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Everything posted by AmandaRobson

  1. Amanda turned down her own doughy treat, but reached over stealing a bite off her husband's. "Mmm... my favorite part of a BBQ." She said as she glanced around, taking in all the excitement. A smile crossed her face as she followed her husband's gaze, staring up at the grand hotel before them. "Sure is something... " Amanda commented. It certainly was a grand hotel, shining like a new penny in the low October sunlight. Her green eyes scanned the hotel front, nothing but squeaky clean windows in rooms ready for their first guests. Her brow creased as she turned her gaze to Chet. "What is it?" She asked, again attempting to follow his line of sight as to what seemed to be so interesting. Amanda saw nothing out of the ordinary, and was a little surprised that he'd changed his mind about taking the tour. "You okay?" She questioned, reaching up to put a hand on his back. (Cue Anyone)
  2. "Coffee...?" Amanda Duke asked her husband from the doorway as she stepped out onto the porch, offering him a mug. Steam curled off the top of the dark liquid in the cool October air. She shivered, the fall chill accented by a light dusting off frost on the orange and yellow leaves. She untucked the mornings paper from under her arm and pulled her housecoat tighter. "The new hotel is opening today..." Amanda commented, glancing over the headlines. "Apparently they are having a bar-b-que this afternoon. Interested in some free food?" Amanda continued reading, waiting for Chet's response. ~Meanwhile, Hazzard County Historical Society~ "Have you unpacked the plaque for the hotel?" A middle aged woman questioned, adjusting her glasses on her face as she looked over the Society's to-do list. In response her assistant produced the plaque, "Yes ma'am! In honour of Mr. Holstead Myers and his original Hazzard Homestead, the Hazzard Country Historical Society hereby proclaims that the Hazzardous Hotel a historical site as of October 25th, 2009." He read. The woman smiled in response and glanced out the window, looking across the square to the new hotel. A strong breeze spiraled the autumn leaves across her vision and she shivered, rubbing her arms free of goosebumps. (Cue Anyone =] )
  3. Agreed. RR stories should have some substance and quality to them. Let's make the DOH community proud with our RRs. PS- Dukesfan, Chet has MA's permission to post the petition
  4. (Hey ya'll... gotta put my two cents in. I think the point everyone's trying to make is that stories posted one line at a time are hard to read, follow and participate in. No one is judging your story, or the idea for it, I'm sure people are curious to see where it goes. (The great thing about RR stories, no one can really predict it! lol).And there's nothing wrong with the way you are writing, if you want to take turns one line, or a thousand at a time doesn't matter. But why don't the two of you email, IM or PM your one or two lines at a time to each other and create one bigger post (a joint post), and one of ya'll can leave it here for the rest of us to see. It would make it it easier for everyone else to read, and people would be more inclined to participate. Lots of people have used joint posts on these boards before and it would work really well for ya'll!)
  5. OMG! YAY! That was awesome! And haha the rock as the Sheriff, that's perfect
  6. Well besides the Dukes... Smallville Supernatural MacGyver Reba Corner Gas (very funny Canadian show www.ctv.ca) Veronica Mars Ooo and I almost forgot: CSI and CSI Miami (NY stinks.)
  7. Hmm... well gosh... I guess I'd be a former Boars Nest waitress, running around a big old farm taking care of half a dozen Duke babies and grandbabies....
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5TsDcxqUEA Dukes... meet Winchesters.....
  9. Last night's episode was soooo good! It had everything Supernatural should have, even a 180 from Dean in the good ol Impala. I think I squealed on that one, to completly honest. But... in the interest of good reveiwing skills.... (Im trying, honest.) Ye old brothers Winchester, were on the hunt yet again (what else do they do besides drink beer?), following one of Sam's premonitions (sp). Now, This is the first episode of the new season that I have seen, so I had to fill myself in along the way... but I think I got the jist of it. Dean's tired of hunting, chasing things, worrying about when his brother's gonna die.... which would be hard on anyone. But they come across life and death situations every day, that would be taxing. (Is it just me or does this look like I'm making a big fat mess? Yes... ok... I'm sorry.... ) But, back to the story, Dean made a promise to their dad before he died, protect Sammy. And he's holding up his end of the bargain. I don't really want to say to much to give away the episode.... but... long story short. THe boys travel to a small Oregon town and discover a possibly demonic virus being transmitted to the residents through blood to blood contact. There's a story, a legend about a demon known as Croatoan (correct me if I am wrong) The story says that in town much like River Grove Oregon, where Dean and Sam find themselves in this episode, was wiped out completely, everything was destroyed overnight, the only thing remaining, the word Croatoan carved into a tree. But Im not telling you what happened! Hehehe The most memorable lines: "My neighbour, Mr. Rogers..." "You have a neighbour named Mr. Rogers?" "Not anymore..."
  10. Ok, so I was bored. And I felt the need to get into the holiday spirt, Dukes style!http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/clois2/21313a.jpg Enjoy!
