(Season 3 Topsy Turvy) Gilligan hits head and sees double vision. Professor tries to cure him.
Gilligan:"What if it doesn't work?" Professor:"Then I shall have to find another cure. You can't go through life like that." Gilligan:"Yeah. Imagine going through life not knowing which end is up." Professor:"Gilligan, I will withhold comment."
Cousin Roger... Names are
1. Willy Gilligan
2. Jonas Grumby
3. Eunice Wentworth Lovey Howell
4. Thurson Howell III
5. Professor Roy Hinkley
6. Ginger Grant
7. Mary Ann Summers
Skipper's, Professor's and Mary Ann's were only used once. Gilligan's was brought up years later by creator Sherwood Schwartz. Gilligan's was never used in any episode.
Dukes of Hazzard Fun Fact: Did you know In the flashback episode Season 7 Episode 1 Happy Birthday, General Lee the 1st jump was an accident. Then they discovered they liked it and in later stories started doing it on purpose. The 1st jump was when running away from the gold dust robbers the Charger had originally belonged to when it was black before the Dukes bought it and painted it orange put the flag name and number on it and built the race car with it. They had the Gold dust stashed behind the dashboard and wanted it back.