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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/2024 in all areas

  1. Nice! Thanks for reviving this thread. These are pretty cool!
    2 points
  2. Jukin': Now for all you culturally deprived, Jukin' is an event that combines music, exercise, and social intercourse on a high plane.
    1 point
  3. Your welcome!
    1 point
  4. It's one of my top 10 episodes. I can't believe I never noticed that! I've never been one to pay attention to details. Thanks.
    1 point
  5. I just caught a blooper in Find Loretta Lynn, when Squirt got wet jumping off the roof trying to land on Bo & Luke, and he landed in the water trough. He got soaked. But when he crawled out of there, and runs after Bubba who's driving Loretta Lynn's motorhome, saying "Bubba! Wait for me Bubba! Bubba slow down!" He's not wet. He's magically completely dried off.
    1 point
  6. Garrett Duke

    Word Association

    Awards (Thank you, Roger, for the great compliment and for the congratulations. Also thank you for calling the Cubs, winners. )
    1 point
  7. RogerDuke

    Word Association

    winners (Garrett is a winner around here. Congratulations on post #5,000)
    1 point
  8. The car was filled with an awkward silence as Ernie drove with Bill in the passenger seat and Rosco and Garrett in the backseat. Garrett and Bill just stared out their windows, lost in thought, while Ernie watched the road. Meanwhile, Rosco silently took everyone in from his seat. He was here on duty and serving the only friend he knew; Boss Hogg. In spite of that, he couldn't help but feel a bit of guilt for his role in all of this. Not towards Garrett or the Dukes, but towards Bill and Ernie. Their bad luck gotten them stuck in Hazzard and Hogg used their name and fame for his own greed and then wrapped them into the mess that they brought upon the Dukes. Hogg was willing to muddy their Elliott name and ruin their careers over his own greed and Rosco went along with it; just as he normally does. Though normally he doesn't think too much about it and the effects it has on the people that fall into Hogg's greedy little web, but Elliott's celebrity status brings it all into focus on how it effects the innocent people that are caught in the mess. Rosco slowly looks away and out of his own window momentarily in attempt to hide his feelings of guilt. The thought almost makes him laugh at the silliness. Bill Elliott's fame and career should have nothing to do with how he feels or change his loyalty to Hogg. In a few hours he will most likely be out of state and onto the next big race with little to no thought of what happened in Hazzard or their newly acquired friends; the Dukes. While Rosco would still be in Hazzard and needing some meaning to his life that means little to nothing to anyone else. Hogg may be greedy and may be using Rosco's loyalty to him, but deep down in that chubby little man, he does care for Rosco and see's Rosco as a friend, this Rosco is sure of. Rosco will always need his little fat buddy and won't allow who the Dukes snagged as their new friend to sidetrack his feelings and emotions. "We're almost there," Ernie breaks the silence and Rosco is quick to turn around to face everyone, taking them in and is slightly disappointed that Bill and Garrett remain quiet in their seats, staring out the window. Despite his feelings of guilt towards his part in snagging Bill and Ernie in all of this, Rosco remains angered that the Dukes were able to blackmail Hogg into letting Garrett go. The other Dukes, though a hassle to him and Hogg, were pure hearted and stopped their schemes for the better of Hazzard. While Garrett was different. It was no secret he hated Hazzard and was forced to be here. He could care less about standing up for the good of others unless it affected him. Garrett was different from the other Dukes; just like his dad was different than his family. They were cold and hard with an attitude problem. Hazzard was better off without them here. Yet Garrett had to arrive a year ago in attempt to keep him out of jail. The one place he deserves to be. "You know Duke," Rosco hisses to break the silence as they pull into their hiding place where the orange car is parked next to Jesse's white truck, "you're lucky your new friends and family are here to bail you out this time. Next time. You won't be so lucky." "You don't say," Garrett states, coldly staring at Rosco to send chills across Rosco's body. "I do say," he forces out as Ernie throws the car into park, "I will find a way to find you messing up again and when I do, I will be delivering you to the State Pen myself, where you belong! Them other Dukes, they are a pain in Hogg's and my pants. But at least they do it out of the goodness of their heart and for the goodness of Hazzard. You," Rosco points a shaky finger at Garrett, who remains handcuffed, "you don't have any goodness in your heart. At all. Just evil and hatred. There's no place in Hazzard for the likes of you!" Bill grunts in the front seat as the Dukes approach them and Boss runs out from his Cadillac, "It sounds to me," Bill states, "like you are describing Boss and yourself." "Nah. Boss may be greedy, but he's not cold and dark like Garrett here is," Rosco retorts as Ernie steps out and Boss approaches Jesse. "Garrett doesn't like it here. He doesn't deserve to be in Hazzard. He belongs behind bars. I can't wait to be the one to take you there, myself. Your day is coming, Duke!" Garrett smiles coldly at Rosco as Bill opens Garrett's door. "I can't wait, sheriff," Garrett cooly states before he allows Bill to help him out of the car. Rosco stays in the car momentarily to catch his breath and attempt to swallow his fear and hatred of Garrett back before he slowly steps out and joins Boss in front of the vehicles.
    1 point
  9. Shoot Fire and Save Box Matches: Excited or fired up, surprised or in shock.
    1 point
  10. Boss grimiced "Great..he's gonna tell Lulu"
    1 point
  11. Rosco thought about it for a minute "If you won't then I will"
    1 point
  12. Boss gave him a look "Me? Help a Duke? Are you mad?"
    1 point
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