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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2025 in all areas

  1. Spike

    The last 24 hours

    Was a beautiful morning with the snow we got late yesterday and a clear sky this morning so we went to the park and took a bunch of pics.
    1 point
  2. Breaker1

    Hello from Tennessee!

    Yes sir RogeDuke! I will do that. I have not had the chance look around much. I was tempted to comment on a couple of threads but I didn't because they were old. On some of the Mopar forums that I visit, they seem to discourage that, at least that's my take on it. Thanks for the nudge. I see wise ol' uncle Jesse on your avatar, is he your favorite character? I will get to the rest of you questions one of these days. Sorry for the delay.
    1 point
  3. I’m doin good Roger, thanks fer askin. Waitin fer spring to hurry up.Yardsale season. N maybe, a swap meet or 2. N antique malls. The fun stuff. To find more Dukes goodies. Glad to b part of this cool, nostalgia fan club. The world needs, more things like this. To bring people together. Nevr was a fan of Facebook. But this Dukes site, is like reliving the past. N the good ol days. Keep It tween the ditches. N live on Dukes of Hazzard! Itl never die. Thanks again Roger.
    1 point
  4. Thank you everyone! I'm in Cleveland TN, just north of Chattanooga.
    1 point
  5. Good to have you back Justin. How have you been? It's always nice to have another Dukes super-fan hanging around here.
    1 point
  6. Glad to see the Dukes memorabilia , is still goin strong. Collectables, original and repop, are goin up in value everyday it seems.i just spent a small fortune, on 3 more Dukes items. To ad to my collection. I always wanted a tin pressed steel ertl General Lee. 1/16 scale.i have 2 of them now. In good condition. Not mint. But not a problem for me. Missing the brown plastic dirt Ramps. Those are rare as hens teeth. Some day I’ll find one. Maybe . I also found, a mint Dukes plastic wallet. Like my older brothers had. So that’s cool. A lot of other Dukes orig, things, for sale online, Are above my price range. But never say never.you only live once, and you can’t put a price, on good memories. Live on Dukes, and Dukes Fans! And be safe out there.
    1 point
  7. RogerDuke

    NASCAR news

    You were the first person I thought of Garrett when I noticed it was 24!
    1 point
  8. YES!! That's how my hometown ( Franklin Tennessee) was before the Saturn car was being made in Spring Hill ( 8 miles down the road). NOW.....everytbody lives there from everywhere! Franklin ( They work in Spring Hill, live in Franklin. ) * Good to see you partner !! DON'T be a stranger!!
    1 point
  9. I second that. We are happy to have you Justin and hope to hear a lot more from you.
    1 point
  10. HossC

    NASCAR news

    I said above that we could get an orange (papaya as the team call it) car next year with a (0)1 on it, but I think the horns might give Cadillac an unfair aerodynamic advantage!
    0 points
  11. I fired up my old CB walkie talkie last year but couldn't find anybody to talk to. I thought it might not work anymore so I tried 2 other ones and still nothing. Kinda depressed me.
    0 points
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