youngest Duke cousin, despite the probation leashing them to Hazzard County. He part owned his own race car, won near every race he entered into, had a loving family and always had a good night in the Boar's Nest. He didn't mind working the farm cause it kept him in shape from his over indulging in Daisy's food most of the time and also gave him more time to spend with his brother.

    Of course he knew one day that would all change, it was inevitable. Even though he denied it, he could tell Luke was just itching to get out of Hazzard County and see the world some more, move on in life and take on new challenges because that's who Luke was. He could get bored so eaisly, completing one challenge and moving quickly onto the next. He had an active mind that went perfectly with his active lifestyle...but Bo knew he needed more...and more than that, his heart needed more challenges, more oppertunity to exercise...but not in the physical sense.

  6. Bo sighed and put his hands on his hips, shaking his head so the hay fell out.

    "Oh Lukas, I know yer getting older and things are slowly starting to fail but I didn't realize your eyesight was the first thing that was gonna suffer. Don't worry, i'll get ya a seein eye dog, not only would he be yer eyes but he'd be the brain ya never had too."

    He managed to quickly retort back with a smirk.

  7. (Yes, we're back again!! :D Our muses have been misbehaving recently but we're gonna try and write this thing :p. Sorry folks, but this one's just for ME and DAISYMAEDUKE to take a stab at, hope you enjoy it to anyone who takes the time to read. Its much appriciated and we always welcome feedback in the form of pm's or wall posts. Just please dont it in the story. Many thanks xx)

    Uncle Jesse smiled as he strolled across the yard to the mail box that cool spring morning, moving chickens out the way of his feet gently and petting the old goat that was standing by the porch as always. The boys were in the barn, doing the chores they did every morning, the sound of their happy banter singing through the deliciously fresh air...although he knew one of them wasn't as happy as he seemed. Recently one of them had been spending more time secretly looking at the photo albums that had gathered on the old bookshelves...particularly of the ones before he was born and when he and his cousins were all little. Or he was trying to look in secret anyway, the number of times Jesse had walked in and noticed but pretended not to was getting harder and harder to keep track of.

    Jesse wanted to talk to him about it, wanted to find out what was going on but he would never push the boys to talk about what was bothering them. He understood that when they were ready they would venture their own way into revealing it to him. He had a feeling about what it was though.

    Looking through the mail Emma Tizdale had so promptly delivered to their door, he looked through the envelopes - noting the ones from family - stopping when he reached a flyer. Biting his lip, he headed inside and put it carefully on the table where it would be noticed but so it looked like it had just been flung there, hoping it would catch the attention of the boy he wanted to notice it.

  8. Wow this is pretty cool! Loads of different shows being watched here!! Loving it! Here's a few of my very faves...

    1. Dukes of Hazzard (of course ;)

    2. Smallville

    3. Home Improvement

    4. Friends

    5. The Simpsons

    6. The Secret Life of the American Teenager

    7. Saved by the Bell

    8. Fairly Odd Parents (I got a soft spot for that...especially now with Baby poof!!! lol)

    9. The Suite Life of Zack and Cody (I have a 15 and a 5 year old sister...I have to watch these things lol)

  9. Hey!

    I cant even begin to imagine what you must be going through, but one thing i've learned in life is to never completly believe what a Doctor says about how long you got left. My grandad, 58 I think he is :S (that's terrible, I should know his age by now lol) got told that he has a Cancer of the blood, and when diagnosed with it said he would have about 2 years left with the treatment...guess what, 9 years and he's still here and going strong! He doesn't listen to the doctors, he does what he wants to do in life - rides motorbikes, does the gardening...everything the doctors said he shouldn't and obviously its working for him!

    He put himself forward for Cancer reasearch, he's part of a medical programme that is testing new drugs for Cancer and out of the 9 that entered he is the only one that has survived. It's good to know that him doing that will not only benifit him in the long run but also people like you who have so much spirit and so much bravery.

    So, I guess my advice is to keep on truckin', do what you enjoy in life within reason, trust and believe in yourself and you can do anything. Doctor's arn't always right in their predictions and I got a feeling Harry that you are gonna be one of the one's that shows people how wrong they can be. In a lot of ways you already are.

    Your a true Duke Boy - courageous, spirited, hard working and brave and one thing about a Duke Boy is that he wins against all odds. They may not have the best luck in the world, but they have a great family and always pull themselves out of a tricky situation. I'll say it again, your a Duke Boy and you have not only your family but an extended family here at Hazzardnet now and for always.

    Take Care now and know that everyone here is thinking of you :) Congratulations on being the Fan of the month and here's to many more of them coming your way.

    All the best


  10. Howdy there, welcome back to HazzardNet! This just proves that this place can never be forgetten...once you go hnet you never go back!! lol

    Good to have you back in our extended, crazy, fun loving family of Dukes Fans. Hope to see you posting mroe around here soon!!


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