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  1. Garrett Duke

    NASCAR news

    Thank you Spike for covering NASCAR. Sounds like an exciting finish. Though Blaney might think otherwise.
    2 points
  2. Spike

    NASCAR news

    Kyle Larson finally got the waiver so he can continue in the championship hunt. Austin Cindric won the race Sunday in a surprise twist. Christopher Bell was the dominant car but blew up late in the race. Ryan Blaney would have won if he didn't run out of gas on the last lap. Another interesting thing I've noticed about some of the younger drivers this year, they're doing snuff during the race. Austin pulled a snuff pouch out of his lip during his victory speech. He isn't the only one either.
    2 points
  3. RogerDuke

    NASCAR news

    I don't have anymore reactions so can't do a sad face. It isn't amazing that people do many different kinds of racing but it is amazing when they can succeed at the highest level of many.
    1 point
  4. (Season 3 The Great Santa Claus Chase) Waylon Jennings:"Now you better stay alert, cuz it could get a little bit puzzling. Which is exactly what it's supposed to do to Boss, Rosco, an' Cletus."
    1 point
  5. (Season 4 Trouble at Cooter's) Daisy:"Ooh it just feels so good!" Uncle Jesse:"Well, don't get to used to it now, cuz the boys gotta get it to Rosco to give it back to the rightful owner. I bet they're goin' nuts wonderin' where that coat is!" Luke:"I'd imagine." Bo:"Come on sweetheart, give it up!" Boys laugh and retrieve the fur from Daisy. Get in the General. Rosco shows up at that moment. Uncle Jesse:"Looks like you just saved a trip to town." Bo:"Hey Rosco! We was just comin' to see you. We found this here fur coat, we wanted to give it to you." Rosco:"Shoot! Turn over that furry coat! Alright Cletus, you will notice with yer beady brown eyes, the evidence in the Duke's hand!" Uncle Jesse:"Now just hold it right there! You didn't notice nothin' with yer beady little eyes! Them boys was doin' just what they said they was doin'! They found that coat, an' they was bringin' it to you for you to get it back to the rightful owner!" Rosco:"Hockey puck this car!"(Lays him finger on the General Lee's trunk, Cletus follows suit.) Uncle Jesse:"Get yer finger off of their car! Both of you!" Rosco:"They're under arrest, an' I've got a warrant-" Cletus:"That's right!" Rosco(Getting frustrated yanking it out from under Cletus's tie clip.)"Will you give me the warrant?! Idiot! Give it to me! Alright, you boys are under arrest, you might as well get out of that car nice an' easy like!" Luke:"Whatever you say Rosco! Cletus, note this with yer beady brown eyes, we're gone!"
    1 point
  6. (Season 4 Trouble at Cooter's) Boss Hogg:"You mean you let a Mink coat fall off of your truck, an' it's still lyin' out there somewhere? Well, you just go get it, you hear me?" Rosco(Jumps out from hiding in the rack of fur coats.)"Maybe that Mink wasn't dead yet, an' it jumped off the truck!" Boss Hogg:"Oh zip!" Russ:"Forget it, I tried! 2 country boys stopped an' picked it up, an' drove off with it, goin' faster than a duck in a hail storm!" Boss:"2 country boys huh? Say, was 1 of them blond an' the other dark haired, an' both drivin' an orange clunker car?" Russ:"Yeah! You know 'em?" Boss:"Oh it was just a lucky guess!" Rosco:"Yeah! Lucky, lucky, lucky!" Russ:"Where's my money Hogg?" Boss:"Oh yer money! I'm glad you asked me fer that. Alright, here's what I owe you, less the price of a Mink coat!" Russ:"Why, you little butterball!" Boss:"Easy son!" Rosco:"Easy!" Boss:"I advise you to take what I gave you, an' then, skedaddle outta town! Or else I'll have the Sheriff here escort you out personally!" Rosco:"I will?" Boss:"You will!" Rosco:"Oh yes I will! Kew Kew!" Russ:"Alright. You win Hogg." Boss:"Yeah!" Russ(Snaps Boss Hogg's Stetson hat brim with the money.)"THIS TIME!" Waylon Jennings:"So, Boss sent the law after the Dukes to get back the fur that he hadn't paid for, and nail Bo an' Luke fer possession of stolen property. Eye grannies, now that's slick!"
    1 point
  7. (Season 2 Duke of Duke) Rosco:"Boss, how much of that quarter of a million dollars do I get?" Boss:"Very little. As yer brother in law Rosco, I have a heart felt interest in your affairs. An' I'd never forgive myself if the government puts you in a higher income tax bracket!" Rosco(After Boss drives off leaving him standing there where he was leaning on the Cadillac before the driver pulled away.)"An' nobody thinks he's got a heart!"
    1 point
  8. (More from the same scene of Season 5 Return of the Mean Green Machine) Boss:"What I wonder is how much those coins are worth melted down." Rosco:"YER GONNA MELT THOSE-" Boss:"Shhh!"
    1 point
  9. (Season 5 Return of the Mean Green Machine) Rosco:"I wonder what the hysterical value of those coins are." Boss:"You mean "historical" don't you?" Rosco:"That too."
    1 point
  10. (Season 5 The Hazzardgate Tape) Boss Sharkey, Norton and Janco are chasing and shooting at Coy and Vance Duke and Boss Hogg, trying to get the video tape of the bad bosses back from them. Boss Sharkey, Boss Bowman, Boss Hopkins. Boss Sharkey(To Norton):"Smart kid, you haven't given us a decent shot yet! Gimme that CB!"(Norton gives him the CB. He calls Coy and Vance.)"Plough boys, you read me?!" Vance Duke:"Loud an' clear." Boss Sharkey:"Now we don't wanna kill nobody! All we want is that video tape. You just toss it out your window, an' we'll be on our way!" Boss Hogg:"No no! They're lyin' I tell ya! They'll kill me anyway. Listen boys, don't do it!" Vance Duke:"We're sorry, but this here tape is goin' straight to the State Police in Capitol City!" Boss Sharkey:"Don't even book on it!" Norton shoots at them again. Coy Duke:"Stop gettin' 'em mad!"
    1 point
  11. (Season 5 Enos in Trouble) Bad Guy #1:"Watch out fer that log!"(Bad Guy guy number 2 hits the log, the car rolls over, coming to rest back on all 4 wheels.) Bad Guy #2:"Didn't you see that log?!" Bad Guy #1:"I HIT IT DIDN'T I?!" Waylon Jennings:"Awe cheer up boys! That ain't to bad fer yer first Hazzard jumpin'."
    1 point
  12. Spike

    NASCAR news

    The Xfinity race Saturday was way more exciting especially the victory lap Shane VanGisbergen did with burnouts and drifting almost the entire Portland track. A bit of sad news...Parnelli Jones passed away today. He won the 1963 Indy 500, Baja 1000 twice, 4 NASCAR Cup series races and multiple other disciplines of Motorsports races and championships.
    0 points
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