  11. Val, you don't know this stuff from experience do ya??
  12. Most. Off. Topic. Thread. Ever. (Makes me giggle.) And as far as the new movie being trashy, if it's anything like what ya'll have displayed before us here, I think I'll pass. Oh and a side note to MaryAnne regarding the new uniforms.... Hope ya ready cause the Hazzard crime rate's likely to triple!
  13. Isn't is obvious.... the General Lee would win. I mean, Bandits a good driver... but he couldn't beat Bo and Luke in an offroad race...
  14. All I can say is
  15. I fought the Supernatural.... Not literally..... But I refused to watch it. Shook my head, crossed my arms, stomped my foot and refused. For months. For the entire first season. My lovely friend.... who's post is right up there above mine..... convinced me to watch it. I'll admit however. I've never seen an episode on TV. I've watched on youtube.com. I watched the entire first half of season one in less than twenty four hours. It was addictive. I couldn't tear myself away from it. I HAD to find out what the next episode would bring. Part of why I enjoyed it so much, is the chemistry between the brothers. It's entirly believable. I mean, if I had a brother, I could imagine behaving somthing like that. Anyways..... staying on topic is not a strong suit of mine. They manage to keep the show comedic, at the right moments, without smacking you on the head with it. In a show that revolves around death, bashing things and shootin stuff (with that infamous sawed-off shotgun) they can't stick with that and that alone. People would OD on drama. "Name one kid that you even know.." *Dean thinks. Thinks. Thinks.* *Sam walks away.* *Dean thinks more.* "No wait! I'm thinking...." Good fun. Don't hurt yourself there pal.... Oh and for the record... the car is the star.
  16. *Pounds on the side of head furiously trying to get the words outta my head* Noo!! I like Nickelback.... and I like the song 'Hero' but OHMIIGAAAAAAWD I can only stand to run the same three lines of it through my head so many times before I go mental!! I just had to get that off my mind.... And I haven't posted anything in forever and a day, so why not!? You may now return to your regular scheduled programming... and here...http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=125729780 you go listen and get it stuck in your head!!
  17. "Rosco! What do ya mean Enos arrested em!?" Boss Hogg hollered into his telephone. "Jit! Enos arrested them two boys ya hired." The sheriff replied quietly. "WHY'D YOU LET HIM DO A FOOL THING LIKE THAT!?" "The Dukes----" Rosco began. Boss had heard enough, as soon as the name Duke rolled of the Sheriff's tounge that was more than he could handle, "WELL YOU TELL ENOS TO UNNNN-ARREST THEM!!" "Un-arrest them Boss?" "Unnnnnnn-arrest them! Or you'll be the night rent-a-cop and and Shorty's all night----" "Drive thru and deli!" Rosco finished, "Jit! I'll tell him!" The phone clicked dead and Boss cringed hearing Rosco hang up. Rosco rushed down the steps to the jail, where Enos kept watch over the two wanted criminals, being examined by Doc Applebee. "Let em go Enos..." The deputy looked up at his sheriff, blue eyes growing wide, "Let em go?" Rosco nodded, "You heard me dipstick! Let them go! Jit!" Enos slowly got to his feet, he knew it was wrong to let to wanted criminals loose, but he couldn't disobey a direct order from his supreme superior officer. "Y'sir Sheriff." Enos replied, obediently unlockin the cell door. "Looks like you're free to go fellas...." As Enos sat at his desk, he couldn't help but feel guilty, here it was, his job to keep the citizens of Hazzard safe, and he'd just let two dangerous criminals out onto the street. Enos was burning up inside, he had to tell someone.....
  18. That's what it's all about! Helping each other and sharing ideas! I say if you have the desire and wanna write a peice of Dukes fan fiction..... go git em tiger! lmao What's stoppin' ya?!
  19. 1 I only snore when I sleep somewhere other than home 2 I have a pair of bright pink/lime green checkerd socks 3 My dogs eat tissues 4 My car's named Betty, a 94 Ford Taurus 5 Today I got a $10 tip from a parent of a kid in my ski lessons 6 I have a little tiny graphite mark in my shoulder from where I stabbed myself with a really sharp pencil 7 There's a dead antelope watching me 8 My hair smells like rasberries 9 I think I pulled a muscle trying to ice skate on the snow in my ski boots 10 I haven't had time to watch any Dukes in at least a month That random enough for ya?!
  20. "You're married to the pope aren't you?" "No she's married to Santa Claus!" "HAHAHAHA you're Mrs. Claus!!" That was a conversation two kids in one of my summer camp groups had. They were trying to decide whether I was the pope's wife or Santa's wife. Although I tried to explain that the pope can't have a wife and Santa is much too old for me but they insisted. *shrugs* Kids come up with some strange ideas.
  21. So small, so innocent, the world is so new. All yours to embrace and learn. My job to teach you right and wrong, help you grow into the wonderful person you are to become. Will you save me, teach me to love, to laugh? I need your warmth and happiness. I need my family's love and caring. Will you promise to be there for me? I'll be here until the end of time, with open arms. I will love you with all my heart. Kiss your hurts and make them heal. Give you freedom to spread your wings. What if I fall, will you catch me? Promise to catch me. Who will I be, if you weren't here would I be different? I promise to gather you up when you fall, help you pick up the peices when you break and dry your tears when you cry. I am here to guide you through life and love. I will love you until the end of time, with all my heart and soul, my little child.
  22. (Author's note: This is the start of a quasi series, filled with poems, thoughts, and letters of Amanda. They relate to her current moods and emotions, of which she has a lot theses days. lol if you don't know what I mean ask me! rotfl. Enjoy!) An Ode to Love To my wonderful husband, my soulmate, the love of my life. You are my strength, my power, my reason to believe. The warm sun on my face, the wind in my hair. Your touch, your kiss, the whisper of your voice. The warmth and soul you bring to life. The loving smile on your face. You are my best friend, my one true love, forever. Passion, Love and devotion. The way you make me feel. Your ring on my finger, mine on yours. Our family in this home for the rest of our days. Always in each others hearts and minds, undying love. You are the warm sun on my face and the wind in my hair, You give me power and strength and the reason to believe in love. You are my husband and my soulmate, the one and only love of my life.
  23. The flashing lights of Rosco's partol car reflected in the puddles that formed on the roads through Hazzard county. Inside the vehicle his voice could just be heard muttering over the pounding of the torrential rain against the steel body of the old Plymouth. "Jit, that dang Duke...." Unknown to Rosco and Hazzard a stealthy black Lincoln town car sat atop Cooper Moutain, over looking the small town. Under the brim of a black stetson a pair of curious eyes watched the pursiut as two cars whipped past. A bolt of lightening ripped through the darkend sky, breifly illuminating the dark car with a gleam of light off it's metallic body. Only a hint of light in the spectacular light show that brightend the sky with an occasional streak of lightening, followed by the crack of thunder. "Now that the Sheriff's gone, it'd be a good time to go find JD Hogg, County Commisnoner." The low voice of Joe Newberry drawled from the backseat. The driver nodded, silently letting the car roll towards the road, "Ten four Boss." ~~~~~ Big Joey Newberry was furious to learn of the opposition he was going to face in Hazzard. Boss Hogg had explained the way most of the citizens felt about his developing a nuclear power station. And it wasn't in his favor. "There's no way to change her mind?" Newberry asked, his rough voice grower louder and more demanding as the converstation went on. JD Hogg shook his head in silent reply, there was no hope of changing the minister's mind, and he was absolutly sure of it. "I'll change her mind..." Joe Newberry stated, teeth gritted as he stormed out of the office, slamming the door closed behind him. Boss only hoped the businessman's plans weren't too drastic. Joe Newberry was known for being rough, and he'd been involved with the mob in Atlanta, he was always prepared to use any avenue to get what he wanted. ~~~~~ Amanda dashed from the front door of her office building in Hazzard sqaure to her red GTX, that sat on the street next to the curb. She tossed her breifcase and a stack of drenched papers in through the open passenger window, not bothering with an attempt and sheilding herself from the monsoon. "Damn stock car windows..." She muttered to herself, somehow managing to slide in through the driver' side. Unknown to Amanda, a black town car hid amongst the shadows, dark eyes inside following her movement. The old red car roared to life at the turn of the key, just as pellets of hail fell from the sky above. Chunks of ice slammed into the hood of the vehicle, some big enough to leave dent marks behind. Cooter would certainly be gaurenteed of some work after this storm. As Amanda pulled away from the curb and headed towards home, the stealthly black car emerged from the shadows to follow her. The darkness of the storm enough cover so as not to be seen, and the pounding of the rain and hail loud enough not to be heard. (cue anyone, I'm leavin Newberry open for anyone to use btw.)
  24. Yesterday was Australia Day! So give the closest Aussie a big hug and help em celebrate their country! Hmm I wonder if Fosters is any good? And if it's too cold to light up the bbq.... <ponders> I'm going to try it, and go ambush the Aussie and Kiwi ski intructors where I work! Happy Australia Day!!!! *unfortunatly I missed Australia day by one, and I aploigize, Happy AU day anyhow!*
  25. Little Girl The Wilkinsons When I say I'm five-foot-two I'm cheatin' I wouldn't weigh a hundred pounds All soakin' wet There's not a lot of me I know I may be young but even so I'm tellin' you You ain't seen nothing yet I got big dreams I got grand schemes Don't tell me life is tough So what? Cool beans Ya'll can all stand back I'm breaking free 'Cause this big ol world ain't ready For a little girl like me Tired of people saying what I can and can't do Pushing me around Running my show My time to shine has finally come I'm dancing to a different drum Won't let any old Joe tell me where to go I got big dreams I got grand schemes Don't tell me life is tough So what? Cool beans Ya'll can all stand back And let me breathe 'Cause this big 'ol world ain't ready For a little girl like me Can't stop Me from being me I'm not Gonna be A victim of Meteocrity I got big dreams I got grand schemes Don't tell me life is tough So what? Cool beans Ya'll can all stand back And let me breathe 'Cause this big 'ol world ain't ready For a little girl like me Ya'll can all stand back I'm breaking free 'Cause this big 'ol world ain't ready I wanna keep on rockin' steady No this big 'ol world ain't ready For a little girl like me Like me, like me, like me
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